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Lee (2222 KP) rated Triangle (2009) in Movies

Jun 20, 2018 (Updated Jun 20, 2018)  
Triangle (2009)
Triangle (2009)
2009 | Mystery
7.6 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Melissa George (0 more)
A truly mind bending, thrilling horror
After the disappointment of Hereditary last week, and it's failure to live up to the hype of being both unsettling and memorable, I decided to revisit a movie which did manage to tick both of those boxes for me. I don’t usually get affected by movies as much as I did with Triangle - it really unsettled me for a good few days after originally seeing it on release, and even now it still holds up as just a really great movie.

Melissa George is a fantastic actress and she is just on top form here, playing a single mother of an autistic boy. She goes on a yacht trip with a group of people but a freak storm capsizes the boat. Spotting an abandoned cruise ship, they manage to make it on board where they are hunted by a mysterious hooded attacker. But the attacker seems vaguely familiar…

Triangle is like a more nightmarish version of Groundhog Day as Jess (Melissa George) loops back on herself and begins to discover that everything that's happened before has happened many, many times already and will continue to do so unless she can somehow break the cycle. Highlighting the number of times this story has already looped are some genuinely creepy scenes – the most effective and unsettling for me was where one of the seriously wounded characters staggers out on deck only to discover multiple versions of herself from previous loops, most of them dead but some still barely alive.

The movie has a great ending and immediately gets you thinking of the opening scenes of the movie and how they all connect. It twists your mind and repeat viewings definitely make it more enjoyable. And, if you feel like giving your brain an extra workout, there's plenty of in-depth analysis and theories about the movie out there on the internet too!

Sarah (7798 KP) Jun 20, 2018

I've never seen this one but you've made me want to give it a go!


Chrissie-ann (78 KP) Jun 20, 2018

What a brilliant film. I enjoyed this so much. It really played with my head


JT (287 KP) rated Hereafter (2010) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Hereafter (2010)
Hereafter (2010)
2010 | Drama, Mystery
It’s an interesting film that will leave you asking yourself one question, “did Clint Eastwood really direct it?” And the answer, yes, he did. It’s not that the film is particularly bad but then it’s not really that good either, and you wonder if while his latest film J. Edgar was in pre-production he got bored and decided to fill the void.

Having worked with Damon on Invictus Eastwood brought him in for this, as George Lonegan a man with the gift of being able to talk to people that have passed to the other side. The opening half an hour is an intense watch as we watch De France’s reporter get caught up in a terrible Tsunami while holidaying with her boyfriend. It’s a well shot natural disaster which Roland Emmerich himself would have been proud.

Damon himself battling not to use his ‘gift’ despite the ongoing pressures from his brother, chooses of all things a cooking class as a method of escapism. There he meets Melanie (Bryce Dallas Howard) and the two form a bond, to which George ruins by accepting to perfrom a reading which doesn’t go as well as hoped.

I wanted to see her come back at some point during the film, but alas she doesn’t which was a disappointment as Howard was one of the few shining lights. The third part of the story, all of which interlock into each other, follow British twins Marcus and Jason. Two of the worst child actors I think I have ever seen, one can imagine that is from lack of experience.

With one of the boys dying in a freak accident the lone brother goes on a journey of his own, of which brings him closer to eventual contact with George. The film tries to be deep and meaningful about what happens to people who suffer death experiences, but its way off Eastwood’s sharp and cool direction – a shame when it started so brightly.
Lincoln in the Bardo
Lincoln in the Bardo
George Saunders | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Epic modern Shakespearean tragedy
Listened on
George Saunder's epic historical and existential tragedy seems to resonate on many levels with a variety of readers. Taking the real life account of the death of Abraham Lincoln's son, exploring his grief and creating a magical realistic theatrical piece is a true wonder.

It's a listening experience for all the senses, with the beautiful music and sounds of the Civil War, as well as a host of well known voices - it's haunting in many aspects. The language is rich and variable mixing Shakespearean dialogue with modern slang.

Where it falls short are the constant breaks in the novel through footnotes describing the actual factual account of that time. It is jarring and ruins the experience - it should be left to the end and is only valid when reading. In this case Saunders sounds timid, having to constantly back up his claims. It would have been five stars, but it happened too often.
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
1981 | Action, Adventure

"I guess the next one, chronologically, would be Raiders of the Lost Ark, even though it’s hard to choose just one Spielberg film. First of all it’s George Lucas and Spielberg, which is kind of like Jesus and Moses collaborating on a movie [laughing]. But it was just, you know, it was so different, it just came out of nowhere. I mean Harrison Ford who had been Han Solo and all of a sudden he’s late ’30s and battling Nazis. It was just such a ride and it still holds up. Just movie magic, know what I mean? I saw it a couple years ago. We were doing a sound mix at Skywalker Sound, it was right before the new one came out, The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and they showed a pristine 35mm print of it. It just brought back all those great memories and, again, no CG, you know. Just really good filmmaking."

Free Birds (2013)
Free Birds (2013)
2013 | Animation, Comedy
5.1 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Fun Thanksgiving Flick
When asked to list films worth watching that have a Thanksgiving theme, the BankofMarquis likes to pull out a little animated gem that came and went pretty quickly in 2013 - FREE BIRDS - starring the voices of Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson as 2 turkeys that go back in time in an egg-shaped time machine named STEVE (voiced by George Takei - more on that later) to stop the first Thanksgiving. This film succeeds more than it doesn't.

The first full length animated feature film from REEL FX (one of only 2 they have put out thus far) FREE BIRDS suffers from that kiss of death - multiple writers revising the script over time. Directed by JImmy Hayward (HORTON HEARS A WHO), who is also credited with writing this film alongside long time Kevin Smith collaborator Scott Mosier,FREE BIRDS is actually a pretty fun film, despite the disjointedness of the plot.

Credit should go to the stellar voice cast, led by Owen Wilson and Woody Harrelson. They have tremendous chemistry together and are a fun pair to watch. Joining them is the always dependable Amy Poehler (who would shine as the voice of Joy years later in Pixar's INSIDE OUT). It was fun spending an hour and a half with these 3 - and the others in this cast: Colm Meaney, David Keith and Dan Fogler.

But, for me, the star of this film is Star Trek's George Takei as the voice of S.T.E.V.E (the egg-shaped time machine device). He understands what type of film he is in and delivers just the right blend of comedy and seriousness that helps elevate the proceedings. And that is good for, as I stated above, the plot is a bit disjointed, so I would recommend you just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

The critics panned this film, but it made over $110 million at the box office (more than doubling it's production cost), so many, many moviegoers had the same, fun experience that I did. will, too...if you give FREE BIRDS a try.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
The Whispering Skull: Lockwood & Co. #2
The Whispering Skull: Lockwood & Co. #2
Jonathan Stroud | 2014 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters, plot (0 more)
Pacing (0 more)
Good follow-up
This was the only one of the whole series (thus far) that I struggled with. It's not that it wasn't intriguing, but the pace was off. It was so slow. It could have been cut back maybe 50 pages.

However, the characters just make the whole series. I can't believe I ever disliked George as he's now a dear part of my heart. They all are to be honest. Lucy can be annoyingly stubborn, but that flaw makes her feel so real. She is a real kid with real issues.

The plot was a bit more convoluted than it needed to be, in my opinion. It was, of course, interesting and intricate, as I now expect from Jonathan Stroud. There are several seemingly unrelated storylines all leading to the grande finale in the end. It's a joy to read and solve with the agents.

It's hard to put into words, the magic of this series. I even got my mom hopelessly in love with the series. Sorry, not sorry, Mom.
Howard the Duck (1986)
Howard the Duck (1986)
1986 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Not as bad as all that.
Before he was an upcoming maybe movie, maybe TV series and part of the Disney/Marvel juggernaut, he was a cheesy 80s movie with one of my serious 80s crushes, Lea Thompson (from Back to the Future).

When Howard is pulled through a "wormhole" from his duck planet to Earth, he has to try and not only figure out what is going on and how he came to know this extremely hot chick (and nerd Tim Robbins) but he also has to save the world from the "Dark Overlord of the universe" (Ferris Bueller and Beetlejuice alum, Jeffrey Jones).

I think the biggest problem with the film was filmmakers (George Lucas among them) didn't get the tone right. It was too racy to be for kids which was probably their target audience. The "duck out of water" element was my favorite part the ways his world was different than ours and how he tried to fit in.

It's a charming 80s romp I've probably seen too often.

1984 Nineteen Eighty-Four
1984 Nineteen Eighty-Four
George Orwell, Duncan Macmillan | 1949 | Film & TV
8.1 (104 Ratings)
Book Rating
Travel to Oceania in this look at a world that was taken over by socialists. We follow Winston Smith as he lives out his life under the constant watchful eye of Big Brother. His vague memories of freedom lead him to hope for another revolution. Can he help in some way? What will happen when he starts an affair with a beautiful woman?

I read this book in high school, and it is just as sobering today as it was back then. Yes, as a novel it is a bit slow, but it does draw you in enough to really drive home the points Orwell is making. Sadly, as our technology begins to catch up to the technology Orwell created, our country begins to walk down this path as well thanks to politicians on both sides. This is a warning we still need to heed today.

You can read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Battle Beyond the Stars (1980)
Battle Beyond the Stars (1980)
1980 | Sci-Fi
Superior first-wave Star Wars cash-in from Roger Corman, recycling the plot of The Magnificent Seven (et al); writer John Sayles shows he knows his stuff by including all the requisite space battles and funny aliens, but also references to Kurosawa, whose films originally inspired George Lucas.

Peaceful alien yokels known as the Akira (told you so) are menaced by galactic despot on a tight timetable; farm boy is dispatched to recruit space mercenaries to help fend him off when he comes back. Ropy model-work courtesy of a young James Cameron is the film's biggest weakness (the best special effect is probably Sybil Danning's costume); rousing score from a young James Horner is a major plus. Robert Vaughn's performance here is just as good as the one in The Magnificent One - makes sense, as it's essentially the same one. Film has a lovely adventurous tone about it, isn't afraid to treat the audience with intelligence; much better than many other more prestigious sci-fi films of this period.
*I'm reading this as part of the Innkeeper Chronicles Anthology, #1-3*

This one was longer. Dina is asked to host a peace summit between three warring factions who live on Nexus, a planet of sorts. They have been at each others throats for years and the Arbitrator, George, is finally hoping that they can work things out.

We see a lot of the same characters from the previous one but I was missing a certain someone quite a lot - Sean. Dina contacted him near the start but Sean was away from Baha-Char and we didn't see him for a lot of the book.

The peace summit turned out really well in the end but everyone had to go through quite a lot to get there. We had deceit, poisonings, deaths... It certainly wasn't easy to achieve and I won't spoil it for future readers by going into details.

I'm glad Sean's back on Earth and that we will possibly see their romance bloom properly in the next one.

Off to start book 3.