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Night Crossing (1982)
Night Crossing (1982)
1982 | Action, International, Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Night Crossing starts as we go to East Germany in 1979, The Strelzyk family, Peter (Hurt), Doris (Alexander), Frank (D.McKeon) and Fitscher (K.McKeon) who are getting tired of not being able to go to the west side of Germany, one they see as fairer. The friendship between this family and the Wetzel’s Gunter (Bridges) and Petra (O’Connor) keeps them strong, while they see the friends trying to escape getting killed.

When Peter comes up with up the idea to build a balloon with Gunter to escape, it will mean working in secret because getting caught will only see him killed. When Gunter leaves for family reasons, Peter must keep the idea within the family for the hope for their future.

Characters – Peter is a father that has been living with his family in Eastern Germany, he is getting tired of the lack of change or unity with the Western side and decides he wants to risk his family’s life to escape, he plans to build a balloon which would fly over the borders in place. Doris is the wife of Peter, she is reluctant to help at first, but soon sees this being the only option. Gunter is the friend that wants to help build the balloon, only for his wife to push him into staying behind because of the young age of their children. Petra is Gunter’s wife that doesn’t want to risk their infant children with an escape plan so dangerous.

Performances – John Hurt in the leading role is the strongest member of the cast, he shows that even a common man can have the hope required for his character. Jane Alexander and Glynnis O’Connor are both fitting the wife type of role which doesn’t get much else to do. Beau Bridges completes the cast with a performance that shows just how young men would have been affected in this world.

Story – The story follows two families that work together to find a way to escape East Germany and get into West Germany in the late 70s, they must risk everything for this, which is failing would see them face certain death. this is a story of inspiration that showed us just how much people were willing to risk escaping a land they couldn’t live their natural life without being dictated too, it shows the patience to make it happen and how family can inspire you to risk everything.

Family/History – This might be classed as a family film that is because of the families involved in trying to make this high risk situation happen, the history of their escape is one that could inspire many who were trapped in the land.

Settings – The film is set in the harsh living conditions the families would have been living in and how secretive their plan would have been to make happen.

Scene of the Movie – Are we in the West?

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It could have been a lot darker.

Final Thoughts – This is an inspiration story of two family’s determination to make it out of a life which didn’t offer them a true future.

Overall: True story that shows bravery and inspiration.
The Aftermath (2019)
The Aftermath (2019)
2019 | Drama, Romance, War
Yet another Keira Knightley costume drama about well-brought-up people grappling with their repressed emotions. This one is set in post-war Germany where KK is an army wife reunited with her officer husband (Jason Clarke doing an English accent), but she ends up knocking off the German widower (Alexander Skarsgard) whose house they have commandeered.

Decent production values but the performances aren't good enough to lift a story which feels trite, hackneyed and inconsequential. No sense of passion or danger, hard to care about anyone or anything in the movie; it's just incredibly dull and predictable.
To Be or Not to Be (1983)
To Be or Not to Be (1983)
1983 | Comedy, Drama
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Starting chronologically, the oldest one, let’s say, would be To Be or Not to Be — Lubitsch — which to me is a perfect comedy. A flawless comedy with incredible wit and pace and rhythm, and a sense of humor that unfortunately disappeared in Germany, and all these wonderful directors like Lubitsch and Billy Wilder and — God knows — Fritz Lang, and everybody else left. This is such a wonderful film [about] fooling the Nazis — it’s just one of my favorites, and I think I’ve seen it probably more than 20 times. Each time I burst out in laughter, and I’m impressed by it."

Last Christmas in Paris: A Novel of World War I
Last Christmas in Paris: A Novel of World War I
Hazel Gaynor, Heather Webb | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the summer of 1914, when England went to war with Germany, both the solders and the loved ones they left behind, were certain it would end quickly - by Christmas. Unfortunately, it took over four years for peace to come, and the only small respite both those at home and those away had, were letters to and from their loved ones. In this novel, Heather Webb and Hazel Gaynor bring us a story of just such correspondence. Read more about this lovely book in my review here.
Searching For Gertrude
Searching For Gertrude
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Searching for Gertrude take you on a hunt to find a girl of a young man love. Will he find this true love he lost. The young man is German and he has some issues with his government.

We learn about the laws that are going down in Germany at the beginning of Hitler Resign. The Nazi believed that Germans were not allowed to marry Jews. Will Rulfoff find this love or will Rudolf get his answers by searching for the girl he fell in love with when he was young. Things to go down hill when his love of his life family must move away to Turkey. He is determined to find her.

He goes undercover for his government even though he does not follow or like this government laws and ideas. As a German consulate there are a few surprises along the way will he go against or follow this government as he is now working for them. Find out by reading.

Rosalyn is an American Jew who come to Turkey to be a Nanny. Rudolf stumbles upon her in his search for Gertrude and ask her for help. Does she help him or not you will need to read the story to know for sure.

Rosalyn come to Turkey for her own reason as well. There is twist and turns throughout the book. Will Rosalyn do as she came to do in Turkey. The author does a wonderful job with the plot. I could not put it down and the fact, that she shows the time and era and history behind what going on in Turkey. Is Turkey with Nazi or they Nurteral during the War. If you are a historical fiction reader or just like learn some facts about history. This book is a good one to pick up. Want to learn more about Germany or Nazi Germany and other surrounding areas or Turkey in the 1930’s.
Look Who's Back
Look Who's Back
Timur Vermes, Jamie Bulloch | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
While I found this book enjoyable to read, there were a few aspects of it that irritates me throughout.
1) I couldn't understand why Hitler was unable to change himself ever so slightly to mix in with modern society. It was clear he understood the world has changed so why couldn't he make the effort to change with it?
2) Would Germany really be so accepting of a Hitler 'impersonator'? I have the feeling that no, they would not!

Other than these two points I enjoyed the book, and by this I don't mean I found Hitler and his atrocious crimes funny, this book is clearly a piss take...

Rutger Hauer recommended Wings of Desire (1987) in Movies (curated)

Wings of Desire (1987)
Wings of Desire (1987)
1987 | International, Drama, Sci-Fi
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Wings of Desire, by Wim Wenders. The guy who wrote the screenplay, Peter Handke, is a playwright in Germany, and I was very much a part of reading the avant garde writers, be it plays or novels. I loved his writing, it was so strong and so sharp, and when the film came out, I just loved it. Everything about it was marvelous. Bruno Ganz was so brilliant. He’s brilliant most of the time. On our side of the ocean, let’s say, he was one of our stars, like Redford and Paul Newman and Brando were on that side. I had a few European actors where I went, “They’re so fantastic.”"

The Damned (These Are the Damned) (1963)
The Damned (These Are the Damned) (1963)
1963 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Luchino Visconti never made a mediocre film and his masterpieces reach the heights of cinema. The Damned, at once illustrious and a little forgotten, is definitely one of his greatest and most misunderstood. This strange mash-up of Buddenbrooks and Macbeth is a film noir, deranged and of a profound audacity in its treatment of what burned at the heart of Weimar Germany and the era’s capitalist system. Of an incredible originality and daring for the industry of the time, it paved the way for the entirety of Fassbinder's work and without it Pasolini's Salò (which was heavily inspired by this film) would have been impossible."

Until Leaves Fall in Paris
Until Leaves Fall in Paris
Sarah Sundin | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you a history buff or a fan of historical fiction? Are you learning about World War II before the Americans entered the war? Desire to find out more about Nazi Germany and what Hitler did in France. Well, this book “Until Leaves Fall in Paris” by Sarah Sundin will take you on a lovely adventure and danger of two people trying to flee and get home save to America.

At this point, we have to meet Lucille and Paul. Will they learn to work together and see if they are made for each other? Will Lucie’s friends influence her to stay away from the new friend she meets and enjoy the company of?

Hitler and Germany are now really somewhat abetted in Paris, France. Is America still unaligned, or are they getting ready to jump in and fight? Both Paul and Lucie have stayed in Paris for two different reasons. The other was convinced to remain; and help the US, while the other chose to help her fled friends.

We are dealing with more resistant and some Germans. The Germans are occupying more of Parisians. Lucille and Paul are doing some dangerous work. Will they be found out?

Paul seems to have detected bad things in his factory. But Will his worker blackmail him? Lucille finds out Paul is working for the US. Paul finds out the bookseller is involved.

What will happen to Josie? Will they all get out safely?
Downfall (Der Untergang) (2004)
Downfall (Der Untergang) (2004)
2004 | Drama, History, War
The true story of the last days of NAZI Germany, focusing on Hitler and his cohorts as they sought refuge on his Berlin Bunker and is chronicled here with such honesty.

Told in a straight forward manner, we are given a portrait of not only Adolf Hitler himself, played perfectly by Bruno Ganz, who manages to humanize him without ever apologising for his heinous acts, but also those close to him. Shown through the young eyes of his final secretary, Traudl Junge (Alexandra Maria Lara), we are given a picture of what The Third Reich was to those who believed in it as well as what it had become for those who would suffer at it bloody hands.

Directed by Hirschbiegel to put us, the audience in the anterooms with these monsters, we are placed into a complex environment, edgy, atmospheric and most of all, real, as we witness noble acts of patriotism, conscience and pure, despicable horror, none less so that Magda Geobells, with the full consent of her husband, Joseph, first drugging, then murdering their six children as they slept, rather than “let them live in a world without national socialism.”

The only redeeming factors were their eventual suicides and in terms of the film, their first rate performances throughout this harrowing scene. Corinna Harfouch, who portrays Magda manages to portray this evil woman yet convey the emotion which was subdued deep beneath the surface. No small feat to allow such a fleeting glimpse of humanity during such and inhuman act.

But the same must be said Bruno Ganz, who manages to portray Hitler with such humanity; whilst showing us the true nature of his monstrosities, highlighting that the REAL monsters live among us and can seduce us at any time, any where, especially when we are vulnerable.

During one of the film’s early scenes, Hitler and Albert Speer (Heino Ferch), his Armaments Minister, discussing his vision for The Third Reich as he looks over a model of the new Germany which would be built after he won the war, a Germany without department stores, instead focusing on art, literature and culture.

Surely a noble goal, but as we all know, this cultural hub would have been built at an unacceptable cost, mainly with the blood of those who Hitler and his cohorts deemed to be inferior.

This is one of many clever methods used to convey a fair portrait of Hitler and The Third Reich. To demonstrate how bad they were, you first have to show impartiality, pointing out the good in what they do, play devil’s advocate as it were. Because whether we like it or not, evil motives are often built upon decent goals.

But as this film demonstrates, as Hitler shows his destine for anyone, even his own people, who will not give their lives for HIS vision of Germany, his Third Reich was being eaten away by a cancer of his own making, a Germany rotting from the very top.

Downfall is without a doubt one of the best World War 2 films which I have ever seen, delivering a compelling and immersive look behind the scenes of one of the most important defeats in modern history.

But being British and having to follow this with subtitles, which was great as watching this in its native German only adds to the experience, it can be a bit difficult to keep up with every plot machination, as we spend two and half hours reading about troop deployments, tactics and the philosophy of the Third Reich as we are presented with such atmospheric work, but if you can keep up with but the text and visuals, this is one hell of an education for those who do not know and an immersive masterpiece for those who follow WW2 history.