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David Benioff recommended Lucky JIm in Books (curated)

Lucky JIm
Lucky JIm
Kingsley Amis | 1993 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"About twenty years ago I was driving around Ireland with a friend. We stopped at a famous golf course and my friend played a round. Since I don’t play golf, I stayed in the clubhouse and read this novel. The Irishmen thought I was mad, a lone Yank sitting in the corner, laughing hysterically. The funniest book I’ve read"

Golf Zero
Golf Zero
5.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
Graphics (0 more)
Bad Pixelated graphics on a simple golf game, plus running and jumping like mario.... nah, I'll pass
not worth the time to review it.

GoldLink - Meditation (Official Video) ft. Jazmine Sullivan, KAYTRANADA


Sarah (7798 KP) is asking for a recommendation

Mar 7, 2018  
Recommend Me
Can anyone recommend any fun couch co-op games on the PS4?

I've exhausted Overcooked, Little Big Planet, Worms and Everybody's Golf. Starting on Lego HP next, but really looking for more recommendations please?
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Sarah (7798 KP) Mar 8, 2018

Do the Star Wars ones follow the films? I'm not keen on the ones that have their own story but the ones that follow the films are hilarious. They talk? I'll try and steer clear of any of those then!


Andy K (10821 KP) Mar 8, 2018

Yes they follow the films. I love them . Very fun replayable and hilarious.

Evolution (2001)
Evolution (2001)
2001 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
David duchovny (2 more)
Orlando jones
This made me chuckle on many ocassions both at the cinema and dvd both duchovny and jones stand out for me would i watch again yes just to see the alien on the golf course again
Uncle Buck (1989)
Uncle Buck (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Drama
John Candy was such a natural funny man and we still miss his particular comedy approach and this movie is no exception, a feel good movie movie for the whole family that never gets old, the golf club scene especially.. a favourite of mine.
Everybody's Golf
Everybody's Golf
2017 | Sports
Good & Promising but frustrating
You might be wondering why on earth I've even played this game. However my other half and I are into our golf, and are also on the look out for couch co-op games, so this seemed a no brainer. And in all fairness despite a few flaws, it's actually a good game.

Let's start with the negatives. The main flaw is the multiplayer mode, which is the main reason we bought this. To begin with, there is only 1 course available on multiplayer. You have to unlock the rest one single player mode, which takes forever (I'm still at it). Which is weird, as how you do in multiplayer has no effect on your single player rankings. The other issue with multiplayer is your can't create your own player in that mode. You can create one in single player & use it in multiplayer, but there's no direct creation in multiplayer. You also can't use multiple custom players if you're using numerous PSN accounts. The only other issue is that they've tried to throw rpg elements into the single player mode and it really isn't necessary. It's a golf game, after all.

Those criticisms aside, it's actually a very fun and quite accurate golf game. The courses are great looking and fairly challenging, and the different mode options are fairly fun too. The single player mode has lots to do and the character builder is very detailed.

If you're into golf and are looking for a fun game to play, I'd probably recommend this. As long as you can put up with the very Japanese style and the multiplayer niggles.
Wii Sports
Wii Sports
2006 | Sports
So simple to play (1 more)
Fun simple graphics
A classic game for all ages!
A classic game that came with the Nintendo Wii console. You can play Baseball, Boxing, Bowling, Golf and Tennis. You can play between 2-4 players. There are also various training modes and a fitness multi-game challenge. It's so simple to play whether you are a kid or an Oap, everyone enjoys it. I still play it around my mums when I visit. The fact it uses your Mii characters you create as well makes it more fun.
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Sarah (7798 KP) Feb 10, 2019

I hate that they haven’t done a version of this for the Switch. The bowling was great!


Dean (6924 KP) Feb 10, 2019

Yep only bettered by the sports resort game! ?

Party Golf
Party Golf
2016 | Sports
Fun (5 more)
Quick Game
Simple Controls
Different Game Modes
Create your own Game mode
Not a lot to it past a few game modes (1 more)
The AI can be very slow
A Fun Quick Game
I recently bought a Nintendo Switch and after seeing the game on YouTube, one of the first games I couldn't wait to play was Party Golf. It's a simple, fun, quick game that is best played with friends.

There isn't really much to this game, but the different game modes allow you to spice up the gameplay with different powers and abilities which can either help you or hinder your opponents such as mines, force fields, explosion on contact, stick to walls, or simply keep hitting the ball without it ever touching the ground. It's fun to compete against your friends and see who can get their ball in the hole the fastest, and with different style landscapes such as Uphill, downhill, cave or Tunnel system, it keeps the party interesting.

However my only fault with the game is that after a few games, it can get old fast, and you can very easily move on to a different game and not feel the urge to go back to party golf until the next time you see your friends. It is simply a game for a quick but competitive get together, most likely the first game you'll play on the night to get the ball rolling, before moving on to something more mainstream such as Mario Kart.

All in all though I cannot deny that whenever me and my friends do play this game, especially when we mix up the rules a bit, it is an absolute blast to play, and it's a cheap game to buy so I would highly recommend it.
The Milagro Beanfield War (1988)
The Milagro Beanfield War (1988)
1988 | Comedy, Drama
Beautiful Drama
Director Robert Redford brings us this story of a New Mexico town where tensions begin to rise when one farmer uses an unauthorized form of water to irrigate his bean crop. The act is noticed by the local townspeople, the local law enforcement and the opposing force of a rich property magnate eager to build a sprawling golf course on the town's land.

The townspeople eventually band together after much debate, but they are not sure anything can be done.

I enjoyed this drama; however, felt like it dragged a bit at times. The ensemble cast was enjoyable especially Christopher Walken and John Heard. Rubén Blades as the local law was also fun to watch.

The vast New Mexico countryside was probably my favorite element to watch. No doubt this factor was also probably appealing to Redford who is a lifelong environmentalist.

I enjoyed it.