Gender and Rock
The first book of its kind, Gender & Rock introduces readers to how gender operates in multiple...

Gender and Agrarian Reforms
The redistribution of land has profound implications for women and for gender relations; however,...

Gender and the Organization: Women at Work in the 21st Century
Nancy Harding and Marianna Fotaki
This exciting book seeks to update and redefine organizational theories of gender and gendered...
The Routledge History Handbook of Gender, War, and the U.S. Military
The Routledge History of Gender, War, and the US Military is the first examination of the...

Gender Equality in a Global Perspective
Anders Ortenblad, Raili Marling and Snjezana Vasiljevic
Gender Equality in a Global Perspective looks to discuss whether Gender Equality can be adopted as...

The Female Malady: Women, Madness and English Culture 1830-1980
A vital counter-interpretation of madness in women, showing how it is often a consequence of, rather...
Gender studies Hysteria Victorian studies English Literature Madness Feminisim

Diversity in Gender and Visual Representation
This book aims to encourage and develop understanding of the social category of gender, the concept...
Gender and Gentrification
This book explores how gentrification often reinforces traditional gender roles and spatial...
Gender, Poverty and Livelihood in the Eastern Himalayas
Sanjoy Hazarika and Reshmi Banerjee
The Eastern Himalaya region covers a geographical area that spans five nations and has diverse...

The Sexual and Gender Politics of Sport Mega-Events: Roving Colonialism
This challenging new study examines gender and sexuality in relation to the 'roving colonialism' of...