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In Shadows Waiting
In Shadows Waiting
Stewart Bint | 2014 | Horror
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Simon Reynolds thinks he sees a shadow flit outside the window of the house he shares with his family, he doesn't think much of it. But when there are more ocurrences and other members of the family (including the dog) become unsettled by things not quite seen, it is clear that there is something not quite normal at work.

As the days go by the menace becomes clearer. What is going on and why?

This is very much a traditional ghost story told very effectively by Bint from Simon's point of view. The whole story is also told by Simon as a flashback so we are aware that there are tragic consequences.

The air of menace in the first half of the book is palpable. The ghost is only glimpsed and can be explained away in the cold light of day. As the plot progresses and the threat becomes more real I felt that this sense was lost - but perhaps this is inevitable. Things half-seen out of the window at dusk mean nervous glances out of the windows when reading, but more substantial manifestations don't invoke quite the same sense.

By that time however the reader will be very keen to see what happens to Simon and his family. The past is demanding a price from the present, but who is going to pay it?
Night's Edge
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I just finished Maggie Shayne's short story, Her Best Enemy, and enjoyed it a lot. Yes, the plot is rushed and I didn't believe they could love each other that soon at the end, but it was a really fun story! I would have liked it better if Ms. Shayne had left them just starting out in their promising relationship and not dropping the L-bomb at the end - it felt too forced and cheesy. But as I said before, it was very fun, and an easy and fast read too! :)
4/5 stars

Someone Else's Shadow was another very good story. I really liked Maddie, and while the love angle was again very fast, but at the end I appreciated that the author addresses how fast they fell in love. As with the first story, the ghost angle was creepy and made the whole atmosphere of the story come alive. The chemistry between Maddie and Phil was palpable and it did make me feel like they could in fact fall in love that fast. A great short story!
4.5/5 stars

Dancers in the Dark was another good tale in this anthology. Rue was a likable protagonist who had a horrible past, and while Sean could have been brought to life (ha!) more, he was still a good hero for her. The plot was well-done and I never got annoyed at Rue for feeling sorry for herself or anything, which can happen in stories similar to this. All-in-all it was a fascinating tale.
4/5 stars
The Live Ghost (1934)
The Live Ghost (1934)
1934 | Comedy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Okay mid-period Laurel and Hardy short. Stan and Ollie are hired by regular antagonist Walter Long to help kidnap men to crew his allegedly-haunted ship; perhaps inevitably, they end up press-ganging themselves. Better not mention the ghost to the captain...
About as close to over-plotted as you can get with a L&H movie; some good stuff near the start but it gets a bit busy as it goes on - too much story, not enough slapstick. Concludes by recycling the (slightly gruesome) closing gag from the same year's Going Bye-Bye! Has its moments, but not as many as some other films from the boys.

ClareR (5674 KP) rated The Moor in Books

Apr 25, 2018  
The Moor
The Moor
Sam Haysom | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I might not go on that hiking trip.....
You're in at the deep end straight away with this story, and it doesn't come up for air for the next 200 pages (or so!). It starts as a ghost story told by their teacher to five 13 year old boys on a training weekend on Rutmoor National Park, and ends - well, that would be giving the game away! We get glimpses into the past with the use of newspaper articles written about missing children and mutilated animals, and we look at the present and one of the survivors from the ill-fated walk. We're also told the story of what really happened on that ill-fated weekend.
The suspense was portrayed really well, and the boys were written with an understanding of how teenaged boys talk and act (much like Stephen King, in fact). I actually dreamt about this story whilst I was reading it, and let me tell you, it wasn't pleasant! And yes, I loved it!
This is great for horror-suspense lovers, and isn't really gory, in my opinion. It just messes with your mind ?
Thanks to The Pigeonhole for choosing this book to serialise. It was fun (in a keep-you-thinking-about-it-late-into-the-night kind of way)!!!

ClareR (5674 KP) rated Platform Seven in Books

Sep 1, 2019 (Updated Sep 2, 2019)  
Platform Seven
Platform Seven
Louise Doughty | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
6.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
A beautiful, sad story.
If I could give more than 10/10 for Platform Seven, I would. The main character, and I’m giving nothing away here, is a ghost. She doesn’t know her name or why she’s there, but she knows that she’s dead, and she knows that she can’t leave the confines of Peterborough train station. However, two things trigger the return of her memories: a suicide on Platform Seven, and the appearance of a (living) young man in the station. We then learn her name, and the sequence of events that resulted in her death and afterlife at Peterborough train station.

This was a beautifully told story, and I’ll warn you now that you’ll need to read it with tissues at hand. I cried, and I cried quite a lot! This isn’t an action packed thriller. It’s thoughtful, emotional, and at times it’s frustrating. It’s easy to read a story and say to yourself that you won’t make the same mistakes as the lead character, that that character should have made different choices, but this book explains so well a manipulative, emotionally abusive relationship.

I would recommend this story - it really is well worth reading.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this outstanding book.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Bag of Bones in Books

May 9, 2020  
Bag of Bones
Bag of Bones
Stephen King | 1998 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (44 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enjoyable but not the best
As always I have to state that Stephen King is my all time favourite author so I probably always look at his books with rose tinted glasses. That said whilst I enjoyed Bag of Bones, it definitely isn't one of his best.

The story and plot in this are almost your typical ghost story, but with your usual King flair and horror thrown in. The characters are well developed and likeable yet flawed, and the writing is as superb as always. I think my main problem with this book was it didn't half ramble on a bit. It comes in at just over 500 (hardback) pages and this is far too long. A fair amount of this book could've been cut out without impacting drastically on the story. And also the name of the lake house in this is "Sara Laughs" - whilst there is an explanation for this in the books, I still think it's a ridiculous name for a house and it irritated me every time it was mentioned.

Overall this is still an enjoyable King story, but definitely not his best and not one I'd recommend with there being so many other amazing and better novels of his out there.
The Ghost of Villa Winter
The Ghost of Villa Winter
Isobel Blackthorn | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A cult (1 more)
Description of environment
All of the characters (1 more)
Amateur writing mistakes
Little does the reader know when they pick up a copy of The Ghost of Villa Winter by Isobel Blackthorn that a cult is lurking about inside the pages.

We begin our journey with Clarissa ,our main character, boarding a tour bus where she lets her personality shine through, which turns out to be extremely judgmental of anyone who isn't like her, or doesn't fit into the categories she places them in. For example, the driver of the tour bus is automatically labeled by Clarissa as a bad man because he has an uneven face and a French accent, and much of the same is said about the other seven passengers, as well. When she finally manages to stop judging the passengers, readers find out that Clarissa is somewhat of a psychic: "Ghosts spoke a language of their own and if a member of the spirit world inhabited the abandoned abode, she was sure to pick up on it. She was never wrong in these matters. Only three of the thirty or more premises she'd investigated on so-called ghost tours had contained a legitimate ghost. She prided herself on her mediumistic prowess. She was apt to pick up on preternatural inhabitants of places said not to be haunted. Sometimes she thought she could singlehandedly re-write history based on information she had gleaned, but that was being arrogant. She followed her dreams and her visions and her intuition, that was all. A natural psychic and a cynic to boot. "

It turns out that Clarissa is on the tour to see if she can encounter any spirits that may be at the infamous Villa Winter; a place that is believed to have been a secret Nazi base, as well as a place for human experiments - - - the tower was also believed to have been used as a lighthouse for German U-boats - - - which, in reality, Villa Winter is an actual place that exists on the Canary Islands in Spain.

The Ghost of Villa Winter is the fourth book in Blackthorn's Canary Islands Mysteries series, but it can be easily read as an introduction to it because you don't need any background information to understand what is going on. The novel takes on the usual tropes of a murder-mystery plot (a body is found, people are stranded and trying to figure out who among them is the murderer). Agatha Christie is one of the best authors of the murder-mystery genre who loved using her knowledge of poisons in her stories - - - Blackthorn treats the tropes with the right amount of respect which makes The Ghost of Villa Winter a pretty good story.

My major complaint for the Ghost of Villa Winter are the characters, which I found every single one quite unlikable, and even by the end, I couldn't bring myself to care at all for Clarissa. The way that she judged everyone so harshly, and her viewpoint that if no one acted the way she wanted them to, she would believe something was wrong with them that needed to be addressed in a rude manner: "He was the most anxious man she had come across in a long time. Anxious, unsure of himself and preoccupied. Far too self-conscious. The way he'd aligned his plate at lunch. That was obsessive-compulsive. And he certainly couldn't handle Fred Spice. She was sure he could be charming with pretty young ladies, patronizing even, but around her he was awkward. It was clear, too, that he was broken. It wouldn't be easy being an author knowing as you aged that all of your success was behind you and your future held nothing but diminishment. Writing was one of those activities you could pursue until you dropped and many successful authors did just that. As irritating as he could be, she felt sorry for him. "

The other characters are all seen from Clarissa's viewpoint, so they come off quite annoying, but at one point it seemed like Blackthorn was trying to redeem Clarissa's negative qualities by making her an advocate for a possibly wrongly convicted man. This story line didn't come off as redemption for me, but rather to fuel Clarissa's need to be important and in the right. Blackthorn failed to make any of the characters grow above pettiness. If a reader doesn't have a character to root for, the story becomes unenjoyable - - - which is the main reason I gave the book such a low rating; the murder-mystery was interesting, but the characters were not.

The murder, a woman who may have been part of a cult, is found inside a nailed-up crate with a tattoo of a number on her body being one of the only clues that puts Clarissa into sleuth-mode. After believing that one of the tourists is the killer, she decides to keep the discovery of the murder between her and Richard - - - a crime author who came to Villa Winter in hopes of a book inspiration. The two slowly begin to investigate their fellow tourists to figure out who had the mind and motive to kill the young woman, but this doesn't seem to be as easy as it is in Richard's books. I did have a problem though with the ending which ends up being very reminiscent of a majority of short stories: the ending came abruptly and the pieces fell into a place that was unbelievable.

I had never read any of Blackthorn's books before, so I didn't have much of an expectation reading the Ghost of Villa Winter. Unfortunately, I came away from this one pretty dissatisfied because all of the interesting points in the story (such as the cult) are rarely shown/explored further. Also, the fact that 'ghost' is in the title, I was pretty let down with only a couple of scenes where a ghost actually shows up, one such short-lived scene: "She [Clarissa] was about to carry on when a figure appeared in one of the uppermost tower windows. Appeared, and then was gone. At least, what she thought to be a figure. Could have been a ghost. " The scenes are so short that I believe 'ghost' shouldn't be in the title because it's misleading.

With quite a few amateur writing mistakes, and unlikable characters, I don't think I will read anymore of the books in this series. I loved the idea of a cult murder and a haunting in a possible Nazi base, but too much of the focus in the story was on Clarissa's judgmental outlook on everything that it ended up not being the story it could have been. I can only recommend this book to people who want a quick murder-mystery (what most call the genre 'cozy mystery'), but for paranormal lovers, the ghosts practically disappeared within a few pages.