Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing
Jane Margolis and Allan Fisher
The information technology revolution is transforming almost every aspect of society, but girls and...
Computing gender studies

Why I am Not A Feminist: A Feminist Manifesto
Are you a feminist? Do you believe women are human beings and that they deserve to be treated as...
Gender studies

Diversity and Design: Understanding Hidden Consequences
Beth Tauke, Korydon Smith and Charles Davis
Diversity and Design explores how design - whether of products, buildings, landscapes, cities,...

Grounding Religion: A Field Guide to the Study of Religion and Ecology
Whitney Bauman, Richard Bohannon and Kevin O'Brien
Now in its second edition, Grounding Religion explores relationships between the environment and...

Black Madonna: A Womanist Look at Mary of Nazareth
The figure of the Virgin Mary comes loaded with baggage and preconceptions. She is usually depicted...
Religion Gender studies

Catherine Breillat
This is the first English-language book on controversial female director Catherine Breillat, whose...
The Handbook of Experimental Economics: Volume 2
John H. Kagel and Alvin E. Roth
When The Handbook of Experimental Economics first came out in 1995, the notion of economists...
Men, Power and Liberation: Readings of Masculinities in Spanish American Literatures
Each contribution to this book discusses key issues arising from the portrayal of men and the...

Queer Philologies: Sex, Language, and Affect in Shakespeare's Time
For Jeffrey Masten, the history of sexuality and the history of language are intimately related. In...
Death and the Moving Image: Ideology, Iconography and I
This book examines the representation of death and dying in mainstream cinema. Death and the Moving...