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A Love To Remember
A Love To Remember
Sarah Hadley Brook | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so desperately wanted to hear from Sam!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Graham takes his dad to the cabin in the woods, because he cannot be on his own anymore. Ravaged by Alzheimer's, his father needs calm, and peace. But Graham can no longer look after his dad and work, so he hires an in-home nurse, Sam. Sam and Graham have met before, after a brief hook-up. Sam wants more, but Graham has to take a step back, and make Sam realise, what's slowly killing his father could very well kill him too.

It's only short, this one, some 85 pages, but Brook manages to get a lot in those 85 pages!

We get the intensity of that initial hook-up. We get all of Graham's fears for his dad. We get all of Graham's emotions trying to keep Sam at arms length, while fighting to pull him close. We get all of GRAHAM.

What we don't get is Sam. Any Sam, at all. And that's the only reason I'm giving it 4 stars, because it is single person point of view. Had Sam had a say, this could well have been a 5 star read, it really could!

It's not overly complicated, just two men falling in love while one tries really hard not to. There is no major breakup/make up, no nutty exes. It has some sexy time, and some emotional times, especially when Graham is fighting with himself to look after dad but having to admit that he really can't.

It really is a lovely, if short, read. Passed an hour, while watching the rain, on a Sunday afternoon.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Lenard (726 KP) rated The Post (2017) in Movies

Jan 16, 2018  
The Post (2017)
The Post (2017)
2017 | Biography, Drama, Thriller
Acting (3 more)
Production Design
Costumes (0 more)
Burying the Lead
Meryl Streep is an American institution. Yet again, she proves that she is not finished finding new dimensions to her characters. In "The Post," she plays pioneering publisher Katherine Graham from The Washington Post. The film itself somehow manages to bury the lead in its own story. In an early scene, Streep playing Graham is at a meeting of the Board Of Directors voting whether The Post should go public. Graham never utters a word. Her advisor/attorney makes every statement for her. This is an indictment of the times, referred to later when Ben Bradlee makes an off-the-cuff remark about why her husband was given the paper in the first place. It is also a subtle clue about the quiet authority Katherine actually had, pulling all the strings though she had no voice in her own company. A later scene in which she retires to the drawing room with the other women while the men talk politics is another sign on the backward thinking times of not-so-long-age. It is here that the obstensible plot starts. Former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara pulls Katherine away from the other women to reveal a story that is about to appear in the New York Times. A classified Pentagon report was leaked that detailed how the American government knew the conflict in Vietnam was unwinnable, kept the war going as a facade, and had been lying to its constituents. Nixon and Attorney General Mitchell threatened the free press with injunctions, restraining orders, and incarceration. In the resulting Supreme Court case, Justice Black found that the press is responsible to protect the governed and not the governors. Buried within is the story of the inequality of men and women and the small strides women made to exist in this patriarchal society.
LET ME JUST TELL YOU. I have been an avid fan of Gilmore Girls for as long as I can remember. I have watched the entire series from start to finish at least 3 times now. And this book. THIS BOOK. I feel MORE connected to the show than I have ever before. I feel more connected to the characters. I feel just... satisfied. But at the same time I need to know more.
I laughed. I cried. I felt inspired. If you are even the slightest fan of Gilmore Girls or Lauren Graham in general, READ. THIS. BOOK. It is vital.

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