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The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
2017 | Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Girl With All the Gifts is a slow paced zombie movie based on the book of the same name. Unlike a lot of zombie movies, 'The Girl With All the Gifts' doesn't go in for gore, although there is a bit. Instead it uses it's slow pace to build suspense as the protagonists try to find safety as they pass through zombie infested England. As they travel the group find out more about both the zombies and the strange children that now inhabit the earth.
As I said, 'The Girl With All the Gifts' is slow but it uses this pace to let us know about the new world, the zombies and the other characters. The scenery is both beautiful and harsh as the characters travel through the now overgrown city of London and the visual effects are built on by the eerie soundtrack.
If you have read the book then you should find that the film is close to the main story, of course the film cuts out some of the back story's and there are some scenes missing but over all the film does well and manages to show how the events of the story change some of the characters (although even this is a bit lacking from the book but that is too be expected) and, over all the film does manage to get the feel of the book.
As I said, 'The Girl With All The Gifts' does not really go for gore so, if you want to see lots of action and people getting eaten then this isn't really for you. 'The Girl With All the Girts' focus more on what lies ahead, both for the reaming humans and for the zombies who will be left and the answer is bleak.

So, 'The Girl With All the Gifts' is a slow, story based zombie film with an interesting, well thought out take on the popular monster.

Auburn (57 KP) rated Lovestruck in Books

Apr 10, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book.

When I looked this book up it immediately knew it would be perfect for me. Greek gods, love arrows, and a girl who just can't figure out what she wants. Sign me up! I loved the relations to the big gods but also the fact the author threw in some minor gods and focused on them. It wasn't about Zues and that made it all the better. Instead we see a group of friends willing to do anything to help a girl out of a tough situation. A guy who will do anything for her and one collosal misunderstanding.
My only problem with this book, it's long. So long that in the middle I wondered what was going to take it so long. But I pushed through and the ending is worth it.
Perfect for fans of Olympian Challenger and other Greek God stories.

Cara Edgar (32 KP) rated The Lie in Books

Jan 25, 2018  
The Lie
The Lie
C.L. Taylor | 2018 | Thriller
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
engaging fast read (0 more)
may cause triggers for victims of abuse (0 more)
Best friends are there for each other through thick and thin. You trust them with your life. At least that's what Emma, Daisy, Leanne and Al think. But all that changes when they embark on a trip of a lifetime together. When they return home, only two of them are left alive and the group has been torn apart by lies and deception. Many years later, when the dust has settled and life has moved on, one girl receives a threatening letter. Someone knows the truth about what happened on that holiday and will stop at nothing to expose it.
Turn It Up!
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Turn It Up!</i> was a totally random pick I chose from my library's OverDrive catalog because they didn't have the book I so desperately wanted in my hands right at the very moment. <span style="font-size: small;">Come on, American Panda. Come to meeee.</span>

Or maybe they did but I didn't feel like reading any fantasy. I've been wanting more and more cute contemporary romances lately. <b>Give me all the cute contemporaries, bookwyrms.</b> I need to feed my latest addiction until I'm tired of it and go back to my usual fantasy groove.


<b>Jen Calonita's latest novel is about acapella groups.</b> I love and admire acapella (Pentatonix is one of my favorite groups) so this novel caught my eye <i>really</i> quick. <b><i>Turn It Up!</i></b><b> is essentially Pitch Perfect set in a high school setting instead of college.</b> I was hoping that I would enjoy the book a lot since it <i>is</i> about music and acapella.

Unfortunately, <strong>the book focuses too much on Lidia's and Sydney's problem with little to no progress</strong> and an ending that was basically handed over to the characters on a plate adorned with musical notes and shoes. <i>Boom.</i> Happily ever after for everyone.

This is basically the summary of the book:
  <li>Girl has a crush on a guy</li>
  <li>Other girl ends up falling in love with the guy</li>
  <li>Girl catches other girl and guy kissing, creates tension among friendship</li>
  <li>Girl develops other interests and chases after it because it conveniently keeps her away from other girl and guy as well</li>
  <li>Other girl tries to push guy but really, she's in love but she values friendship</li>
  <li>Girl falls in love slowly with another guy</li>
  <li>Guy somehow gets between girl and other guy by accident - oopsies</li>
  <li>Girl and other girl realizes they don't have to be this way</li>
  <li>Somehow they become best friends again and everyone lives happily ever after</li>
I was expecting more... I don't know, music to be involved? There's certainly conflict among the acapella group, but it felt like the musical angle wasn't even needed to create drama among the characters since there seemed to be issues well before the acapella group became a thing. &#x1f937;

A lot of the issues seemed to have roots since middle school/early high school - they just seemed to have escalated. And <strong>while the Pitch Perfect movie had their drama, it was at least entertaining and catchy.</strong> I can't say the same for the book.

<strong>The writing felt off</strong> - there were times where it felt awkward due to punctuation usage, mainly exclamation points. Sentences that didn't need an exclamation had one, or maybe it's just the phrasing of the sentences themselves. It didn't really help me enjoy the book more.

And then there were the characters. I don't know if it's just me, but I have a hard time thinking of how old most of the characters are. I know <i>Turn It Up! </i>is set in high school, but there were times where I felt they were a little younger. &#x1f914;

<b>But hey, there were <em>maybe</em> a few parts that were good!</b>
  <li>Eventually, everyone got past their differences - hooray</li>
  <li>There <em>is</em> a cute romance, and I definitely ship it</li>
  <li>Sometimes I wanted to smush the two characters together</li>
  <li>Lidia's family is cute and adorable</li>
Anyways, those smol little bits that were good didn't make up for the bad. I wanted more from <em>Turn It Up!</em> and <strong>I got a Pitch Perfect version in book form that was less entertaining than the movie.</strong>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Foul Is Fair in Books

Nov 26, 2019 (Updated Nov 26, 2019)  
Foul Is Fair
Foul Is Fair
Hannah Capin | 2020 | Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sweet Revenge Tale for the Modern Era
Loved how this book didn’t mess about and just got into the action. Straight off the bat, it gave me a whole Cruel Intentions vibe and added a touch of The Craft for good measure - all teen girl kick ass. In a world that gave us the Brock Turner farse, we deserve this over the top revenge book.

When a group of prep boys choose the wrong girl to target at a party we are taken along for an all-consuming journey of revenge and it’s a delightfully dark ride. For such a disturbing tale it’s beautifully written. I don’t tend to like things with any sort of retelling of Shakespeare hints Macbeth in this case) or girly teen YA but this is in its own league of powerful storytelling that sets it apart. I had a strong feeling of where it was going but I wouldn’t have missed the ride for anything.

My thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Damsel Distressed
Damsel Distressed
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars.

This book turned out quite nice. It's almost inspirational for the bigger girl (which I am). How Gen overcame all the struggles she'd faced in her life. I've been feeling all of her highs and lows with her because I think she's going through something we all face but hers has been harder with her finding it hard to deal with the death of her mother.

I could tell that there were feelings of more than friendship between Grant and Gen, and he was a really great friend to her, as were the rest of the group, even Andrew when we finally got to know him.

I also liked Evelyn, she tried her best to make Gen feel like part of the family after Gen's dad married her and she grew on me a lot throughout the story.

Admittedly I was only going to give it four stars but I think the amount of times I cried or nearly did means it got to me, so I bumped it up half a star.

A nice big-girl romance.
Taming the Troublemaker
Taming the Troublemaker
Kadie Scott | 2019 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderful Characters (0 more)
Cliffhanger (0 more)
Troublemaker VS Teacher
Autry Hill is the biggest playboy in town or that is what Beth Cooper always thought. Autry has always been up for a good time with a certain type of girl and Beth has never been that type of girl. When Beth bounces back into his life by locking her purse inside his truck everything changes. Who knew locking your purse in the wrong truck could lead to a skunk, jail and a promise to his father that he would finally settle down. Autry is one trouble maker who is in big trouble with one little good girl. Then all of sudden out of nowhere comes little boy who worms his way into Autry's heart. What are they to do when Dylan foster parents can no longer keep him, Dylan needs a new home; can Beth and Autry work together to give this boy the family they all need or will it be all over because Beth cannot see the man that Autry really is. Can one good little girl be enough to make Autry want to be the man he has always wanted to be?
This is my second Kadie Scott book and I am over the moon for her group of characters that make up the Hill Family books. Her easy writing style and how she weaves her tales make you need a little recovery time after finishing her tales. If you are thinking oh typical western romance you would be way off, Yes, it is a romance based on cowboys and ranching but her story goes beyond the horses and cowboy hats but actually to the characters of her stories so you know who they truly are beyond the story. I recommend this book for anyone looking for a funny, read with romance, laughs and adorable cowboy or two.
Little Fires Everywhere
Little Fires Everywhere
Celeste Ng | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (43 Ratings)
Book Rating
The community of Shaker Heights has been meticulously planned, the curves in the road and the colour of the houses, even the residents within. But now they want to know who started the fires and why?
Elena Richardson has always lived there and now embodies the ideals and values of the neighbourhood. Enter Mia, a single mum to a teenaged girl, nomadically travelling from state to state in an old green car and finally landing squarely in Shaker. The Richardson family are all drawn to the pair, but Elena has reasons to dig deep into Mia’s past. This is a raw observation of two families and their entanglements, Ng adds a backdrop of an adoption battle and questions family values, morals and ethics. A book group must!
Ninja Girl
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
So I have Cookie O’Gorman’s debut novel, <i>Adorkable </i>sitting in my Kindle app, and I can’t wait to read it because it sounds freakishly adorable, and I am all about adorable books (I like to mention <i><a href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">Imperfect Chemistry</a></i> for the New Adult readers).

<i>Ninja Girl</i> is O’Gorman’s second novel, and it does seem like a second book in a stand-alone series since from what I know, the love interest of this book, Ash, makes an appearance in <i>Adorkable </i>and the couple in that book make an appearance here. (Did I make sense or was that too weird?)

What drew me to <i>Ninja Girl</i> in the first place is the Korean MC, Snow, who looks up to Bruce Lee as her role model and makes her decisions based on what she thinks Bruce Lee would approve. She’s phenomenal at martial arts, which makes her stick out from her group of “friends” because she’s considered a tomboy. To prove that she is indeed a girl, Snow decides to kiss an entirely random guy, someone she would never typically go for, who turns out to be the son of a running candidate for the Senate that recently got pulled out of his life in a public school to a private school.

<i>Ninja Girl</i> reverses the whole damsel in distress and boy saves girl trope - instead, Snow is the one who saves Ash. Snow is recruited as Ash’s bodyguard when his father starts getting more threats as they get closer to elections. It’s just so refreshing to see a familiar trope being reversed and breaking out of the norm (and of course, O’Gorman isn’t the only one who does this, but I’m extremely glad there’s another female character to root for).

It is a very nitpicky thing, but I am a little bothered by the title since ninja originates from Japan. However, I feel the title fits remarkably well with Snow as a character - she is extraordinarily fast in her movements when we see her in action as a bodyguard.

I loved the writing style in <i>Ninja Girl</i> - O’Gorman is hilarious with her writing style, and there are a lot of moments where I just really enjoyed having Snow as the main character and getting to know Ash as a character. As mentioned, I currently have O’Gorman’s debut novel on my kindle and getting the chance to see her writing style in her sophomore novel makes me extremely excited to read her debut when I get the chance. There are some fantastic lines in <i>Ninja Girl</i> that I love, and I honestly want to make a different post featuring all of my favorite quotes from the book.

Overall, though, if you want a cute story with a kickass main character who is a POC and hilarious lines, <i>Ninja Girl</i> might be the book for you.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
The Girl on the Train (2016)
The Girl on the Train (2016)
2016 | Drama, Mystery
A Victim of its marketing
It’s always refreshing to see a film released primarily for the adult market. We all loved The Hunger Games, but imagine what the series could’ve been like had the franchise been given a 15 or even an 18 certification.

And Fifty Shades of Grey may have its critics (me being one of them) but at least it appealed to those of us not interested in sharing cinema screens with rambling tweens. The finest of the adult genre? Well, that has to be Gone Girl. But now there’s a new kid on the block, ready to steal its crown. Is The Girl on the Train a worthy adversary?

Alcoholic Rachel Watson (Emily Blunt) catches daily glimpses of a seemingly perfect couple, Scott (Luke Evans) and Megan (Haley Bennett), from the window of her train. One day, Watson witnesses something shocking unfold in the garden of the strangers’ home. Rachel tells the authorities what she thinks she saw after learning Megan is missing. Unable to trust her memory, the troubled woman begins her own investigation, while police suspect that Rachel may have crossed a dangerous line.

Emily Blunt has become one of Hollywood’s finest actors, constantly adding new genres to her resume. From The Devil Wears Prada to Sicario and beyond, there is nothing she won’t try and The Girl on the Train is bolstered by a career-best performance by the actress. It’s never easy to play a drunk convincingly; you can look to some UK soap operas for proof of that, but she manages to pull it off exceptionally well.

Of the supporting cast, only Justin Theroux makes a lasting impact as Rachel’s ex-husband Tom, now living with his new wife Anna – a lacklustre Rebecca Ferguson. It would be unfair to sling too much mud at a very talented group of actors, but up against Blunt, there really is no comparison.

Elsewhere, the complex narrative of Paula Hawkins’ book translates to a rather messy filming style when viewed on the big screen. Continuous flashbacks from within Rachel’s mind are handled reasonably well by director Tate Taylor (The Help) and he manages to wrench everything together to stop the plot from becoming incoherent.

Unfortunately, The Girl on the Train is a victim of its own intense marketing campaign. The trailers have given away far too much for those who haven’t read the book and whilst the twists and turns aren’t immediately obvious, some of the Cluedo-esque fun has been removed. It’s clear Dreamworks wanted the film to resemble Gone Girl as much as possible, aiming to attract a similar audience, but this may have backfired slightly.

Overall, The Girl on the Train is a particularly faithful adaptation of the novel of the same name, held up by an intense and frankly incredible performance by Emily Blunt. Unfortunately, some of the film’s suspense has been lost by a poorly executed marketing campaign and as such it becomes a passable addition to the adult thriller genre. This year’s Gone Girl it is not.