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Roxanne (13 KP) rated The Small Hand in Books

Nov 14, 2018  
The Small Hand
Susan Hill | 2010
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After browsing through the shelves at my local library I spotted this book and knew I recognised the author's name...the brilliant author who wrote The Woman in Black (which I read quite recently and very much enjoyed) so I thought I would pick this one up.
The Small Hand is a nice, enjoyable ghost story which unfortunately lacked a certain chill, I did not find it to be scary in any way and I found that perhaps I was somewhat spoilt by the rollercoaster of The Woman in Black. I got a bit bored part way through with the constant diversions and the lack of depth, I wanted more meat that was sadly missing from this short book, this made it feel rushed or if there were pages missing.
I would still say that if you enjoy ghost stories please do give this one a read, it's not bad but in my opinion it just wasn't that great either.
A Haunting in Venice (2023)
A Haunting in Venice (2023)
2023 | Crime, Mystery
6.0 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not the best of the recent 3 Poirot films (0 more)
Ok for Whodunit fans
I love Murder Mysteries and a fan of Agatha Christie stories. I've not seen a film or Tv adaptation of this cover of the "Hallowe'en Party" story. It's different with the Ghost and spiritual angle on proceedings. A nice setting in a creepy house in Venice. The summing up seemed to come rather abruptly and a couple of things not really that well explained as to how they were worked out. There's not much for viewers to go by to work it out. One for Whodunit fans mainly.

Lee (2222 KP) rated Ghost Stories (2018) in Movies

Apr 10, 2018 (Updated Apr 10, 2018)  
Ghost Stories (2018)
Ghost Stories (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror
Sadly I missed out on seeing Ghost Stories on stage when it played in London's West End a few years ago. By all accounts it was a hugely enjoyable and genuinely scary experience, which I would have loved!

The movie version is written by the guys behind the stage show. Jeremy Dyson (co-creator and writer of the brilliant 'League of Gentlemen' shows) and Andy Nyman (co-writer of some of Derren Brown's TV and stage shows), so if you're familiar with any of their work then you'll have an idea what you're in for.

Nyman also stars in the movie as cynical Philip Goodman, host of 'Psychic Cheats' - a TV show which sets out to debunk the con-men who prey on vulnerable people who are grieving for their lost loved ones. Goodman is now investigating three 'unexplained' cases, stories involving three men (Paul Whitehouse, Alex Lawther and Martin Freeman) who have all been deeply affected by an unexplained supernatural experience in their past. Nyman meets with each of them in turn, and they then recount their stories for us to enjoy.

The stories themselves work extremely well. The whole movie is set in a even drearier than usual England, and this dark and depressing setting only adds to the tension that gradually builds as each story unfolds. While the stories themselves aren't too scary, good use of sound and camera work really help to make things pretty unsettling and creepy. There are some obligatory jump scares along the way, and even some laugh out loud moments too.

Outside of the stories being told, strange things begin happening to too. This all builds to a bit of a WTF?! moment, which then begins unraveling nicely, piecing together parts of the movie and building to a very satisfying and enjoyable ending.

Jack Reynor recommended Kwaidan (1964) in Movies (curated)

Kwaidan (1964)
Kwaidan (1964)
1964 | Drama, Fantasy, Horror
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Kwaidan is a film like no other. Adapted from Japanese legends and myths that were collected by Irish author Lafcadio Hearn, the film is an anthology of four ghost stories. The superstitiousness of Irish culture clearly influenced Hearn’s recording of these tales, and to see these stories adapted again by a Japanese artist is fascinating. I think Kobayashi poured his soul into this project. Kwaidan, in every way, bleeds Japanese culture and identity: not a loud and obnoxious nationalistic pride, but a thoughtful and considered love and respect for its heritage. Toru Takemitsu provides an austere and haunting score using traditional Japanese instruments and warped sound effects. The majority of the film is shot on a soundstage and features strikingly, often eerily painted backdrops. This was Kobayashi’s first color project, and cinematographer Yoshio Miyajima uses light, a 2:35:1 aspect ratio, and refined camera movement to astonishing effect."

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019)
2019 | Horror
Contains spoilers, click to show
Scary Stories to tell in the dark is a film based on a series of children’s books famed for its terrifying art work. The film tells of what happens when a group of children discover the story book of Sarah Bellows, the town’s urban legend who is supposed to have poisoned and killed the children who heard her stories.
Scary Stories is one of those films that takes a mix of different horror elements, put’s them through a blender and sees what comes out; it is part Slasher, as a number of the children get attacked and killed in a variety of different ways, part J-Horror as the children have to find out what it will take to stop Sarah (in a similar style to the Ring or The Grudge), and part monster movie as a variety of creatures are set out after the children.
The one thing Scary Stories isn’t is a children’s film, the monsters are heavily based upon the art work from the original books and, after a slow beginning the tension and atmosphere are ramped up. There are a few jump scares but the film does not rely solely on these and the ones there are, are well crafted, you know something is going to happen but not when. Some of the children do died, although not in bloody ways.
For a film based on a series of stories ‘Scary Stories to tell in the dark’ doesn’t quite become an anthology movie which is a bit surprising, each monster has its own back story however, these back stories quickly become secondary as the hunt for the truth about Sarah takes over.
I think, at its heart, Scary Stories is mostly a classic ghost story, the book is a classic cursed item like the video tape in the ring or the mirror in mirror mirror (the horror film not the Disney one) which is fuelled by Sarah’s anger at the injustices she suffered when she was alive and which can be negated when something is put right. Of course anyone who has seen more than a few horror movies knows that a bad spirit can’t be kept down for long and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark does leave the way open for a sequel.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely love scary stories, ones that keep you on your toes, trying to figure out what's going on, and this one definitely has the creepy factor. Christy has said the house used to be her husband's home growing up, and some of the experiences described in the book happened to him and his family. Whoa!!!

I couldn't help but get engrossed in the story, especially the developing relationship between Ephraim and Brylee, as well as her friendship with Lynley. Then there would be parts that made me just want to scream at the book, throw it across the room, something, because that's how drawn into it I was. Oh, and I read it in one day, because I just couldn't put it down, THAT'S how great it is. Although, because of the ending, I'm on pins and needles waiting for more. I'm so glad my book club read this one this month, so awesome!! I'd highly recommend to anyone who likes supernatural stories, ghost stories, haunted houses, and the like. Fantastic!!

5 stars =)
The Lady Ghost (The Decoders #2)
The Lady Ghost (The Decoders #2)
Alba Arango | 2018 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You looking for an adventure book for your child or children to enjoy? Well, the series called “The Decoders” by Alba Arango is a good one. It seems to focus on helping others out but also doing what they love to do. Which is solve cases. I have rated it 4.5 Moons – (Stars).

It about three smart kids, how they have adventures. They seem to help their friends and family out. Though in this book it about “The Lady Ghost”. What is happening on the movie set? Why are they scaring people to leave? Is the ghost real or is it fake?

The plot is done well. The characters are developed well. Matt, Steve, and Jenny seem to have different skills that they use to solve mysteries. The stories and mysteries are different. They seem to find someone or a few that seem to help them out.

The adventures seem enjoyable. I enjoy each one. I love that the mysteries are entertaining but not overwhelmed. They are really good for middle graders and children. It one that children can read and fall in love with.

The author does a wonderful job of this and keeping it suitable for children. I just think the story could have been a bit more with the ghost and with movie set. It was a good read. I hope to able to read the next one. I want to read the other adventures of the decoders.
Ghost Story (The Dresden Files, #13)
Ghost Story (The Dresden Files, #13)
Jim Butcher | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Of course I (along with all [a:Jim Butcher|10746|Jim Butcher|]'s other fans) have been absolutely dying to read this book ever since finishing [b:Changes|6585201|Changes (The Dresden Files, #12)|Jim Butcher||6778696]. [a:Sam Chupp|11847|Sam Chupp|] and I have been talking about how there could possibly be another book that occurs after Dresden's death. Of course, the novella included in [b:Side Jobs: Stories From the Dresden Files|7779059|Side Jobs Stories from the Dresden Files (The Dresden Files, #12.5)|Jim Butcher||10351697] was very good and got along quite well without Dresden, but that probably wasn't going to work for an entire novel.

Sam hasn't even started <i>Ghost Story</i> yet, so I can't gloat at home. I was actually right in some of my speculation! I'm being non-specific so as to not give too much away, even though I am hiding this review behind spoiler warnings on GoodReads in case he does read it and remember what I had said (which is highly doubtful). But I feel like bragging somewhere, so you, dear readers, have to put up with it.

Jim Butcher deserves major praise. <i>Ghost Story</i> is amazing. Dresden has become such a powerful wizard that few enemies are truly a challenge, and wiping out the entire Red Court with one spell was an amazing feat. What do you do for an encore to that? Having Dresden immaterial and operating without magic does seriously push him, and that makes for a fascinating tale. Being able to keep a series fresh in its thirteenth volume says a lot for Butcher's talent. I think <i>Ghost Story</i> is the best Dresden Files book yet, and I'm looking forward to book fourteen even more!
Last Podcast On The Left
Last Podcast On The Left
8.6 (16 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Reliable (4 more)
Fun group of guys making the podcast feel more inviting
Live shows that you can go to
Some may not enjoy the type of humour (2 more)
Can go off track slightly
Multiple voices speak at once
Any true crime enthusiast will love this podcast!
Three guys Marcus Parks, Henry Zebrowski and Ben Kissle all sit and talk about the grizzly stories of some of the scariest true crime and serial killer s of the past, they also discuss real life ghost stories and alleged alien abductions/sightings trying to stay netureal and using only sources for their episodes. All episodes are told alongside great humour and whilst going off track slightly sometimes it is always kept interesting. I want to state the bad points are not my view in particular and just feedback I have heard from other fans that I think are relevant.

Personally this is one of my favourite podcasts and I enjoy their whole network of shows which include wizard and the bruiser, abe lincolns top hat, kinda fun, page 7 and more
Encyclopedia Brown Shows the Way
Encyclopedia Brown Shows the Way
Donald J. Sobol | 1972 | Children, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ten More Mysteries with the World’s Smartest Ten-Year-Old
What is Encyclopedia up to this time around? He helps his father prove who stole an electric drill. He helps a kid get his harmonica back from Bugs. When a girl wants to figure out who got her kicked off a baseball team, Encyclopedia Brown takes the case. He figures out who stole a rattlesnake rattle from a display at a museum. And he helps a friend who thinks he saw a ghost.

The ten stories in this book are fairly short, which makes them easy to breeze through. I still find I rarely solve the case before Encyclopedia does, but that’s okay. I have fun with them. There isn’t time for much in the way of twists here, and the characters are fairly thin. I don’t think kids will mind either one. What they might find off putting is the dated elements of the books. Like, what’s an encyclopedia? Still, if they are willing to pick it up, they’ll find these stories fun.