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Merissa (11805 KP) created a post

Mar 23, 2021  
🔥HOT #NEW RELEASE - BAD VAMPIRE by Lauren Dawes (@authorlaurendawes) is LIVE NOW!

A rookie cop. A team of supernatural detectives. Recalcitrant baby vampires on the loose.
My name is Cat McKenzie, and I’ve been a very bad girl…
No, not in the I-need-a-spanking way...pervert.
Nope, my kind of bad got my partner killed on my first day of the job. And now I’m getting punished by being thrown in as human liaison to PIG — the Paranormal Investigative Group.
Seriously, what were my superiors thinking?
I’m not going to lie: I hate all supernatural beings, but especially those cocky ones like my new partner happens to be. Between baby vampires terrorizing school events, my truck getting totalled and demon sex clubs, I wonder who the hell I pissed off in a different life.
But when the vampire threat becomes personal, I'm hell bent on getting to the bottom of it.




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People Kill People
People Kill People
Ellen Hopkins | 2018 | History & Politics
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
This book first interested me when I read it was a book written about guns and gun control by a person who grew up in a household that supported guns. This is a voice that I had not really heard from in YA literature. Sadly what was given to me was a book that lacked depth for the characters and was quite predictable.
The story follows a group of teen to early adults. 2 of them are white supremacists, 2 are married with a young child, 1 is a homeless teen, 1 is a victim of gun violence who has epilepsy and is also homosexual, and 1 is the greatest person ever. The group itself is so entwined by siblings, marriage, relationships, friendships it isn't weird to wonder just how big of a town it could be they are living in.
The book is full of poor choices, dealing drugs with a toddler present, constant fantasizing about killing a certain person, a lot of time spent in the minds of white supremacists.
The whole book we know someone is going to die. Most of the book is framed to make you think it will be the homeless youth at the hands of the white supremacists. But it is actually the great girl that is anti gun and everyone loves because a toddler got a hold of a gun his parents couldn't be bothered to properly store. The end murder affects the lives of everyone else so they mostly die or want to, to demonstrate that guns aren't the problem. Too bad the gun and people's selfish nature was an unaddressed problem in the whole book full of problems.
The plot was too weighed down for anything to stick and the characters fell very flat despite Hopkins best efforts.
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles
1967 | Pop, Psychedelic, Rock

"What killer pop songs, just killer fucking pop songs. It’s all over the place and I remember looking at it as a kid, just looking at the cover, it’s like a cartoon and at third grade I would play that record again and again. 'Lovely Rita' is probably my favourite song. I remember I had a crush on this girl and at that age you don’t know what girls are about and this song had something to do with my crush on this girl. I don’t know how, but it did, so it brings back memories of a more innocent time in my life for sure. It’s so ingenious and a pure band effort where all the band were listening to each other. I know from reading about that record later that there were a lot of battles but I think the band were at its zenith in terms of allowing each other’s input. Guns was also a band where everybody respected everybody else’s musical opinion - Appetite was a record that was a serious group effort. We didn’t have any away to record ourselves, we didn’t even have a PA, Axl would be singing lyrics into one of our ears while we were playing really loudly in this little room, so the only time we got to hear these songs properly was when we played live –in front of three people sometimes - 'cos there were monitors on stage. Then you’d realise that songs like 'Rocket Queen' were way too long and be shaving them. By Illusion we had a big rehearsal place with a PA and could record ourselves on cassette and hear what we were doing. And we had time, and if you don’t let time get away from you time can be a really great thing if you know how to manage it."

War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
I'm terrible with watching films in sequence, but I've been seeing the trailers for War for the Planet of the Apes repeatedly and really wanted to watch it. I saw the first one when it came out in some fashion, the second one has eluded me though.

The films begins with the Alpha-Omega paramilitary group laying down an attack on Caesar's ape clan. There is heavy resistance and several of Alpha-Omega's team are captured. Caesar, wanting to bring some form of peace to his clan, sends back the captured soldiers to the Colonel with a message, they did not start this war and that they want to live in peace together.

Caesar's son, Blue Eyes, returns from searching for a safe haven, and has found a place across the desert for them all to live. Thinking that they need more time to prepare, Caesar puts off their departure with tragic consequences. During the night the Colonel and a team of men infiltrate their camp, and her slaughters Blue Eyes and Caesar's wife, believing it was him.

Seeking revenge, Caesar leaves the camp to hunt down the Colonel, accompanied by a small group. Along the way they encounter a single soldier with his daughter in a camp, who Caesar kills when he goes for his gun. The girl doesn't speak and deciding not to leave her there alone, they take her with them on their journey.

The group make their way to the Border with the help of Bad Ape and Caesar discovers that the rest of their clan has been captured and is imprisoned below. After being captured they must plan their escape from both inside and outside the walls of the Border any way they can...

Quite simple put, this was an epic feat, and well worth the watch. At some point while it was on I honestly forgot that what I was seeing wasn't real. The effects are magnificent, and the emotions in Caesar in particular are just incredible. Those alone should be sure fire reasons to watch it, but if you're not convinced, then the story line isn't bad either.

I always think it's amazing how well movies manage to match up the emotion of the actor with their digitised counterpart. That takes an amazingly skilled group behind the scenes. My first reaction when I saw Woody Harrelson in the trailer was not a good one. He's amusing, but I couldn't name a film of his that I've enjoyed him in. I'm happy to say that this one has changed all of that. I thoroughly enjoyed his performance, you see his character go from one end of the spectrum to the other, and Harrelson does it all so well. Amiah Miller who plays Nova was amazing too, barely any lines and acting at something that gets put in the scene after the fact must be incredibly difficult and she managed to pull it off with real emotion.
A Life of the Twentieth Century
A Life of the Twentieth Century
Irene Even | 2014 | Biography, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a wonderful book this is. I have learned a bit more about Israel and it ever lasting world to survive. The book is about a girl named Aya who by all means was stuggling to fit into her family from the day she was born. Her family really did not know what was going on with her. She came out on top in the end, to me at least.

Aya was traveling with her young group for return to hope and freedom. Though once she reached the Jewish Brigade, she runs a solider that is supposed to be her hero. She does not know that she was to going to be control by this man when she was only 15 year's old. What happen next is a surprise as to anyone.

Late in life and raising two children. Things go from bad to worse. Aya try to protect her two children from their father. When she clasped and is ask to see phys doctor. She decides to go to school. Things get harder for her and she decides to do the one thing that get her to travel and get a career in something she loves. There are many different twist and surprises to be learn the read in this book
What's Left of Us (Us, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is wonderful! The characters are easy to relate to and the story keeps you guessing. I was lucky enough to read this before it went to the editor and I absolutely loved it!

The characters of Asher and Beck are great. They are best friends and they both go through some pretty epic changes (which I won't share because I don't want to give away any of the story).

Enter Calla or Cal for short. She is the new girl in the neighborhood and she quickly befriends Ash and Beck. The three of them are inseparable. Of course being friend with two boys is going to lead to some drama, but that's just the tip of the ice berg.

Honestly, I wasn't prepared for this book. The story took me by surprise and the emotion involved just blew me away.

What's Left of Us is a Christian novel; however, be advised that religion and religious beliefs are NOT shoved down your throat. This is a great book about a group of friends that endure a tragedy and through the help of their religious beliefs manage to come out whole on the other side.

Give this debut novel by this talented new author a shot. You won't be disappointed.
Friday the 13th (1980)
Friday the 13th (1980)
1980 | Horror
Friday the 13th is great to look back on. It's full to the brim of cheesy over-the-top acting, weirdly boring sections and dodgy dialogue, but knowing how the horror and in particular slasher genre developed in the decades following, it's an easy film to love.

Following hot on the heels of Halloween, Friday the 13th is the slasher genre stripped down to it's bare bones - a group of horny teenagers isolated from the rest of the world, a relentless killer hunting them down one by one, until we're left with a lone final girl.
Tropes that have since become iconic, much like the setting of Camp Crystal Lake.
The summer camp setting has been aped and parodied for years following the films release back in 1980.

The practical effects used by the now legendary Tom Savini are still great. They may be showing their age, but I would take it over sub standard CGI any day. Throw in a frantic and memorable musical score courtesy of Harry Manfredini, a gleefully sinister performance from Betsy Palmer as Pamela Voorhees, and one of the greatest "Gotcha!" endings in horror cinema, and you have a title that's deserving of the love it gets.

Leigh J (71 KP) rated Dreamcatcher (2003) in Movies

Nov 24, 2019 (Updated Nov 24, 2019)  
Dreamcatcher (2003)
Dreamcatcher (2003)
2003 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Stephen King does The Thing
Contains spoilers, click to show
4 friends make their yearly trek to a Cabin in a remote part of Maine to eat, drink, be merry and Hunt. However Jonesy, Pete, Beaver and Henry are not just any ordinary group of friends. For as long as they can remember, there has been a psychic link between them, strengthened further by the addition of Duddits, a mentally disabled young boy who they rescued from bullies one day after school when they were all kids. Their link as a group of 5 is so strong that they even rescue a young girl who has been missing for a while. Now the boys have grown up and this trip is their chance to let loose and blow off some steam, minus Duddits who is still mentally a young boy. Whilst out hunting, they come across a distressed and dazed man who tells them he got lost in the woods whilst out with his Hunting group... and the man is obviously ill. He has a suspicious injury to his face and he can't stop burping and farting, which are so horrible that they make the guys nauseous. Soon enough, they guys discover the man is in a blood soaked Bathroom, dead, and an Alien Weasel looking creature thrashing around in the toilet bowl. And there's a red fungus growing on (and in) everything. Could this really be an Alien invasion? Can the 4 friends strike back against these otherworldly enemies? And what will happen when the most malevolent one of these Aliens decides that Jonesy would be a great place for him to be able to wreak havoc from?

Dreamcatcher is an adaptation of the Book of the same name from Stephen King. I'm now VERY happy I read the Book before I watched this Movie as some things in the Book don't come across that clear in the Movie. Not a lot of people enjoy the Book and feel it's quite out there for Stephen King but I really enjoyed it, and the same can be said for the Movie! The story is really captivating, especially the friendships between the guys and the interaction between Jonesy and Mr Gray (his new invader) and I really appreciated the very "Thing" quality this Movie has (I literally have no idea why it reminds me of The Thing but it just does!) Definitely worth a watch, but it's not going to be for everyone as I would recommend reading the Book first.
Dark Places (2015)
Dark Places (2015)
2015 | Drama, Mystery
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Although it was exciting to hear “Dark Places” is based on a novel written by the same author who wrote “Gone Girl,” unfortunately it just doesn’t measure up.

Libby Day (Charlize Theron) is the sole survivor of a massacre in which her two sisters and mother (Christina Hendricks) were murdered. Her Satan worshipping brother (Corey Stoll), the most likely suspect, spends his life in prison for the murders.

After living most of her life believing the case is closed, one day Libby is contacted by a group called “The Kill Club.” The group is obsessed with her family’s case and swears they can prove her brother’s innocence.

As Libby goes on a cathartic journey into her own mind and into a case she hardly feels is worth looking into, scenes switch between her memories and her present experience. The plot execution is intricate, yet coherent.

However, the film’s slow pace and lack of climactic scenes frankly starts to become exhausting about midway through. It is a raw and suspenseful drama. But it falls disappointingly short of being a thriller – getting close but never quite finishing.

There are moments of genuine quality, mostly found in the skill of Theron and Hendricks’ acting.

We’ve already seen Theron in similar roles and know she really can do no wrong. She embodies her role as an emotionally charged heroin, and her expressions exude a past riddled with dark memories. It could be said she has been type cast for these roles. This makes it hard to tell if the film would be all that watchable without her in the cast.

Even Theron’s amazing acting isn’t enough to place this film on a glorious pedestal.

The story feels incomplete in many ways while at the same time being quite elaborate in some aspects.

One example – the scenes showing the mother’s experience of hardship provide good background for the main plotline. These scenes are raw and unsettling. Hendricks does an amazing job showing the emotion of a single mother who is continuously beaten down by life.

On the other hand – “The Kill Club,” which is a central part of the plot as it is the catalyst for Theron’s exploration of the case, is hardly elaborated on. This makes its members come off as unconvincing in their roles and the idea of the group becomes a hokey part of the plot. The lack of depth here takes away from Theron’s skillful performance just a bit.

Not a big thrill, I give “Dark Places” 2.5 out of 5 stars.
I Was Here
I Was Here
6.9 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, here's to my first contemporary audiobook.

Gayle Forman's latest novel didn't exactly give me the feels as much as <i>If I Stay</i> did. <i>I Was Here</i> mainly focuses on Cody, a girl who finds her best friend Meg's suicide a bit fishy and decides to look deeper into her death.

From all of the flashbacks, Cody is obviously a follower – a shadow to Meg. After Meg's death, Cody is a little lost – she's grieving, she wants to find out if Meg actually did commit suicide (or if someone coerced her into it), and all of that leads her to dig deeper into Meg's past year at college. With Cody trying to find her own footsteps after Meg's death, <i>I Was Here</i> felt like a coming of age story.

It's also a story where all of those online safety rules that I learned in elementary school are flipped upside down. I don't know if I should say Cody is just a really stupid character, or a really brave character. Perhaps both. In her digging, Cody is led to an online suicide support group that Meg frequented on, which eventually leads her to a user Meg communicated off the boards as well. In an attempt to weed out the user, Cody decides to pose as a suicidal person as well, which eventually leads her to finding out the person's address (with help) and Cody actually decides to go to that person's home.

I still don't know whether to call Cody an idiot or not. Obviously she has balls to try and find out what really caused Meg's death, and she's obviously not an idiot if she brings someone with her.

Jorjeana Marie seemed quite platonic throughout most of the narration – either for the possible effect of Cody being platonic as she finds her path, or another reason entirely. It was also difficult at times to tell if Marie was making an attempt to have a different voice for male and female characters. If the character was angry or snapping at another character, you can tell there's a bit of rage or snap if you listen closely, but when you're walking to work when there are cars driving by, it's actually hard to tell if Marie did snap.

Marie does, however, do a fantastic job in the very emotional parts of the book, especially when Cody or Ben or any of the other characters are crying. I almost believed the narrator was actually crying, or an actual kid came in and narrated a kid part. I doubt there are books that mainly consists of crying, but if there are, I'm half expecting to see Jorjeana Marie's name on the back. :p

The entire novel is really just about a girl who lived under a shadow of another girl, and when that girl died, the shadow has to try and find her own path without that person. <i>I Was Here</i> isn't exactly emotional unless you can <i>really</i> connect with the story and the main character.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>