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I haven't read anything before about World War II from the German perspective and therefore was very interested to see how this is portrayed from that angle and whilst I found this book definitely provided insight of what it was like from Raffeiner's eyes, from what I have read in other books and seen in documentary's, I'm not sure how much was "missed", "forgotten" or "locked away" as the memories are too painful or too awful to talk about.

This is however a valuable read if you want to get some idea of what it was like for a "simple" German soldier; the vivid descriptions of the hardships of being on the Eastern frontline and how luck played a huge part in his life are well documented and it also gives a really good account of Raffeiner's tough early years growing up and the choices he had to make.

Whilst this isn't what I feel a comprehensive book on this subject, it is an important individual and personal story that is captivating and I need to thank Pen & Sword Books and NetGalley for a copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
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