Undesirable Practices: Women, Children, and the Politics of the Body in Northern Ghana, 1930-1972
Undesirable Practices examines both the intended and the unintended consequences of "imperial...
Anglo-American Travelers and the Hotel Experience in Nineteenth Century Literature: Nation, Hospitality, Travel Writing
Monika M. Elbert and Susanne Schmid
This volume examines the hotel experience of Anglo-American travelers in the nineteenth century from...
Marriage and the Nineteenth-Century British Women's Novel
Carolyn Lambert, Marion Shaw and Frances Twinn
This interdisciplinary volume explores the fictional portrayal of marriage by women novelists...

Women and Violent Crime in Enlightenment Scotland
This book offers important new insights into the relationship between crime and gender in Scotland...
Contestations Over Gender in Asia
Lyn Parker, Laura Dales and Chie Ikeya
This book brings together the work of scholars from around the world in a consideration of how...

Young Migrant Identities: Creativity and Masculinity
In this day and age, much has been discussed as to what it means "to be an Arab". However, this...

Women and Sport in Latin America
Rosa Lopez de D'Amico, Tansin Benn and Gertrud Pfister
This multidisciplinary book draws on sociology, cultural studies, anthropology and history, to...
Interweaving Tapestries of Culture and Sexuality in the Caribbean: 2017
This book brings together the most recent work of Caribbean psychologists in the English-speaking...

Zombies and Sexuality: Essays on Desire and the Living Dead
Steve Jones and Shaka McGlotten
Since the early 2000s, zombies have increasingly swarmed the landscape of popular culture, with ever...

Globalization, Agriculture and Food in the Caribbean: Climate Change, Gender and Geography: 2016
Clinton L. Beckford and Kevon Rhiney
The last decade has seen a growing body of research about globalization and climate change in the...