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George and Lizzie
George and Lizzie
Nancy Pearl | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the seventh book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet.

In high school, Lizzie made a choice--one she soon regrets--participating in something called the Great Game. The event alters the course of her life forever, along with a passionate relationship that ends in college. These moments, plus the influence of Lizzie's psychologist parents, who offer her little support as a kid, turn her into a melancholy and unfulfilled adult. Her husband, George, however, comes from a happy childhood with loving parents. He adores his family and they him. He also worships Lizzie, giving the two an unbalanced marriage. Can George and Lizzie survive an union on such unequal ground?

I'll confess that this book was not what I was expecting--I thought it was going to be a cheerful love story and a pick-me-up. It is a love story, though, all the same. George loves Lizzie. Lizzie, though, is lost in a love from the past. I'm not going to lie: Lizzie is a very frustrating character and a hard one for whom to care. She doesn't appreciate George, nor, really, much of her life. Now, she was truly saddled with terrible parents, so you have to grant her that. Her fixation on her past relationship makes you want to shake her, though.

"And because for years and years the voices in her head never let Lizzie forget that the Great Game had been a stupid idea right from the beginning and that she'd been an idiot for participating in it, her past was always there, a living thing. It shaped her present and future."

And of, of course, there is the Great Game--the event from high school which alters Lizzie's future. We can understand why Lizzie is Lizzie, but we can't always forgive her for her Lizzie type ways. Also, please note, there are a lot of football references in this book. A lot. I like football, but I'm not sure everyone who picks up a book like this will feel the same.

The story of George and Lizzie is told in very short vignettes (each with a title) that slowly move forward in time and alternate with Lizzie's past, mainly focusing on the Great Game, which so defined her life. This format takes much getting used to. There is no linear story here, but tiny bits and pieces of narrative from George and Lizzie. I almost abandoned the book when I first started--I couldn't get in the groove (and honestly, it's depressing). When I reluctantly returned to it a few days later, more prepared for the format, I could read it more easily.

In the end, I can't say I enjoyed this story. If I rated it purely on "like" factor, it would probably be a two-star read. Incorporating in Lizzie's life experiences and how a few things slowly grew on me, I'm giving this three stars, but only barely. (Also, I have real issues with how many kids from Lizzie's high school football team went on to the NFL. Maybe it's possible, but it seems insane.) 3 stars, but only eked out when they brought the chains out on the field to measure (too much?).

Lee (2222 KP) rated Triangle (2009) in Movies

Jun 20, 2018 (Updated Jun 20, 2018)  
Triangle (2009)
Triangle (2009)
2009 | Mystery
7.6 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Melissa George (0 more)
A truly mind bending, thrilling horror
After the disappointment of Hereditary last week, and it's failure to live up to the hype of being both unsettling and memorable, I decided to revisit a movie which did manage to tick both of those boxes for me. I don’t usually get affected by movies as much as I did with Triangle - it really unsettled me for a good few days after originally seeing it on release, and even now it still holds up as just a really great movie.

Melissa George is a fantastic actress and she is just on top form here, playing a single mother of an autistic boy. She goes on a yacht trip with a group of people but a freak storm capsizes the boat. Spotting an abandoned cruise ship, they manage to make it on board where they are hunted by a mysterious hooded attacker. But the attacker seems vaguely familiar…

Triangle is like a more nightmarish version of Groundhog Day as Jess (Melissa George) loops back on herself and begins to discover that everything that's happened before has happened many, many times already and will continue to do so unless she can somehow break the cycle. Highlighting the number of times this story has already looped are some genuinely creepy scenes – the most effective and unsettling for me was where one of the seriously wounded characters staggers out on deck only to discover multiple versions of herself from previous loops, most of them dead but some still barely alive.

The movie has a great ending and immediately gets you thinking of the opening scenes of the movie and how they all connect. It twists your mind and repeat viewings definitely make it more enjoyable. And, if you feel like giving your brain an extra workout, there's plenty of in-depth analysis and theories about the movie out there on the internet too!

Sarah (7798 KP) Jun 20, 2018

I've never seen this one but you've made me want to give it a go!


Chrissie-ann (78 KP) Jun 20, 2018

What a brilliant film. I enjoyed this so much. It really played with my head


JT (287 KP) rated Hereafter (2010) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Hereafter (2010)
Hereafter (2010)
2010 | Drama, Mystery
It’s an interesting film that will leave you asking yourself one question, “did Clint Eastwood really direct it?” And the answer, yes, he did. It’s not that the film is particularly bad but then it’s not really that good either, and you wonder if while his latest film J. Edgar was in pre-production he got bored and decided to fill the void.

Having worked with Damon on Invictus Eastwood brought him in for this, as George Lonegan a man with the gift of being able to talk to people that have passed to the other side. The opening half an hour is an intense watch as we watch De France’s reporter get caught up in a terrible Tsunami while holidaying with her boyfriend. It’s a well shot natural disaster which Roland Emmerich himself would have been proud.

Damon himself battling not to use his ‘gift’ despite the ongoing pressures from his brother, chooses of all things a cooking class as a method of escapism. There he meets Melanie (Bryce Dallas Howard) and the two form a bond, to which George ruins by accepting to perfrom a reading which doesn’t go as well as hoped.

I wanted to see her come back at some point during the film, but alas she doesn’t which was a disappointment as Howard was one of the few shining lights. The third part of the story, all of which interlock into each other, follow British twins Marcus and Jason. Two of the worst child actors I think I have ever seen, one can imagine that is from lack of experience.

With one of the boys dying in a freak accident the lone brother goes on a journey of his own, of which brings him closer to eventual contact with George. The film tries to be deep and meaningful about what happens to people who suffer death experiences, but its way off Eastwood’s sharp and cool direction – a shame when it started so brightly.
A Game of Thrones
A Game of Thrones
George R.R. Martin | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (87 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review can be found on my blog:

This book will shake and break your heart. This book will make you realise that life is anything but gentle. But this book will also bring you the greatest adventure you have yet to see.

I have bought my whole book collection back in 2014. I have been procrastinating with this series for four years. And today, while writing this review, I thank the old gods and the new, for convincing me to read the first book.

I am probably one of the last people that have reviewed this book, and I assume you all already know a lot about the Game of Thrones series.

It is a book about one Iron Throne, and all the wars, fights, betrayals are about who will be sitting on that throne, and who will be in charge of all kingdoms.

Now, starting off, I am still not sure why people would send armies and armies of soldiers in order to win the throne, when it seems that no matter who becomes a king, that person gets instantly killed. And no kingdom respects each other, and kings and lords keep fighting off and wasting resources for a lost purpose, so there’s that as well.

We have many houses, Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Tully, Arryn, Targaryen, Tyrell, Greyjoy, Martell, etc - and they all feature with something unique to their house. Most importantly, they all either want the throne, want revenge or want them both.

But just to clarify - I loved the book!

George R.R. Martin is a genius! He has created this amazing world, and characters that are so alive that make you either hate them or love them, but with all your heart. He has created relationships so tangled and stories so well written, that he puts other authors to shame.

The book is written from a third person perspective, and each chapter features a character. And with each chapter, George moves the time gradually, so we are not stuck in a loop of time pause. I enjoyed this method quite a lot! It kept the story line going very smoothly.

‘’Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it.’’

There were so many characters I admired. But my connection with these characters in this book is unlike any other connection I have made. I usually either love or hate a character. But here, I judged actions, and relationships, and things people said and did!

I liked Eddard Stark’s bravery, and his manliness, but I didn’t like the fact that he was too honest for his own good.

‘’Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?
‘’That’s the only time a man an be brave’’.

I loved Arya’s fierceness, but I didn’t like her stubbornness.

‘’For the second time today Arya reflected that life was not fair.’’

I liked Sansa’s politeness, and girlishness. She had all the perfect manners, but she also would betray family for love.

I loved Jon Snow’s story, and how he overcame his past, and learned to live with it.

‘’Let me give you some counsel, bastard.‘’ Lannister said. ‘’Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.’’

I loved many other characters for things they did, and hated many others, but I cherished the difference in each and every character, and that was the beauty in it - that even though an author can create so many characters, he can make them so different from each other.

In this book, you will encounter everything: mostly mean people, ready to kill everyone and anyone standing in the way of their plans. You will read about a story of a family that falls apart, a kingdom that vanishes, a fight between kings, how a little girl will learn life in one day, how a mother will watch her children disappear, one by one.
Silver Streak (1976)
Silver Streak (1976)
1976 | Action, Comedy, Romance
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The start of a wonderful comedic partnership
Most people remember Gene Wilder as the frazzled haired wild man in such Mel Brooks classic films as THE PRODUCERS, BLAZING SADDLES and YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN. Others will recall him as the mad genius that held our attention in WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, but there was a 3rd phase to Wilder's career - his unlikely partnership with Richard Pryor - that started with 1976's SILVER STREAK.

Set aboard the titular passenger train, SILVER STREAK is part Alfred Hitchcock "wrong man" suspense thriller, part comedy and part action flick with strong performances at the center anchoring the action.

Surprisingly, Wilder brings a sincere quality to his "everyman" hero of this tale. His book editor, George Caldwell, just wants a quiet 2 1/2 day trip on the train from Los Angeles to Chicago. You root for George from the start. Wilder's performance is deftly tailored to this movie, keeping a lid on his more frenetic energy that helps keep his character grounded. He pairs nicely with Jill Clayburgh (remember her from the '70's?) as a women he meets (and falls in love with) along the way. Clayburgh burst into the spotlight with this performance - and the 2 have tremendous chemistry together.

They are joined by a bevy of wonderful character actors - Ray Walston, Richard "Jaws" Kiel, Ned Beatty, Clifton James, Valerie Curtin, Fred Willard and the great Scatman Crothers. All bring life and energy to this film. Patrick McGoohan is perfectly cast as the villain of the piece. His "buttoned-up" bad guy is the perfect balance to the Wilder's character.

But, of course, the person who steals this film is the great Richard Pryor as Grover T. Muldoon, a petty thief, con-man and "street-wise" hood who aids George in defeating the bad guys. Pryor doesn't show up in this movie until about 1/2 way through, but when he does, the energy (and pace) of this film picks up considerably and the roller coaster ride begins. The comedic partnership between Wilder and Pryor is magnificent, they play off each other very well and they will end up pairing together in 3 other films after this.

Director Arthur Hiller (THE AMERICANIZATION OF EMILY) does a strong, professional job of keeping the movie moving, keeping events grounded until a thrilling conclusion that is satisfying, indeed.

A fun action-thriller that is perfect summer fodder.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
A Lonely Place to Die (2011)
A Lonely Place to Die (2011)
2011 | Action, Mystery
6.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Set against the sweeping landscape of the Scottish Highlands it would seem like a perfect place as any to stage a cat mouse style thriller – and that is exactly what we get. When a group of climbers out on excursion discover a young girl buried alive with only a tube for air they take the decision to rescue her, which just became their biggest mistake.

It’s a fast paced edge of the seat ride which never stops for a second to catch its breath. George puts in a worthy performance, gripped by fear she runs on adrenalin in order to try and outwit her villainous opponents.

There is something truly unnerving about setting a thriller in such a picaresque backdrop, it worked for The Decent and certainly for Deliverance. Here Gilby does more than enough to raise the tension, from an opening that will surely shake the viewer up it only takes a strangle hold on them further.

The acting is if I’m honest below par from a majority of the party, George shines there is no question of that, but it’s the inclusion of protagonist Sean Harris as Mr. Kidd that really gives the film a chilling edge.

He’s a dead pan actor, that has the look of a complete bastard, cold callous and methodical. When he recalls a past tale during the climax of the film its a reminder that he takes his business very seriously.

George puts in a worthy performance, gripped by fear she runs on adrenalin in order to try and outwit her villainous opponents

For the last act the film moves from the heights of the forest to a small Scottish town deep in a local festival and while you may feel that some of the tension might be lost, think again.

The inclusion of a few bounty hunters adds to the action and elaborates on the plot further, and it races to a pulsating finish. It’s a commendable effort from Gilbey whose last outing Rise of the Footsoldier was also met with great acclaim.

While it may be consigned to the group labelled B-Moives, this has enough to keep even the seasoned film fan strapped to their chairs.
Go Ask Fannie
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed Go Ask Fannie by Elisabeth Hyde. The characters were very well-defined, as well as likeable, and the story progressed so, so well and it was a very satisfying read from start to finish.

Fannie, is not the character I presumed her to be! But a clever feature of the story that I really enjoyed! The three siblings followed, Lizzie, George and Ruth, as well as they patriarch of the family, Murray, are going through some stuff. A LOT of stuff. There are secrets, and fighting, and lots of unspoken words. It was a sneak peek into a weekend of this family, and all the issues they possess. And also all the Love.

I'm a big fan of Elisabeth Hyde now - and will definitely look out for anything else she has written! I received a copy of Go Ask Fannie as part of the Penguin First to Read program in exchange for my honest review.

Emma (229 KP) rated Memories of Ice in Books

Apr 1, 2021  
Memories of Ice
Memories of Ice
Steven Erikson | 2001 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my second read through of this book. Much of it I had forgotten, although it came back to me as I read it.
I have never read a series that keeps me so captivated as this one does, Erikson has such a talent for writing,he makes every single character important in the progress of the story, and there are hundreds of characters. And you connect with each and every one of them. You get pulled into this world every time you pick the book up, and its such a struggle to put the book down. He is, without a word of a lie a master storyteller, I have never read anything by an author like him.
If you think George R R Martin is harsh with the death of characters, Steven Erikson will break your heart time and time again. And yet you cant help but go back for more.
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
1977 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
A bonafide game changer
It cannot be overstated how important and game changing A New Hope was/is.
The first Star Wars film (but 4th chapter of course) is a classic that truly stands the test of time.

Everything managed to hook me in when I first saw it as a young child, from John Williams flawless soundtrack (surely the most iconic movie soundtrack of all time) to the engaging characters.
Characters such as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Darth Vader were iconic from the get go.
The set pieces are truly legendary, especially the climatic assault on the Death Star.
All of the locations and planets seem exciting and magical.
The different droids and alien species that we come across are memorable.
All these things that I fell in love with as a child are still intact when I watch it now.

George Lucas lovingly crafted a classic that will always be important.
Alienated (2016)
Alienated (2016)
2016 | Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Alienated starts as we follow married couple Nate (Katt) & Paige (Burry) as they go about their everyday lives, we see the ups and downs in their communication which every couple has. When Nate believes he sees a space craft and Paige brushes off Nate’s request to watch the video leading to a fight between the two. We see how they have to rebuild their friendship and whether Paige wants to believe Nate did really see a spacecraft.

Alienated gives us a very interesting drama that bottles down to what people want to believe when a loved one believes in something. I will admit that I was expecting more sci-fi element involved as this while very entertaining follows only the conversations between the couple. This showed how to make an ultra-interesting film between the characters giving them a natural feel throughout.


Actor Review


George Katt: Nate is an artist meaning he spends most of his time at home, he is a conspiracy theorist making him believe. He has a smaller social circle compared to his wife and once he believes he sees a spacecraft the relationship with his wife is pushed to the limits as they deal with what is real. George is great in this role as we

Jen Burry: Paige is the successful business woman who comes home everyday to her husband Nate who can easily be pushed into believing in many different conspiracies. She wants to be noticed more by her husband instead of dealing with his theories on a daily basis. Jen is great in this role showing great chemistry with George.

Taylor Negron: Griffin is the neighbour of the couple, he comes off very strange but we don’t see too much of the character. Taylor is good giving us mystery about the character.

Director Review: Brian Ackley – Brian gives us one of the most interesting story driven film of the year.


Thriller: Alienated keeps us on edge as we wait to see what is the truth throughout.

Settings: Alienated keeps the setting in the home of the couple showing how this could come off as an everyday conversation but it could also be something bigger.
Suggestion: Alienated is one to try, I do think the casual fans might find this slightly hard to enjoy but once you start you just don’t want to stop. (Try It)


Best Part: Natural feeling throughout.

Worst Part: Not everything you think it will be.


Believability: No

Chances of Tears: No

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: No

Runtime: 1 Hour 21 Minutes


Overall: Very interesting thriller that takes away the action only to give us an engrossing story.