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I Miss You Most
I Miss You Most
Cassie Hoyt | 2020 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Were you looking for a book for your child last year to explain the different way life is for some time and still going on a bit for now with Covid? Well “I Miss You Most” by Cassie Hoyt has come to mind. I would have read this one earlier in the year if I received it earlier. That's okay I read it now. This book reminds me of the Covid 19 lockdowns and might be able to help children with the stress of distancing.

This book deals with the emotion of missing your loved ones that are far away. It is a good one all around. It might help the social distancing we have to deal with. It works for distance in a general manner rather than just a specific time.

The illustrations are beautiful. This book also deals with child imagination. It also shows that distance is not a faraway thing. You can call your distant relative as well to stay in contact. The rhyming in this book is just good. I do not all rhyme though. Think of all the things you can do when you see that loved one next time.

I love the way this book is done and can be used at any time. The plot can be used for any type of distance like a friend that lives far away or down the block. Good for bedtime reading as well. Parents will want this on their child's or children's bookshelves.
Coming 2 America (2021)
Coming 2 America (2021)
2021 | Comedy
5.2 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A comedy without comedy. (0 more)
The film is just Eddie Murphy trying to recapture a hit by using 1 of his biggest hits from the 80s to do so. 1 of the so called jokes within the film is some of the characters mentioning about needless sequels to films that no one asked for. The only thing missing was the actor turning to the camera and give a nod and wink to the viewers. If that's the best Eddie and the team can come up with then no wonder he is making flop after flop.
The cardinal sin was casting Leslie f**king Jones like who can honestly think that useless sack of crap can improve a comedy film by just being another loud mouth Melissa McCarthy wannabe. She has zero talent as an actress or comedian. Surely someone involved with the casting had seen the god awful ghostbusters reboot.
Wesley Snipes must be in need of a cash injection to appear in the film. He put in the hammiest role of his career as a general that does a stupid walk in every scene he appears in but I guess this was a bit better than his direct to dvd films.
(spoiler ahead, not that you can really spoil the film)
I'd say the film is just semi rehash of the original about the prince finding his true love. I've kept it basic as that is all the film deserves. Watch the original its better.

Jean-Pierre Gorin recommended Salesman (1969) in Movies (curated)

Salesman (1969)
Salesman (1969)
1969 | Documentary
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In many ways the perfect double bill with Young Mr. Lincoln. Democracy in America, Part II. There is a lot of carbon dating at work in this movie (how an interior, a suit, a gesture spell class—as in middle or working—and the historic moment, 1969, in which these classes function); but this unfurling of specificity is there to give us its metaphysical sense and resonance (the essence of labor, its afferent solitude, the pathos of success). A lot has to do with the amount of space the frame encloses and how resolutely off center it chooses to remain. For all its relentless attention to the matter at hand, Salesman is never a claustrophobic film. It is a film that often goes one (or two or three) better on what a long line of American writers (from Dreiser on) have tried to pin down. Which might explain why Salesman often feels like a valentine to a time in film (and society in general) when work defined character, registering the cusp moment after which it will cease to do so. One can look at Salesman and weep when what rules as “documentary” these days comes to mind; one can—maybe naively—take the film as a perfect illustration of what the genre might still produce; one can celebrate the film as definitively proving the inanity of the dichotomy between fiction and documentary. I tend to go for the latter."

The Protecting Veil by John Tavener
The Protecting Veil by John Tavener
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is a record that got me through quite a difficult point with The Verve. I was expecting my daughter at the time and we were recording A Storm In Heaven at Sawmills in Cornwall. It was pretty remote. We'd polished off a bottle of wine at dinner and we were smoking quite a lot as well. I just needed to go and get my head together for an hour before I went back to making the record and this was the album I listened to. I see it as a very ecstatic and comforting record. And I've played it to people since and the reaction seems to be, "This is terrifying!" But I really don't see that at all. To me it was just disappearing into something for an hour that was heavenly and ecstatic, which was exactly what I needed. I was conflicted and worrying about my future – whether I was doing the right thing. For a long time I had this feeling that what I was doing was a complete joke and I'd be exposed as a charlatan. There was a general sense of paranoia – that working class thing. Lots of people around me were saying get a proper job. My thinking on the whole thing was that it was all going to end rather badly, which wasn't really conducive to being creative. The album was a freebie from Virgin, and it had a huge comforting effect on me."

Pony Up
Pony Up
Sandy Dengler | 2020 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Settling into Married Life with Danger
This book opens at Joe Rodriguez’s wedding reception over in Ireland, but it isn’t too long before he and his young wife, Bridgid, are back in Phoenix and settling into wedded bliss. Well, they would be if it weren’t for Charlie Stegener. He is still trying to cause trouble for Joe in particular and the entire Phoenix police in general despite the fact that his wife has dropped out of the mayor’s race. Meanwhile, someone has followed Joe and Bridgid back from Ireland intent on ruining their lives. Can Joe stay one step ahead of both of these problems?

This book follows the previous book in the series very closely. In fact, some of the storylines I thought were wrapped up come back into play. The result feels more like a TV show than a novel, however, with the dueling plots. The characters are wonderful, and fans of the series will be excited to see what happens next to them. Well, mostly. There are a couple of scenes that were excessive, and I have to wonder what one character did to the author to get the treatment they got here. The ending, while wrapping up the plot, did seem a bit abrupt. I did enjoy the book because I like the characters and got caught up in the events, but I’ve enjoyed other books from this author more.

Neil Hannon recommended Sketches of Spain by Miles Davis in Music (curated)

Sketches of Spain by Miles Davis
Sketches of Spain by Miles Davis
1960 | Rock
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Somebody gave it to me in the late nineties, just on a blank cassette and then yep, I was completely dubious, because when people mention Miles Davis or jazz in general, I would just think of those crazy funk-jazz things they did in the seventies, and I didn't know he was capable of this incredible orchestral soundscape. It helps that he's reading from an already fantastic piece of music but what he did to it was astonishing again, so I love it. It's just the most evocative record. Recently I had the pleasure of a train journey from Bilbao to Madrid and I put that on my headphones and it was like, "oh yeah, everything is cool". Actually, it didn't [unveil new layers to the record], as I think it was really cool to experience it on the train going through Spain and yet I always think that music is so powerful that the images that you have in your head if you're listening to it in your bedroom are as powerful, if not more so, than if you were in some incredible vista. After that I went back and bought the early Blue Note records, which are generally brilliant. I'm not a real jazz aficionado and if I've put on an old jazz record, it's mostly about mood, because I can't really understand what's going on. Whereas with Sketches Of Spain, it seems more orchestral, where I can understand what's going on better."

Songs & More Songs By Tom Lehrer by Tom Lehrer
Songs & More Songs By Tom Lehrer by Tom Lehrer
1997 | Comedy, Pop
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I love Tom Lehrer, I love a lot of writers of funny songs. I like Noël Coward, I like Flanders and Swann and Tom Lehrer is probably the best and funniest. Incredibly intelligent man and he's well aware of the idiocy of what he's doing. Each song lasts for about 1 minute 45 seconds, because it's like, "Here's the joke, go!", it's really good. I think I was about 26 or 27 when I first heard him. I think it might have been 'The Elements', when he set the list of elements to the Gilbert and Sullivan tune, 'I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General' is the original from The Pirates Of Penzance - I like Gilbert and Sullivan as well! I think I also liked the idea of one man and a piano, being a bit of an entertainer. I finally got up the nerve to do that myself, five or six years ago, and it's been jolly good fun. I was nervous about it, but knew it was a good time to do it. I had a few songs off that album (Bang Goes The Knighthood) that were suited to it. I did have to do an awful lot of practice to get up to standard on the piano, because I did grade one piano, and then gave up - I'm really completely untutored. So I have a bizarre technique, but it gets me through."

The Thursday Murder Club
The Thursday Murder Club
Richard Osman | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
8.2 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, that was a nice surprise! I usually stay clear of celebrity writers as, in my experience, they tend to be over rated and over hyped but I have to say that this book by Richard Osman was pretty good and had me engaged from start to finish.

The plot is multi-faceted with several murders both recent and historic but rather than this causing confusion, it all seems to flow smoothly and logically despite its complexity although you do have to keep your wits about you to keep up at times. The writing style is easy to read and flows well and although the main subject matter is murder, there are snippets of humour and more tender moments too.

The setting of a rather upscale retirement village is unique as are the main characters who are engaging, appealing and, at times, amusing. I really would like to get to know Elizabeth better - she is a very intriguing character and there are teasing morsels of her previous working life which are very interesting and I want to know more.

This book is what I would call a cosy-read that could be enjoyed by anyone and I would recommend it to those who enjoy a classic murder-mystery without the violence and graphic detail.

Thank you to Penguin General UK and NetGalley for my copy in return for an unbiased and unedited review.
The Night Window: A Jane Hawk Novel
The Night Window: A Jane Hawk Novel
Dean Koontz | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
5th and final novel of the Jane Hawk series
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

4.51 · 2,534 ratings ·

The Night Window by Dean Koontz is the 5th and final Jane Hawk novel in the series. I have read many books by Koontz and am a fan of his Odd Thomas series. Somehow, I missed reading his Jane Hawk series.

I was provided with a copy of the 5th novel and, to give a fair review, needed to read the earlier books in the series. I am so glad that I did. I could not put them down! It would help, but you do not need to read the other books. However, you would be missing out on an excellent and chilling series. Koontz gives you enough information, so you have a general outline of the events leading up to The Night Window.

In the Silent Corner, the first novel, Jane begins a campaign to reveal the truth about her husband's suicide. Early on, we learn a number of government officials and other influential individuals with the help of nanotechnology and an army of mind-altered citizens are responsible. It is the possibility of this "revolution" occurring that makes the story so disturbing. Often you find supernatural creepiness in Koontz's books, but I found this series to be the scariest.

This review was published on on 6/24/19.
Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero (2018)
Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Family
I'm getting really fed up of having to say "I didn't see this one advertised anywhere". I had got it on my films to watch from the August listing as it was a new release, but the first I saw of it was scrolling through weekend cinema times and spotted it down as a Movies For Juniors. I don't remember even seeing it as a general release with more than one showing a day. I did the horrendous thing of judging the film by it's posters, shrugged my shoulders and moved on.

Please don't make my mistake. You need to see this film.

It is so beautifully done and it's sensitive towards it's viewers too. I didn't notice until right near the end (and even then it was actually just mild confusion) that there's no blood. Plenty of war action that you'd expect and injuries all over, but no blood. That alone makes it easier viewing for children, and I can honestly see it being used in schools as a teaching aid.

The animation is much more like a graphic novel style than most animated films that get released. I don't think the poster does it justice at all, it presents a very different image of the film.

I found it a very emotional watch. There were tears of sadness and joy, but then it was fairly even money I'd be crying along to this one.