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Naomi Novik | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Just yes!
I was a bit skeptical about this book but thought I'd give it a go because it sounded a bit like a take on St George and the Dragon or Beauty and the Beast and I am so glad I did as this is now one of my favourite books to re-read!

I loved that it wasn't easy for the main character to learn magic, that the characters progressed in a more likely timeline than other books I've read and that it wasn't always a happy ending for the characters in the book. I don't like to give spoilers away but I nearly ripped apart the prince in the book for what he was about to do and for how pig headed he is in sacrificing so many for one person that is very likely heavily corrupted and unsaveable.

The world is incredibly vivid without over explaining or being over descriptive. I know what is going to happen in the book but I am constantly in suspense over what is going to happen next in the book every time I read it... I will have to re-read it again soon after this review as I now have it on my mind.