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Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Caesar. Home.
A surprisingly good prequel/re-imagining/reboot of the seminal Charlton Heston starring sci-fi flick, with this being set in more contemporary time and with it tracing the origins of the smart Apes/the beginning of the decline of man.

Basically, don't mess with nature.

I have to say, the end credits - tracing the virus - also hits differently now (in 2023) than it did on release (in 2011), after the world has been through a global pandemic.

Anyway, Andy Serkis interpretation of Caesar is really the star of the show, with able support from his surrogate 'father' Will Rodman (James Franco), the scientist who first developed a drug that he hopes will cure Alzheimer's but which leads to super intelligence in the chimps exposed to it.
The Aeronauts (2019)
The Aeronauts (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama
1860's period action/drama piece, starring Eddie Redmayne (I still associate him more with Newt Scaramander) and Felicity Jones (who I still associate more with Rogue One), told pretty much in 'real-time' and charting an attempt by a Royal Society meteorologist James Glaisher to ascent in a hot air balloon to study the weather in a period when nobody believed this was possible, and when the sky was still largely unknown

That much is fact.

The character of Amelia Wren, however? Completely made up - I only discovered this afterwards, when I read a bit more into it!

Predictably light-weight, and released (early?) on Amazon Prime - due to the current global pandemic - I'm happy enough to have seen this one, but am also happier that I didn't have to pay to do so in the cinema!

David McK (3227 KP) rated Mission: Impossible 2 (2000) in Movies

Mar 24, 2021 (Updated Jan 22, 2023)  
Mission: Impossible 2 (2000)
Mission: Impossible 2 (2000)
2000 | Action, Mystery
5.6 (19 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'm writing this in early 2021.

I don't think I'd seen this film since the early noughties.

If you asked me what I remember of it, I probably would have said

Thandie Newton
Slow motion. Lot and lots of slow motion.

And that is actually pretty accurate: directed by John Woo, this has an overabundance of Slo-Mo shots and has Tom Cruise and Ving Rhames both reprising their role from the first film.

It's also slightly uncomfortable watching this now (with the world still in the grip of a global pandemic), as the driver for the plot is - guess what - a deadly virus getting loose.

(oh, and in one of cinemas great 'what if' : I believe that Dougray Scott had to turn down the role of Wolverine as he was busy filming this)
The End of Men
The End of Men
Christina Sweeney-Baird | 2021 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh. My. Goodness. This book is totally my cup of tea (unlike in this book, it has both tea and milk in it). I’ve always been drawn to science fiction, dystopian and apocalyptic styles of novels ever since I read Stephen Kings The Stand as a teenager. The End of Men drew me in and had me checking the news outlets, just to check that Covid-19 hadn’t taken a turn for the even worse - and I’m not joking here. I did question whether reading a book about a global pandemic during a global pandemic was a good idea, and then I told myself to shut up, sit back and just enjoy it (much the same as when I read Last One at The Party by Bethany Clift!). And I really did!

This is told from multiple perspectives. There are mostly recurring characters, such as Dr Maclean, some scientists, the anthropologist, intelligence and government types, interspersed with ‘ordinary’ people who were also affected and lost friends and family. We see perspectives from all over the world. The voices of these people all seem so real: their pain, confusion and determination coming through in their own voices, as their stories are all told in journal form.

The End of Men had pretty much the same effect on me as World War Z: I was checking the news and the windows (just in case), completely preoccupied with the book whilst I was reading it, and I predictably experienced a stonking book-hangover when it ended.
This is science fiction for people who wouldn’t normally pick up science fiction (a bit like a gateway drug!). It reads like contemporary fiction - the here and now.

This novel had me on the edge of my seat and in tears - and a bit angry at times, truth be told. This doesn’t feel like you’re reading science-fiction, it has a tinge of the non-fiction about it. Perhaps that’s because of the times we’re living in...
Would I recommend it? You’d better believe I would!
How to Survive the End of the World (When It's In Your Own Head)
How to Survive the End of the World (When It's In Your Own Head)
Aaron Gillies | 2020 | Mind, Body & Spiritual
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
OK, that was good.

Written by a comedian - Aaron Gillies - I came across this when a friend recommended it in one of my WhatsApp group chats. I'm not sure why: we hadn't been discussing the subject matter, but none-the-less (and for 99p) I thought I would give it a shot. And I'm glad I did.

Whilst there are parts that were completely alien to me (and I'm not a fan of the swearing: it's not funny, it's not clever, and it's not smart), there were other parts where it felt like the author had, essentially, been riding around in my brain for the day: almost as if he and I had inhabited the same little part of this space-time continuum.

An easy read (if not an easy subject matter) and Aaron Gillies doesn't claim to hold all the answers, simply providing his experiences and what has worked for him, alongside some dark humour that actually had me laughing out loud at one or two moments in the narrative (is that the right word?).

And now with a bonus chapter on 'How to Survive a Global Pandemic" ...
Contagion (2011)
Contagion (2011)
2011 | Drama
The Outbreak
With all of this news about the coronavirus, i thought i reviewing this movie. This came out when the swine flu was around, so back in 2011. When the trailer came out, it looked really scary, because it was about a deadly virus speading. Now thats happening right now with the coronavirus. Its scary, but if you wash your hands with soap and water/hand Sanitizer, keep away from sick people, cover your mouth when you snezze and dont touch your eyes, you will be okay.

Anways to the plot:

When Beth Emhoff (Gwyneth Paltrow) returns to Minnesota from a Hong Kong business trip, she attributes the malaise she feels to jet lag. However, two days later, Beth is dead, and doctors tell her shocked husband (Matt Damon) that they have no idea what killed her. Soon, many others start to exhibit the same symptoms, and a global pandemic explodes. Doctors try to contain the lethal microbe, but society begins to collapse as a blogger (Jude Law) fans the flames of paranoia.

It has a all-star cast: includes Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet, and Jennifer Ehle. Plus Steven Soderbergh directed it.

If you like medical action thriller film, than you will like this film.
Real Steel (2011)
Real Steel (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Shame on this movie for having awesome arena robot boxing take place in 2020 meanwhile in the real world all we got was a global pandemic, massive forest fires, and WWIII threats smfh. In seriousness, it's no 𝘈𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘢: 𝘉𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭 but it gets the job done. I have my grievances: the cinematography is too sterile for something like this, the design of the main robot also happens to be the lamest one, so on and so forth. But the biggest one of them all is how blissfully content this is with being a totally kickass mech boxing movie with some of the greatest effects you'll ever see, lovingly nerdy designs/energy, and spectacularly rousing fights... that gets *smothered* by another schmaltz-filled, threadbare, dull-as-a-doorstop 'washed-up underdog rekindles relationship with estranged urchin son/daughter' familial 'drama' which almost entirely overtakes the whole thing. And then it has the gall to not even resolve that main plot point it tried to get us so invested in to begin with. Also ends with total bullshit, but when this is in the zone it's as cool as can be - does *exactly* what it should. Whoever put Shawn Levy on this job needs to be fired, but if someone would be so gracious as to give this a re-edit with all of the intolerable syrup taken out then tbh I'd watch the hell out of it again 🤷‍♂️
Don't Look Up (2021)
Don't Look Up (2021)
2021 | Comedy
A Brilliant Satire
Satire is a tricky thing to get right, there is a balance between humor and pathos that must be struck in order to drive home the point.

The Netflix Original Satire, DON’T LOOK UP, Directed by Adam McKay (THE BIG SHORT) finds the right line, beautifully.

A send-up of the Climate Change debate (but also, a condemnation of the reaction to the current Global Virus), DON’T LOOK UP has a who’s who of performers that are at the top of their game and delivers a top-notch entertainment that also makes you think.

The plot of the film is simple enough - a PhD Student (Jennifer Lawrence) discovers a “planet killing” comet that is on a collision course with Earth and, joined by her Professor (Leonardo DiCaprio), tries to get the “powers-that-be” to listen to the threat.

DiCaprio (in essence, in the Anthony Fauci role) is superb as the Professor that tries to convince the Politicians about the Science of the threat. His frustration at hitting the brick wall of “political spin” crescendos in an absurdly bravura performance.

Meryl Streep is brilliant (of course) as the President who is more interested in how this situation affects her, politically, than how it affects the populace. She is joined by a sychophantic Jonah Hill (as her son and Chief of Staff). Hill has never been better and understands the nature of this character and mines it for comedic gold.

Cate Blanchette and Tyler Perry are also strong as the Cable News Anchors who are more interested in keeping the conversation “light and fun” and they actually have good “co-anchor” chemistry with each other.

Timothee Chalamet, Mark Rylance, Rob Morgan, Ron Perlman and, yes, Ariana Grande are also strong in smaller, almost cameo, roles.

But the standout star of this film is Jennifer Lawrence as PhD student Kate DiBiasky, the person who discovers the comet (and for whom the comet is named). It is easy to forget just how strong of a performer that Lawrence is but she goes toe-to-toe with Streep/DiCaprio/Blanchette et al and more than holds her own. Her character/performance is the backbone - and conscience - that holds this film together.

Of course, credit for all of this must go to Writer/Director Adam McKay who showed in THE BIG SHORT that he is more than “the comedy Director” of such films like ANCHORMAN and he puts that ability to work, strongly, in this film. He clearly had a vision of what he wanted to put across in this film and straddles the line between humor and seriousness in such a way that no matter what side of the “Global Change” and “Global Pandemic” crisis you are on, you will think that this film skewers you and favors the other side.

Which is the sign of a terrific satire.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Rent: Filmed Live On  Broadway (2008)
Rent: Filmed Live On Broadway (2008)
2008 | Drama, Musical, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Brings the power of being in the theater
Every decade, it seems, Broadway produces a transcendent musical. In the 1970's, it was A CHORUS LINE, in the 1980's, it was LES MISERABLES. Jump to the 2000's, you have WICKED and, of course, the 2010's brought us HAMILTON.

The 1990's brought us a "rock musical" that focused on a global pandemic set against the backdrop of social protesting and racial injustices (sound familiar), this musical is Jonathan Larson's RENT.

Following (loosely) the plot of the 1896 opera LA BOHEME, RENT tells the tale of disaffected artists trying to live and love (and make rent) while living their lives the way they wish to live it. Writer Jonathan Larson (who passed, suddenly, the day before previews began) created a powerful, rock driven, story that is poignant, sad and hopeful all at the same time. The original Broadway production Iwhich I am bragging that I saw 2x with the original cast) brought such talent as Jesse L. Martin, Anthony Rapp, Taye Diggs and Idina Menzel to the forefront.

But...skip the film version of this musical (starring most of the original cast) that came out in 2005. It is purfunctuary and lifeless. Instead, seek out the 2008 RENT: FILMED LIVE ON BROADWAY. Like Hamilton, this is a filmed version of the stage show and is able to capture the power and emotion that only live theater can provide.

The cast in this production is outstanding - with the standout being (no surprise) a young Renee Elise Goldsberry (Angelica Schulyer in Hamilton) who shines brightly as Mimi.

Like Hamilton, Rent showcases the power - and purpose - of live theater. A place that I cannot wait to go to again in 2021.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
We All Fall Down
We All Fall Down
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A woman is dying in an Italian hospital, coughing up blood, convulsing and barely conscious.
Dr Alana Vaughn, an expert from NATO, confirms everyone’s worst fears: the woman has the highly infectious disease that swept through Europe eight hundred years ago. The Black Death.
The sickness is spreading so quickly that soon the outbreak becomes a global pandemic. Markets crash and governments fall as quickly as the citizens they govern.
As panic takes hold and the death toll climbs, the consequences become horrifically clear – Alana must discover a way to stop the disease or it will be the end of us all.

The book is fast paced and had me on the edge of my seat wondering if Alana, Nico, Byron and company were going to be able to get to the bottom of who unleashed the plague and when or if they could get it under control.
The book was well written with believable and interesting characters.
I really liked the medical aspect of the book and how the scientists and doctors react to a dormant disease suddenly becoming active all over again and with them struggling to cope with the lack of vaccines available and also the consideration of the disease used as a bio-weapon was really interesting.
This is scary to think, could biological terrorism really happen, how fast can viruses spread and how safe are we?
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more from this author.
Highly Recommend reading!

Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for this e-book ARC to read and review. I enjoyed this so much that I intend to seek out the other books written by this author.