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The Failure of the southern column to continue to advance north after the battle of Rosebud set the stage for the annihilation of George Armstrong Custer and his five companies of the 7th Calvary at the Little Big Horn. For nearly 150 years everything possible has been written except the true causes and culprits of the bloody fiasco at the Little Big Horn on June 25, 1876, that shocked the American nation like no other post-Civil War event. Dr. Tucker has relied primarily on source material to expose those individuals American's leading military and civilian officials, who were most responsible for the greatest military disaster. Revealing the Machiavellian currents, dark threads that had artificially manufactured against the Sioux by America's top leaders, including the president, to gain their territory of the Black Hills. He provides with a new understanding of why Custer died on that mountaintop with his most faithful followers. This book brings the reader closer to understanding exactly what occurred on that fateful day that left one man standing and the rest 7th Calvary and Custer dead in the dirt. This book does cover some of the previous books written but you can tell that Dr. Tucker took the time to research further not completely satisfied with the consciences the previous researchers on the Little Big Horn or the life of Custer. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in post-civil war history, military history or Custer. The overall view was quite refreshing in the fact it covers how much was honestly lost that day not just the dead of those men.
Triangle (2009)
Triangle (2009)
2009 | Mystery
7.6 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
This was an interesting, small budget Sci Fi/Horror flick. It is revealed at an early point during the story that this is primarily a time bending loop narrative, following a small group of people who board an apparently abandoned ocean liner after a storm.

There is some set up at the beginning which introduces the star, Melissa George as she makes her way to meet the rest of the group. Once they board the ship they are fighting for their lives, with varied levels of success and the a time loop takes hold.

This is a well told, acted and directed Twilight Zone episode that just about manages not to out stay it's welcome. The premise is simple but the execution is a little more complex and to an extent, this borders on contrived but overall this an effective thriller.

The twists and turns, though for the most part expected, are generally delivered well and there are certainly memorable moments. Recommended.
Storms of Malhado
Storms of Malhado
Maria Elena Sandovici | 2020 | History & Politics, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I admit that when I read the book synopsis for Storms of Malhado by Maria Elena Sandovici and saw there were ghosts involved, I knew I had to read this book! While it turned out not to be so much of a ghost story but something much much more, it was still a great read!

I felt that the plot for Storms of Malhado was fairly original. The reader is taken through three different points in time starting in 1900 with Suzanne's story, followed by 1961 with Betty's story, and then to 2008 with Katie's story. We learn of how each woman is with a man that is slippery and unobtainable yet each woman yearns to make the relationship work. Each story leads up to a horrible hurricane from each year. What will each woman sacrifice for love, and will it lead up to their demise? Storms of Malhado is full of life lessons, the strongest being that those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. There is so much symbolism throughout this novel which I didn't catch some of it until I finished reading and reflected back on what I had just read. Sandovici does a fantastic job at painting a beautiful picture of what life was like for each woman. It's easy to get lost in the narrative and forget you're only reading about the characters instead of living their life! The only thing about the plot that lets it down a little is the ending. It just felt a bit messy and confusing. I can't go into great detail because of spoilers. The ending, while I believe in what happened, just seemed a little far fetched and a little too neat if that makes sense. Three people experiencing the same thing at the same time and calling each other by different names, well, it just seemed kind of out there. I wish I could go into more detail, but I really don't want to give too much away. However, all loose ends are tied up by the end of book, and it becomes obvious how all three narratives within Storms of Malhado are related.

The majority of the characters in Storms of Malhado were well fleshed out and very realistic feeling. I enjoyed reading about Suzanne, Josephine, and Desmond. Suzanne was an interesting character to read about, but there were times she made me angry especially towards her ending. I could actually feel how much she loved and longed after Desmond. I just felt that she could be a little selfish at times. However, I feel that we've all been a little selfish when it comes to love. I could really feel how much Josephine loved Suzanne and wanted the best for her. Josephine was such a great character! Betty, Edna, and Cornelius also had an interesting story line. I felt like I connected with Betty the most. I could feel her frustration with Carl seeping through the pages as well as how much she wanted Cornelius no matter how frustrating he was. I loved Edna the most though, and it made me wish I had an Edna in my life to care for me and be there for me. Betty seemed to not have her head in the clouds as much as Suzanne did which was nice. The narrative I felt that was a little underdeveloped was that of Katie, her boyfriend George, and her mother. We don't get to read much about them until the very end. I would have liked more insight into George and Katie's relationship before the storm hits. The reader gets all this backstory into Suzanne's and Desmond's relationship as well as Betty's and Cornelius' relationship, yet there isn't much back story for Katie and George. All of a sudden towards the ending, we are told that Katie and George have a rocky relationship. I wanted to know why it was so rocky instead of just little bits and pieces. Katie's and George's relationship just felt like it was missing so much. The relationship between Katie and her mother also felt lacking. If her relationship was a strong with her mother as the relationship between Suzanne and Josephine as well as the relationship between Betty and Edna, it did not come across that way in the book. Katie's relationships just felt rushed.

Trigger warnings for Storms of Malhado include infidelity, adultery, alcohol use, death, drug use, some light profanity, and sexual situations (although not graphic).

All in all, Storms of Malhado is a highly interesting read that will leave you hooked on each and every word. It grabs you by the hand and doesn't let go until the end. With fantastic writing, a highly interesting plot, and entertaining characters, Storms of Malhado is a must read. I would definitely recommend Storms of Malhado by Maria Elena Sandovici to those aged 16+ who are after a book that will leave them thinking about it long after they are done reading it.
(A special thank you to Lone Star Literary Life and Maria Elena Sandovici for providing me with a paperback of Storms of Malhado in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)

Jeff Lynne recommended Cloud Nine by George Harrison in Music (curated)

Cloud Nine by George Harrison
Cloud Nine by George Harrison
1987 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I didn’t know George at that time. I got to know George because of Dave Edmonds. I did a song with Dave Edmonds in Holland because I was doing an album over there – an ELO album – and he rang me up and said, ""do you fancy writing a song for me and I’ll come over while you’re there and I can sing it?"" So he came over and we recorded this track together and he played this big six-string bass. We recorded it, finished it and a few weeks later we’re having dinner, finished dinner, went our separate ways and he shouts down the street, ""by the way, I forgot to tell you: George Harrison asked me to ask you if you’d like to work on his new album with him!"" I said, ""what do you mean, 'by the way'?"" [laughs] As if that shouldn’t be the first thing you’d say over dinner! But that’s what happened. I got invited to George’s and I went there, we got on great and we went to Australia to the Grand Prix together to see if we were going to be pals. And we were. We were great pals and we got on great and we worked together for about 13 years or so. I love Cloud Nine because it was my first outside production that I’d done; it was a big album. And producing a Beatle wasn’t lost on me. It was like, “fucking hell! This is good, this, innit?” You know, it was great because I’d just had a year off and playing in my own studio in England and learning to be an engineer, believe it or not. I’d never really mastered engineering; I’d always been a producer and always had to tell the engineer what I wanted because I couldn’t do it myself. I taught myself how to do it myself and I was much more in tune with all the knobs. You know, I knew exactly which little tweak I needed to do because I’d been there doing it in my own studio for about a year."


Janeeny (200 KP) rated Persuasion in Books

Jun 10, 2019  
Jane Austen | 1817 | Essays, Romance
8.3 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’m always a little dubious about certain ‘Classics’. Give me a Charles Dickens or an HG Wells any day of the week and I’m happy. I become a little more dubious around what I call ‘society’ classics, like George Elliot and Jane Austen. It all stems from the time I read Middlemarch and found it to be a 900 page soap opera where NOTHING ACTUALLY HAPPENS!! Although so far I have never been disappointed by a Jane Austen novel, when I have to read a book that essentially revolves around social customs and classes I break out in a cold sweat! .
So I was a little apprehensive when my recommended book for the month from my Penguin Reading challenge was 'Persuasion', but at 249 pages I thought I’d just crack on and get it over with.
I was pleasantly surprised.

Persuasion is about a young woman named Anne Elliot who, previous to the beginning of the story, was betrothed to Naval Officer Frederick Wentworth, but broke it off after being 'persuaded' (see what they did there!) by her family and a close friend that the match was beneath her. It is seven years later and Anne discovers that Wentworth has returned and is, lamentably, involved in her social circle. What follows is a deep exploration of Anne's feelings, thoughts and regrets on the decision she made 7 years ago, and the circumstances that may allow her to make amends.

As I said before I haven’t been disappointed by a Jane Austen novel yet, and this one was no exception. It is essentially a ‘will they wont they’ story that does keep you guessing until the end. Whilst it is a basic storyline it is laced with little dramas that keep you engaged but do not overshadow the main story.

In the introduction in my book it says that Jane Austen once described Anne Elliot as “almost too good for me” I can understand what she means as Anne is a very self-effacing heroin. She puts others thoughts and needs before her own and has an equitable view of the world. Unfortunately in my eyes this does make her far too pliant, and whilst this aspect of her does lend to the back story of why she never married Wentworth seven years ago, when she is insulted and exploited by her family I did find myself wishing she had a little more gumption.
Aside from that I found it a very pleasant societal love story.
Helping a Stranger on a Train
Nancy and her friends Bess and George are returning from a shopping trip when they meet Joanne on the train. She is heading to try to find a job to help her grandmother save her farm. The four quickly become friends, and Nancy gets involved in helping her find a job. However, several strange things happen to them along the way. Can Nancy figure out what is going on now?

When I pick up a Nancy Drew book, I expect coincidence to drive the plot a little. Here, there was so much of it early on that it was hard to overlook it. Fortunately, that lessened as the story moved forward. The story was still action packed and kept my attention. The characters are thin as always, but I still enjoyed spending some time with them again. Kids will probably more easily overlook both of these things. They might get confused by a few dated references, however, including using an old, now unacceptable, term for a minority. Still, I suspect they will enjoy this page turning story.
The Crazies (2010)
The Crazies (2010)
2010 | Action, Drama, Horror
6.2 (16 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In the farming community of Ogden Marsh, a small town in middle America where everyone knows their neighbor, unspeakable horror is about to happen.

During a game of baseball local Farmer Rory Hamill arrives interrupting the game with shotgun in tow. This odd incident soon leads to more and shows that that something definitely isn’t right as the locals begin losing their minds.

In the new film “The Crazies”, a remake of the classic original film by horror legend George Romero, the audience is taken on a bizarre trip as a an ideal small community becomes the setting of unimagined terror and chaos.

Before the movie, I researched the original and read a comic series in order to get a better grasp on the source material.

Sadly the final product did not live up to my expectations as the film plays out in a very stale manner and it seems that Director Breck Eisner was unsure what direction he wanted to the film to take.

I felt like I was watching a re-packaged “28 Days later” with a little bit of “Quarantine” mixed in, Honestly the movie was so boring to me that I found myself trying to find anything in it that could keep my attention.

Thankfully the film does have some great special FX which for me is the saving grace of the film. While I had expected a bit more form the source material which was rife with possibilities, “The Crazies” plays out as a rather mundane horror film that offers very little that is new and fresh.

Sam Fell recommended George Washington (2000) in Movies (curated)

George Washington (2000)
George Washington (2000)
2000 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s an interesting choice, yeah. You wouldn’t necessarily associate it with this. But if you think about ParaNorman, one of the things that, from the beginning, we realized we wanted was to create a real place — a real sense of place — and really hold up a mirror to the contemporary world and not create a fantasy American town. We wanted to really believe in it. And it was already in the script that [the movie’s fictional town] Blithe Hollow would be rotten around the edges and not a perfect place. We love imperfection; it’s throughout — even the family in the story are imperfect. So what was really cool about watching George Washington — and looking at the photography by William Eggleston, by the way — was just how the kind of downbeat world was celebrated, though great cinematography and great photography. And in George Washington, a lot of it’s just about the sense of place. It really takes time developing a sense of place with great photography and sound. So in our first act, when we introduce Norman’s world and the town of Blithe Hollow, especially when he’s walking to school, we actually put shots in there that normally wouldn’t belong in an animated movie — not a Western animated movie. Just shots of odd corners of the world that are kind of run down. Not necessary, but they kind of create atmosphere. We love that kind of vibe. Early on, Chris had tried a little bit of [composer] Jon Brion’s music [as a temp score] — and it had that same kind of slightly off-beat vibe to it, and we wanted to have that vibe to this world at the beginning. Then when we introduce the fantasy elements, it’s a real contrast."

Future Home of the Living God
Future Home of the Living God
Louise Erdrich | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s all been done before...
Cedar Hawk Songmaker is pregnant. Unfortunately, evolution seems to be going backwards at an alarming rate in all things: animals, crops, babies....
Society goes mad, the giver collapses, and a religious government takes over. Another story where a woman is just a womb and the baby is the only important thing. This frustrates me: there’s only a finite number of women, and surely only a small number who are able to give birth to babies who haven’t ‘devolved’? Why risk them dying? Why force them to ‘breed’? I just don’t get these stories. I liked the first person, diary entry approach to the novel, by the way. It works really well.
This is very similar to A Handmaids Tale: men and religion controls the state, a declining birth rate, Big Brother is watching (thanks to George Orwell for that little sort device). Nice touch with the Native American Indians, by the way.
I have an idea - how about a (good, well-written) story where there’s a declining birth rate, men are to blame and WOMEN are in charge?! Has anyone written that yet? I’d buy it! Any suggestions will probably be read!
Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
1959 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"My number two movie is Otto Preminger’s Anatomy of Murder starring Jimmy Stewart — one of my favorite James Stewart performances. He’s the country lawyer, so all those folksy tricks that Jimmy Stewart uses just really come into play here– ’cause he’s also so bright, you know? He’s the brilliant, folksy country lawyer. And Lee Remick is in it, in the flower of her youth. Bra-less and in Ray-Bans — you know, who doesn’t want [to see] that? And gosh, Ben Gazzara in a really neurotic, strange performance. I think it’s the screen debut of George C. Scott as the young lawyer from Lansing, MI, who takes on this case; and he’s — it’s just brilliant courtroom stuff. Murray Hamilton — who plays the mayor in Steven Spielberg’s Jaws — he’s the bartender, and he’s wonderful; it’s a great turn. And the music: Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald, so it’s a great jazz score. The Jimmy Stewart character tinkles on the ivories and he plays a little bit of jazz sometimes as a kind of hobby, so that justifies the score. But that’s a great film — black and white, beautifully shot, underrated. Almost a perfect film."
