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Backward Compatible
Backward Compatible
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

I've always liked playing games on the various platforms, some I was better at than others, some I enjoyed more than others, so the chance to read a romance between two gamers was quite fun.

The references they bandied about were fun at times and at others I had no ideas what they were talking about so maybe I'm not as big a geek as this gang of friends. But the banter was fun nonetheless.

I liked the romance aspect, how it sort of grew slowly and then because they weren't used to being in a relationship, they didn't know what they were to each other: friends, boyfriend/girlfriend...they figured it out after a while though.

The side story--or maybe it was the main story--of the game, didn't interest me as much but when it got to its ending, I thought the outcome was quite funny. All that
The Frame-Up (The Golden Arrow Mysteries Book 1)
The Frame-Up (The Golden Arrow Mysteries Book 1)
Meghan Scott Molin | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great idea but could've been executed better
When I first saw the synopsis of this book, I thought it sounded great - superheroes, geeks and comic books is right up my street. However what is a great idea for a story isn't executed very well.

My main problem is the character of MG herself. A female geek character is a great idea, but my issue is that I found MG very unlikeable. Her attitude and actions started off fairly well, but by the end I found myself getting so irritated by her inability to listen to other people and her stubborn and rash attitude. The romance aspect of this novel doesnt help matters - it sounds like every geeks dream and so farfetched and ridiculous it's laughable. This could not be any more predictable and cliched than it already is. Matteo as a character too seems fairly undeveloped and comes across as a rather one dimensional love interest.

This is a shame as the idea behind the story is quite interesting and rather fun to read. There's also some very decent minor characters like Lawrence who are a lot more intriguing and fun that should've been featured more. I also loved the references to geek and pop culture, and overall this aspect of the book was a lot of fun. I did find the lack of resolution in some parts of the story frustrating - your typical sequel baiting. I do have the sequel to read which I probably will read as I enjoyed this book enough, but I pray for a resolution as I doubt this series will hold my attention enough longer than that.