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The Wife (2017)
The Wife (2017)
2017 | Drama
Glenn Close (0 more)
A little simple (0 more)
Close is remarkable.

Full Review:

Dean (6921 KP) rated 101 Dalmatians (1996) in Movies

Jun 28, 2018 (Updated Jun 28, 2018)  
101 Dalmatians (1996)
101 Dalmatians (1996)
1996 | Action, Comedy, Family
7.7 (16 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Glenn Close (0 more)
This live action version of the Disney classic is very enjoyable. Staying very true to the cartoon and with a great, mainly British cast. Glenn Close is perfect as the wicked Cruella De Vil. There are plenty of laughs along the way as well.

Andy K (10821 KP) created a poll

Jan 22, 2019  
Best Actress?

Yalitza Aparicio, "Roma"

0 votes

Glenn Close, "The Wife"

0 votes

Lady Gaga, "A Star Is Born"
Olivia Colman, "The Favourite"
Melissa McCarthy, "Can You Ever Forgive Me?"

0 votes

Fatal Attraction (1987)
Fatal Attraction (1987)
1987 | Drama, Mystery
acting (2 more)
Glenn close
Amazing classic
having just started to watch and re-watch the classics, tonight's random pick was Fatal Attraction, id never seen the film before and have to say it was amazing, I can see why it is held in such high regard. The acting is fantastic, the plot and structure keep the film going at a good pace. The stand out is Glenn Close who is tremendous! I can tick this one off the classics list and would definitely recommend it to any one.
Fatal Attraction (1987)
Fatal Attraction (1987)
1987 | Drama, Mystery
Not Going to Be Ignored
Fatal Attraction- is a excellent movie both Micheal Douglas and Glenn Close are excellent in it.

The plot: For Dan Gallagher (Michael Douglas), life is good. He is on the rise at his New York law firm, is happily married to his wife, Beth (Anne Archer), and has a loving daughter. But, after a casual fling with a sultry book editor named Alex (Glenn Close), everything changes. Jilted by Dan, Alex becomes unstable, her behavior escalating from aggressive pursuit to obsessive stalking. Dan realizes that his main problem is not hiding his affair, but rather saving himself and his family.

A excellent psychological thriller. A must see.

Dork_knight74 (881 KP) created a post

Jun 29, 2018  
Found a really good "zombie-apocalypse" movie on Amazon called "The Girl With All The Gifts". I never thought I'd see Glenn Close in a zombie movie, but she's one of the main characters. Everything was done well. The acting, cinematography and effects. The story line and plot were very interesting. This one is definitely worth a watch!
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
2017 | Drama
The problem with this is that zombie films have been done to death. Yes it gives another take on the zombie genre and has some unique features, but ultimately it still feels lacking in originality. Paddy Considine and Glenn Close are fantastic actors but they feel a little underused in this. And the ending is just silly. Sadly this is just an average watchable zombie film that is completely forgettable.
Hillbilly Elegy (2020)
Hillbilly Elegy (2020)
2020 | Drama
Glenn Close - deserving of the Oscar nom (0 more)
Choppy story telling failed to engage me fully (0 more)
General Shoutiness and a glowering Glenn Close
I missed Ron Howard's "Hillbilly Elegy" when it came out at the end of last year, but principally wanted to catch up on it to see Glenn Close's Oscar nominated performance before Sunday's Oscars.

- When this film started, I suspected that the Glenn Close nomination might be another 'Judi Dench in Shakespeare in Love' - - where her acceptance speech is longer than the time spent on screen! But no. Because of the flashback format deployed in the film, she actually gets a good amount of air time. And it's a really solid and impressive performance.
- The supporting cast is also good. Amy Adams is given a lot to do with a challenging role, and (just about) pulls it off. And young Owen Asztalos as the younger J. D. particularly impressed me.

- Although it's based on J. D. Vance's true life story, I really struggled to get very invested in the story. The choppy nature of the narrative - hopping repeatedly between 'the present' and multiple flashback timelines - really doesn't help with this.
- The whole J. D. / Usha romance element almost felt like it belonged in a different film. In fact, I found it frustrating that I found the elements with J. D.'s struggles at college, with the emerging love and guidance of Usha, as a more compelling narrative than the druggie mother lead story. Perhaps the movie was just trying to be too ambitious?
- Apart from one 'personal decision' scene in a motel bedroom, there's not much of an "up-side" to the story for the viewer to take away. It's not a movie that I found a positive experience.

Viewer Advisory;
If you've had any history of life in a dysfunctional family, there is a lot of shouting, slapping and general tension in this movie which you might find disturbing.

Summary Thoughts:
So, I came to this to see the performance of Glenn Close, and it's very good. I would personally be surprised if she takes the Oscar for this. However, having been nominated eight times before and never won, the 'sympathy vote' may play here.

But one of my bellweathers for a movie is to think whether I'll remember it in six months time. I'm afraid this one is unlikely to pass the test. If you say "Hillbilly Elegy" to me in October, I'll probably recall a whole lot of shouty people and Glenn Close glowering at me from the screen. That's not a wholly great recommendation for a movie. Sorry Mr Howard, but this one's a 'miss' for me.

(For the full graphical review, please see the One Mann's Movies review here - ).
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
The Girl With All the Gifts (2017)
2017 | Drama
A contemplative zombie movie
It's been a long time since a 28 Days Later style zombie movie was out. It's more thought-provoking than an all out gorefest. The movie is watchable, although not my favourite genre. However, the acting was a little clunky. Only the slightly more polished actors Glenn Close and Paddy Considine really made a difference. Gemma Arterton is a pretty bad actress, she seemed robotic the entire time.

Bob Mann (459 KP) rated The Wife (2017) in Movies

Sep 28, 2021 (Updated Sep 28, 2021)  
The Wife (2017)
The Wife (2017)
2017 | Drama
Glenn Close … #robbed.
I missed “The Wife” when it came out in September, but finally caught it a few weeks ago. (Been a busy time at work so have a bit of a backlog of reviews!).

The Plot.
Joan Castleman (Glenn Close) is the doting wife of internationally renowned writer Joe Castleman (Jonathan Pryce). As we start the film, Joe has just received a call from Stockholm. No, it’s not an “amusing story about a goat” (for any MM2 fans out there). It’s notification that he is to receive the Nobel prize for literature. As Joan listens to the news on the extension, there is something in her eyes that betrays mixed emotions.

They travel to Sweden (on Concorde, obviously) with their son Max (Max Irons) – a writer at the start of his career. Max and Joe have a strained relationship.

Also in Stockholm is Nathanial Bone (Christian Slater) – the bane of Joe’s life, since he seems insistent on writing the biography of the great man. As Nathanial picks through the history of the couple, things start to unravel in unexpected ways.

What a performance!
The heart of this film, and the main reason for watching what is really a bit of a pot-boiler, is the performance by Glenn Close. It’s a remarkable demonstration of the acting craft and 110% Oscar worthy.

Don’t get me wrong…. as I watched the Oscars live in the wee-hours of Monday morning I let out a WHOOP of joy when our own national treasure Olivia Colman picked up the award. But I have to say that I think Glenn Close was rather robbed. Close can act brilliantly without saying a single word. In fact most of her best scenes are reaction shots to what she is listening to.

In comparison I found Jonathan Pryce to be a soupçon over-the-top as the feted writer, and I didn’t find the portrayal of Bone by Slater to be terribly convincing. So it’s a very mixed acting bag in my view.

Utterly gorgeous in a way that only Swedish women can be is Karin Franz Körlof as the personal photographer Linnea. She can also act!

A perfectly pleasant movie
Directed by Swedish director Björn Runge and with a screenplay by Jane Anderson, it’s a perfectly pleasant way to spend a couple of hours. The story is intriguing enough to keep your interest, although it plays its hand so early that the simmering suspense element ebbs out of the film. A final “Sixth Sense” style of reveal might have been much more effective.

But this is above all a film to relish the performance of Close: the facial acting during the speech at the awards ceremony is something that should be studied at acting schools for years to come.