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War of Gods Box Set (War of Gods #1-4)
War of Gods Box Set (War of Gods #1-4)
Lizzy Ford | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
War of Gods Box Set (War of Gods #1-4) by Lizzy Ford
War of Gods Box Set features the first four books in this series by Lizzy Ford. I understand there is a spin-off featuring at least Xander, but I'm not sure about the rest of the characters. I had previously read Danian's Oracle and couldn't wait to continue with this series. I wasn't disappointed! The female characters are strong in their own right, and not afraid to stand up to the male in their lives. The men are stubborn and opinionated, but tamed (sorted of) by their women. The stories all link up, so I would recommend that you read them as a series, just so that you don't get confused with what is going on, or what has gone on before. The writing is smooth in most places, but sometimes felt a bit jerky when it came to the love scenes that weren't written. Instead of fading to black, they abruptly cut to black, and then to the following morning. This wasn't a big issue, it just felt more obvious considering how smooth the rest of the writing was.

I loved Damian's Oracle and The Grey God. Whilst I didn't 'love' the others, I still thoroughly enjoyed them! I have no hesitation in recommending this series for all those who love feisty females and macho males.

* Verified Purchase ~ August 2013 *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Last Hero (Discworld, #27; Rincewind #7)
The Last Hero (Discworld, #27; Rincewind #7)
Terry Pratchett | 2002 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Fable (noun): a story about supernatural or extraordinary persons or incidents; legend: the fables of gods and heroes.


This short story by Terry Pratchett ticks all those boxes with the blurb on my edition reading:

"He's been a legend in his own lifetime.

He can remember the great days of high adventure.

He can remember when a hero didn't have to worry about fences and lawyers and civilisation.

He can remember when people didn't tell you off for killing dragons.

But he can't alwyas remember, these days, where he put his teeth ...

He's not really happy about that bit.

.... He's going to climb the highest mountain in the Discworld and meet his gods. He doesn't like the way they let men grow old and die ... "

What ensues is, by the standards of Discworld novels, perhaps a return to the earlier novels that featured the gods (and Cohen the Barbarian) more prominently than the more recent. Also involved prominently in this story are the Wiz(z)ard Rincewind, Captain Carrot and Leonard of Quirm, with that latter character given more of a role than in the few previous he has been in (excepting, maybe, Jingo).

This is also unusual in that it is an illustrated story: whereas I've always found illustrations to be inferior to imagination when it comes to visualising events and characters, it does add an extra layer to this story - particularly where it concerns Leonard's creations.
Apollo is Mine (Gods and Monsters #1)
Apollo is Mine (Gods and Monsters #1)
Mila Young | 2020 | History & Politics, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
172 of 200
Apollo is mine ( Gods and Monsters book 1)
By Mila Young

I’m a warrior. Cursed to fight monsters. Sworn to act as Zeus’ sword to protect mankind.

But I’d give it all up for one last kiss with the god who stole my heart…Apollo.
I never wanted to carry my family's legacy. But blood ties cannot be broken, and I’ll keep the promise I made my father on his dying bed. Legendary monsters hunt in city streets of Chicago, and my job was to take down the worst.
I’ve trained with Heracles.
Been blessed with super human powers.
What I’ve never done is fallen in love—until Apollo crossed my path. But he isn’t the only god to catch my attention. Hades is here too, and with him comes a darkness that leaves behind a trail of human bodies. Heracles and my gut instinct urges me to destroy this creature, but each step brings me closer to the truth…

Darkness cannot win…or the Earth will tumble into chaos and I’ll lose the god I’ve come to love…Apollo is mine.

Greek gods? yep! Hot sex? yep! Strong female lead ? Yep!
It was fun and I love a good Greek gods book they are just yum! Interesting story and a very good start to a RH series! Why is always Hades that’s the draw for me? Worth a read if you like RH and a quick book!
190 of 230
Prison of Hope ( Hellequin Chronicles book 4)
By Steve McHugh

Long ago, Olympian gods imprisoned the demon Pandora in a human—Hope—creating a creature whose only purpose was chaos and death. Remorseful, the gods locked Pandora away in Tartarus, ruled by Hades.

Now, centuries later, Pandora escapes. Nate Garrett, a 1,600-year-old sorcerer, is sent to recapture her and discovers her plan to disrupt the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, killing thousands in a misplaced quest for vengeance.

Fast forward to modern-day Berlin, where Nate has agreed to act as guardian on a school trip to Germany to visit Hades at the entrance to Tartarus. When Titan King Cronus becomes the second ever to escape Tartarus, Nate is forced to track him down and bring him back, to avert a civil war between those who would use his escape to gain power.

I love love love this series! This has to be the best one yet. I really like the way the author uses the Greek gods and mythology as well as bringing all the myths and legends into the story without it getting silly. Nate is just brilliant I love his relationship with Tommy and other characters. I like the back story of Nate’s life that runs along with whatever he’s facing in current times. It’s such a good series.
Who Let the Gods Out?
Who Let the Gods Out?
Maz Evans | 2017 | Children
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eliot, the troubled boy and his anarchic, dysfunctional foster-Gods...
Eliot is a boy with problems. A mum who is suffereing from crippling depression and mental health problems, a farm that is running to ruin since his grandparents died, and a school where the teachers know nothing about any of it. Facing repossession of his home and the looming threat of Social Services and being separated from his mum Eliot needs help: what he gets is a bunch of retired Greek Gods, minor deities and Zodiac characters who have spent millennia bickering over the small print and red-tape of running the Universe , or kicking their heels in cosy retirement.

After one of the Zodiac council crash-lands in his cowshed Eliot suddenly finds himself pulled into a quest to find power stones and defeat a wicked demon. Can he succeed, and can his squabbling new friends help him save his home & family?

A really engaging read for parents and kids.
    Black Dog

    Black Dog

    Neil Gaiman

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    A special illustrated edition of Black Dog by bestselling storytelling legend, Neil Gaiman. This...