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A group of ghost hunters have returned to the island to search for the ghost of a Prohibition era rum runner. However, when their leader gets murdered, Bea must figure out which of her guests might be a killer in order to clear her friend Kate of the crime.

The story is fun, and the way it wove a mystery from the past into what was happening now was great. The characters are strong, as I expected from the first two books. The humor I’ve enjoyed was still there as well. Unfortunately, the book had some serious editing flaws, including multiple characters getting the location where the body was found wrong. None of these impacted the final outcome, but it did detract from my enjoyment.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House
Shirley Jackson | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
7.5 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
Such a great ghost story!
I really can't get over that I've never read this book before I'm such a huge horror fan, I absolutely love ghost stories, and I've seen the movies that are based on this book so many times it's not even funny, I really can't get over I've never read the book. I really enjoyed Shirley Jackson's writing it had a very dreamy quality to it she has a absolutely amazing talent at writing atmosphere most of the time you really felt like you were in Hill House along with the characters who were all really well written even though I do wish we would have got to know some of them a little more. All in all I really enjoyed this book and I'll definitely be reading more of Shirley Jackson's work since I can't get over I've never read anything by her before.
Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)
Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)
Kendare Blake | 2011 | Horror, Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars for Anna Dressed in Blood.

If you ever wanted to know how to write a decent and great ghost story, this is it! I had high hopes for this book, and it didn't disappoint.

However, I was expecting it to be a bit more scary, but I didn't find it scary at all. I wouldn't consider it as a horror book. Paranormal ghost story, yes.

I loved, loved, loved the character of Anna. I loved her so much, in fact, that I was wishing that she actually did exist so we could be friends.

I also loved the fact that it had swearing in it that wasn't OTT like a lot of older teen books. The way Cas swears made him feel more like a real teenage boy. What 17 year old boy doesn't swear!?!

The plot was quite good although, when it came to the story line of how Anna died and why she was the way she was, it was quite predictable...This is what made me give the book 4.5 stars instead of 5...well, that and it wasn't scary which I was hoping for.

Overall, this is definitely a good read! I can't wait to read Girl of Nightmares to find out more about (hopefully) Anna, Cas, Carmel, and Thomas.

This is a book not to be missed!
Ghost Moon (The Bone Island Trilogy #3)
Ghost Moon (The Bone Island Trilogy #3)
Heather Graham | 2010 | Contemporary, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
178 of 200
Ghost moon (BONE island book 4)
By Heather Graham

Reclusive collector Cutter Merlin is seldom seen in Key West - lately, not at all. Officer Liam Beckett visits Merlin's curious house and discovers the gentleman in his study. In his death grip: a volume of occult lore and a reliquary. His eyes are wide with fright, his mouth a horrified rictus where spiders now dwell.

Kelsey Donovan returns to the old house to catalog her estranged grandfather's collection of artifacts and antiquities, vowing to see his treasures divested properly. But she cannot ignore the sense that she's being watched, the reports of malevolent black figures, the pervasive smell of death.

Is the Merlin house haunted, even cursed? Liam knows well that some ghost stories are true and he swears to protect Kelsey. But there are forces at work for whom one more life is a pittance to pay for their deepest desire...

I enjoyed this one more than the 2nd it rounded everything off so nicely! The only thing that slightly annoyed me was the jumping straight from one character to another in a different part of the story drove me crazy. Bartholomew finally found peace with his lovely lady!
Nice end to a strange ghost series!
Silence for the Dead
Silence for the Dead
Simone St James | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good ghost story, slow dragged out ending
Anything to do with a horror ghost theme and an asylum has to be good right? Well, yes and no. The book was somewhat enjoyable to read but it had its’ moments.

The plot itself was good. It had the elements of a good gothic theme - not scary enough to make people read it in daytime (seriously?) but it had some good decent creep factor in it. It’s enough to set the mood and theme of the book but nothing to make the skin crawl. The element of mystery was also there and the ghost story aspect was good - nothing to blind side you - except perhaps for a little twist in the end (with where the ghost was and who was it manipulating etc etc). It’s pretty much a stable plot with all the main points closed (or is it? *queue creepy organ music*) so I’d have to say the gothic ghost story was what was in it for me.

Character wise. Kitty is likable. She’s resourceful, and a survivor from horrible abuse. Big applause for her for being strong and able to stand up and survive through various ordeals. Captain Mabry stood out for me because I enjoyed reading about his character. He seemed to be the strong stable silent type in the asylum where you have various patients with various issues (most were casualties of World War One) and there was a certain calmness about him that made him likable.

It’s pretty much obvious Kitty and Jack were to be together. The romance aspect in the book was all right. Necessary? I’m not sure perhaps. It’s not really for me. When their romance was more cemented was where the book was starting to take a slight turn downhill.

So near the ending when everything was revealed, all plot holes start to close. Sometimes, depending on the writing, you can stretch it out and make it interesting. Or you can make it drag. This one, unfortunately drags. We’re done with the ghosts, everything was answered, and the last 30 pages or so I just wanted the book to end. The romance of Kitty and Jack intensify and this is where intense eye rolling is also induced. Dear Lord, am I reading this just to see if there’s a scary twist at the end? Or am I wasting my time? Well sadly, I wasted my time. It was good to see what happened to characters like Mabry, and even Matron, but it just dragged way too much. Yeah okay we get it Kitty and Jack forever. Why do we need so many pages of this, am I suddenly reading a romance now?

Other than the ghost story in this book, the romance nearly killed it for me and a dragged out ending. Perhaps a nice twist in the ending would be nice. Or maybe skim the 30 pages and be done. I would say take it or leave it with this book. It was moderately enjoyable for me.
Entity (2013)
Entity (2013)
2013 | Horror
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The eerie factor and story line. (0 more)
Acting was just ok. (0 more)
I saw this one on Amazon. It was pretty creepy once it got past the slow start. The storyline itself was pretty interesting. It was ultimately about secret governmental testing on people in the past. The characters were ok. Not a lot of depth to them but the acting is mediocre. The effects and camera tricks could've been a little better but they conveyed everything well enough. Overall I'd recommend it if you're into creepy ghost stories. Worth a watch.
Empire of Passion (1978)
Empire of Passion (1978)
1978 | Drama, Horror, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"The Japanese New Wave is almost synonymous with Nagisa Oshima. His film In the Realm of the Senses outraged critics and audiences alike with its many scenes of unsimulated sex. Here he takes similar themes of lust and murderous passion and explores them through the supernatural, crafting a ghost story that puts Japanese society and cultural conventions on trial in a masterful way. Who are the criminals here? Those who dare to pursue their feelings and impulses, or the society that forbids them the freedom to do just that?"

 The Curse of La Llorona (2019)
The Curse of La Llorona (2019)
2019 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Well, this movie was better than expected. A good ghost story for a dark night. The acting and cinematography were very well done. The story didn't take long getting to the "meat" of the plot. It unfolded well and kept me anticipating the next scene. I didn't expect the ending to be so... "simple" but it didn't take away from the entertainment value. This one also isn't too gory or anything for the younger movie watchers(though maybe not the REALLY young ones) in the family. Good for a family "scary movie night". If you do those sort of movie nights. Speaking of kids, the child actors in this movie did a fantastic job. This one is really worth a watch!
The Fog (1980)
The Fog (1980)
1980 | Horror
Classic Carpenter!
Director John Carpenter had a lot to live up to and deliver after his striking masterpiece Halloween. He decided to tell an old school ghost story about a coastal town in northern California which is cursed and subject to a mysterious "Fog" which rolls into town and carries ghoulies within its misty depths.

Not as well known or remembered as some other Carpenter works, The Fog still delivers some creepy scares and gruesome death scenes reminiscent of other Carpenter films.

Great cast of vintage horror icons like Janie Lee Curtis, Janet Leigh and Adrienne Barbeau make the story more enjoyable and believable.

The film shows its age in parts, but is still an enjoyable horror classic.

Naomi Forrest (42 KP) rated City of Ghosts in Books

Dec 31, 2018 (Updated Dec 31, 2018)  
City of Ghosts
City of Ghosts
V.E. Schwab | 2018 | Paranormal
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not too creepy, just right (0 more)
Having to wait for the next book (0 more)
I haven't read any Victoria Schwab before though I do have another of her books to read and I know that she is extremely popular, particularly for fans of the young adult genre. This book piqued my interest as a middle grade ghost story so when I found it at a gorgeous second hand book store in Alnwick, Northumberland (you trade your old books in for new ones, it is amazing!), I snapped it up.
Cass is a brilliant protagonist....she's weird, she knows she's weird and she embraces her weird. We live in a world of fashion rules and being told that being different is wrong, even now in 2018. To be the generic carbon copy makes you popular. As Cass says:
'I know you're supposed to want to be one of the popular kids....It just seems like it would be exhausting...Smile, but not too wide. Laugh, but not too loud.'
From this quote alone, you just know that Schwab understands pre-teens and teens. She has been there. Cass is a brilliant character to empower the intended audience and show them it's good to be different. The other big character in the book is Cass's best friend, Jacob, who often has amusing little retorts to Cass and adds humour throughout the book. Oh yes, and he's dead! Apart from this interesting fact and also that he saved Cass's life, the bond between the two is like any other friendship and I get the feeling we will see more of these characters. It is hinted at in the story that Jacob remaining in the world of the living may create problems so it raises a lot of questions about what is coming. I was constantly questioning throughout the book, where did Jacob come from? Did he die saving Cass? Why has he not crossed over? How can he come through the veil? The writing just flows so easily and is told through Cass's eyes. I'm not always the biggest fan of present tense writing in novel's but the use of first person really put me into Cass's world and I had to know about the veil! (I was also a big Ghost Whisperer fan).
This book also has one of my favourite things, a cute little map at the start. However, unlike the often fiction maps that enhance the story, this is Cassidy's map of Edinburgh, which is pretty awesome, especially as I know the places on it, living just an hour's train ride from the city. It shows the main places you would expect, as well as Blackwell's book shop (it is a good Blackwell's too, bigger than Newcastle!). I just love maps in books, I spend ages pouring over them and it really adds to the pictures in your mind.
Of course, being a ghost story, this novel is quite edgy for middle grade but absolutely age appropriate and Schwab is so skillful at pushing the tension right up before diffusing it at just the right point. I get scared even by some young adult ghost stories (no lie) and this one was borderline comfortable for me. The description perfectly set the scene and I truly felt like I was in a foggy graveyard in the dark, or underground in Mary King's Close. I love how Schwab drew on Scottish history and Scotland's love of ghost stories and seamlessly weaves them with the fiction of this ghost hunting American family. I think a lot of children who I come across and potentially across the country may have been to Edinburgh so it makes the story a little bit more accessible while the fantasy creates a boundary from it being too scary. Cass is also a big fan of Harry Potter and the frequent references throughout will really resonate with contemporary children who also love the series.
I loved this book and can't wait for what follows on. It is definitely an exciting addition to a class bookshelf for the ghost story lover but would be a gripping book to share with your class just for pleasure. Brimming with tension, spine tingling atmosphere and completely relevant to the modern day pre-teen, I recommend whole heartedly.