The Dashing, Daring, and Debonair: TV's Top Male Icons from the 50s, 60s, and 70s
Herbie J. Pilato, Adam "Batman" West and Joel Eisenberg
Be they actors, comedians, singers, dancers, or talk show hosts and personalities, everyone from...

The Arrivals and Sailings: The Making of George Wyllie
Louise Wyllie and Jan Patience
The Making of George Wyllie has been co-written by his elder daughter, Louise Wyllie, and arts...

Faber & Faber Poetry Diary 2017: Coral
The Faber poetry list, originally founded in the 1920s, was shaped by the taste of T.S. Eliot, who...

The Encyclopedia of Vaudeville
The Encyclopedia of Vaudeville provides a unique record of what was once America's preeminent form...

Chambers Dictionary of Great Quotations
With over 25,000 quotations from over 4,000 sources, The Chambers Dictionary of Great Quotations is...

The Writer's Garden: How Gardens Inspired Our Best-Loved Authors
Great things happen in gardens. No one can doubt the importance of the garden in Roald Dahl's life...

Passage to Passion - The Complete Collection
The heat level goes through the roof, and the action never stops! ARCTIC EXPOSURE To the rest...
Adult Contemporary Romance Collection