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Across a War-Tossed Sea
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book talks about thing on the WWII. Though it mostly though the eyes of two children that are British. You hear their account about how WWII started. You getting from two children that were sent to America to escape the war that Germany and Great Britain.

You read about what the Nazi are doing and POW's and war effort and the allies. You also see what it like for British children learning to fit into the American life style and how to learn to make friends. You also learn about American Americans they used the word "Negro". You learn what life is like in 1940's and segregation's and things that were going on back then.
The Marriage of Maria Braun (1978)
The Marriage of Maria Braun (1978)
1978 | Drama, War
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I discovered Fassbinder senior year of college, and I couldn’t believe it. Both of these films are perfect to me. Ali tells a grotesque yet delicate love story that, to my dummy liberal arts mind, was an analogy for the challenges of a gay relationship in the repressed Germany of the 1970s (at least that’s what I said in my thesis). Maria Braun is the tragic, triumphant story of a woman who does what she must to get by, but loses herself in the process. They both make you wanna dress up and smoke opium and fuck people you meet late at night in a bodega, even if you’re not into that."

Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1974)
Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1974)
1974 | Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I discovered Fassbinder senior year of college, and I couldn’t believe it. Both of these films are perfect to me. Ali tells a grotesque yet delicate love story that, to my dummy liberal arts mind, was an analogy for the challenges of a gay relationship in the repressed Germany of the 1970s (at least that’s what I said in my thesis). Maria Braun is the tragic, triumphant story of a woman who does what she must to get by, but loses herself in the process. They both make you wanna dress up and smoke opium and fuck people you meet late at night in a bodega, even if you’re not into that."

So Much Life Left Over
Louis de Bernieres | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The aftermath of World War 1 in true de Bernieres style.
Louis de Bernieres has been one of my favourite authors ever since I stumbled across The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether Parts in 1990. As soon as I see that he has a book coming out, I avidly wait until I can buy it, trying to get as much information about the subject matter as I can (yes, I'm a fan-girl). This novel has not disappointed me.
So Much Life Left Over takes us back in to the lives of Rosie and Daniel Pitt after the First World War has come to an end. We go as far as Ceylon, back to London and to Germany in the 1930's. We catch up with all of the characters that we first encountered in The Dust That Falls From Dreams (and if you haven't read that yet, you're seriously missing out), and learn about what happens to Rosie's sisters, parents and those that they have met along the way.
I love the dialogue in this book: it's punchy, quick-witted and emotional. The first of Oily Wragge's chapters (each chapter, when about a different person, is written from their perspective, sometimes in first person, sometimes in third person - but I like this. It seems so personal) haunting, terribly sad and filled with the violence and horror of war and being a prisoner of war.
Daniel and Wragge go to work in Germany, and set up a business with the two fighter pilots that Daniel captured in the war. Here we get a look at the Germany of the early 1930's: the poverty, deprivation, and Hitlers rise to power. Daniel correctly predicts another war.
However, the truly heart wrenching events happen in the last thirty pages or so. I strongly suggest you get your handkerchief ready. The emotion in these last pages is what really makes this a truly stand out book for me (if the rest of the book hadn't already been enough to do that!). The sensitivity in the way that the subject matter is handled, and the emotions that this invokes in the reader is so well done.
I would thoroughly recommend this novel, I so enjoyed it, and I will be looking forward to the last part of this story.
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read and review this book.
The October Man (Rivers of London #7.5)
The October Man (Rivers of London #7.5)
Ben Aaronovitch | 2019 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
New location. New characters. (0 more)
Does not include Peter Grant as a main character. (0 more)
Novella set in Germany. Book 7.5 of the Rivers of London series.
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

The October Man by Ben Aaronovitch is the "#7.5" book in his Rivers of London series. I read the first book, Rivers of London for book club last year and has marked the 2nd book, Moon over Soho, to be read on Goodreads. When the opportunity arose to read this novella, I jumped at the chance. To give a fair review, I read books 2 - 7, not including the novellas, before reading this.

Peter Grant is mentioned in the novella but his German equivalent, Tobias Winter, leads this investigation set in Trier, Germany's oldest city.

While Aaronovitch's writing style and humor show through, I missed the characters I have been fortunate enough to meet in the books set in London. The backdrop of London has become as important as any of the characters.

Setting the novella in Germany was interesting because it allowed us to see the difference between how the German's investigate and the Folly. It brought the magical world into a different point of view as when FBI agent Kimberley Reynolds was around. I would have enjoyed this more if Peter Grant had helped with Tobias Winter's investigation.

I already marked book 8, False Value, to be read.

This 200-word review was published on on 7/15/19.

Gruff Rhys recommended India by Gal Costa in Music (curated)

India by Gal Costa
India by Gal Costa
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The more I read about the Tropicalia movement, the more it influenced me. I admired the way they worked against a military dictatorship. The official artists, playwrights and poets got together and put on full-on shows rather than just play gigs. They'd put on theatrical events with a theme or have a provocative backdrop that would get them arrested! It's a portal into so many worlds, like when Rogério Duprat had been studying with Stockhausen in Germany and bringing this back to Brazil, Can would also have influenced him in Germany and maybe someone like Cornelius Cardew who was like a British outpost. There's an amazing story about Cardew touring when he eventually turned against Stockhausen and wanted to bring his music to the people. He decided to tour the Isle of Anglesey in 1970 with the Scratch Orchestra and he got kids throwing stones at him during his gigs. Anyway, they ended up recording a few records in Brazil and this is one I play quite a lot, especially a song called 'Relance'. It's a few years after the Tropicalia explosion but Costa comes across really powerfully; it's like the artwork almost points to the Slits artwork but a few years beforehand. She comes across like a really powerful personality and there's a really unusual musicality on the record. This song ['Relance'] has a really heavy rhythm but it's driven by an accordion, which I usually find really off-putting but it seems to make sense here."


Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Sarah's Key in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
Sarah's Key
Sarah's Key
Tatiana de Rosnay | 2006 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first wors that pops into my head as I sit here trying to think of what to write is moving. I don't know what else to say about this book. I love reading anything about the Holocaust (The Book Theif being another favorite.) I wasn't sure about this one just from reading the back cover. I'm thrilled however that I didn't let that deter me from reading this book.
There are so many twists and turns. The past is firmly and solidly entwined with the present. I love that this book was able to teach me more about occupied France during WWII. Most books focus on Poland or Germany. I like that this book captivated without being too familiar.
The Hidden Treasure of Dutch Buffalo Creek
The Hidden Treasure of Dutch Buffalo Creek
Jackson Badgenoone | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Hidden Treasure of Buffalo Creek is a wonderful book to read. If you are a historical fiction or historical fan this book may be for you. You learn about history or some events as you go through the adventures with James. It a sweet it tells you about family history and about some of the history of the eras you may not have lived it or want to learn about.

It goes through some of the lives of a few people and how they got here. You learn to grow and follow faith along the way. James is the main one. You go along for an adventure. You may learn about some things that have been going on in the Germany or the USA.
The Hidden Treasure of Dutch Buffalo Creek
The Hidden Treasure of Dutch Buffalo Creek
Jackson Badgenoone | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Hidden Treasure of Buffalo Creek is a wonderful book to read. If you are a historical fiction or historical fan this book may be for you. You learn about history or some events as you go though the adventures with James. It a sweet it tells you about family history and about some of the history of the eras you may have not lived it or want to learn about.

It goes though some of the lives of a few people and how they got here. You learn to grow and follow faith along the way. James is the main one. You go along for an adventures. You may learn about some things that have been going on in the Germany or the USA.
The Hidden Treasure of Dutch Buffalo Creek
The Hidden Treasure of Dutch Buffalo Creek
Jackson Badgenoone | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Hidden Treasure of Buffalo Creek is a wonderful book to read. If you are a historical fiction or historical fan this book may be for you. You learn about history or some events as you go though the adventures with James. It a sweet it tells you about family history and about some of the history of the eras you may have not lived it or want to learn about.

It goes though some of the lives of a few people and how they got here. You learn to grow and follow faith along the way. James is the main one. You go along for an adventures. You may learn about some things that have been going on in the Germany or the USA.