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The problem with graphic novels based on characters previously only written about, I think, is that most of the time how they are portrayed in the visual medium is different than how they appear in your minds eye - a problem that both graphic novels and movies share.

This graphic novel, however, manages to avoid that particular problem, with Dresden drawn pretty-much as I imagined him to be (OK, maybe a bit less battered and bruised and dishevelled, but close enough).

Written by [a:Jim Butcher|10746|Jim Butcher|] himself, this entry actually takes place before the 'meat' of the main series (that began with [b:Storm Front|47212|Storm Front (The Dresden Files, #1)|Jim Butcher||1137060]), with Harry called in by (still) Lt Karin Murphy of the Chicago PD to investigate a killing in the zoo - a killing that is currently being pinned on a gorilla in said zoo, but that could not have realistically been carried out by him.

With Harry as his usual sarcastic wise-cracking self, and with Bob the skull putting in an appearance, the only thing that was missing was some of Harrys wider supporting cast and Mouse the dog, although all that makes sense in the context of the setting (book 0.5, remember?).

While I was a bit hesistant at first about how well the character and his world would transfer to this medium, based on this I may well pick up more of the 'graphical exclusive' (to coin a phrase) stories, such as [b:Jim Butcher's Dresden Files: Ghoul Goblin|18430203|Jim Butcher's Dresden Files Ghoul Goblin|Jim Butcher||26071782] - that is, entries where I haven't already read the prose!
Lord of the Wings (Meg Langslow, #19)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The town of Caerphilly is hosting the first annual Halloween festival, and Meg is hoping she can take it easy since she is only in charge of the Goblin Patrol, the extra volunteer security force. However, a break in at the haunted house, a foot in the alligators, and a dead body complicate matters.

I love this series, and this book is another fun addition. When I realized it was set at Halloween, I almost set it aside until October, but I just couldn’t wait. The characters are strong and charming as always, and the various aspects of the plot keep things moving forward quickly. I was disappointed that one character introduced a couple books back is once again absent, but that is my only complaint in another fantastic read.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.