Development and Gender Capital in India: Change, Continuity and Conflict in Kerala
The Indian state of Kerala has invoked much attention within development and gender debates,...
Gender, Development and the State in India
Gender, Development and the State in India offers an original contribution in two ways: firstly as...

John Ruskin and the Fabric of Architecture: John Ruskin's Adorned Wall Veil
Through the theoretical lenses of dress studies, gender, science, and visual studies, this volume...

Gender, Power and Knowledge for Development
Knowledge-for-development is under-theorised and under-researched within development studies, but as...

The Biopolitics of Gender
Winner, 2017 International Studies Association's Feminist Theory and Gender Studies Section Best...

Trans Studies: The Challenge to Hetero/Homo Normativities
Yolanda Martinez San Miguel and Sarah Tobias
From Caitlyn Jenner to Laverne Cox, transgender people have rapidly gained public visibility,...

A Companion to Hong Kong Cinema
Esther M. K. Cheung, Gina Marchetti and Esther C. M. Yau
A Companion to Hong Kong Cinema provides the first comprehensive scholarly exploration of this...

Gender at Work: Theory and Practice for 21st Century Organizations
Aruna Rao, Joanne Sandler, David Kelleher and Carol Miller
At a time when some corporate women leaders are advocating for their aspiring sisters to 'lean in'...
Feminist Spaces: Gender and Geography in a Global Context
Ann M. Oberhauser, Jennifer L. Fluri, Risa Whitson and Sharlene Mollett
Feminist Spaces introduces students and academic researchers to major themes and empirical studies...

Power, Knowledge and Feminist Scholarship: An Ethnography of Academia
Feminist scholarship is sometimes dismissed as not quite 'proper' knowledge - it's too political or...