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Paisan (Paisà) (1948)
Paisan (Paisà) (1948)
1948 | International, Classics, Comedy
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In My Voyage to Italy, the documentary that we made about Italian cinema, we started with this picture. For me, it really was the beginning. I saw it for the first time on television with my grandparents, and their overwhelming reaction to what had happened to their homeland since they left at the turn of the century was just as present and vivid for me as the images and the characters. I was experiencing the power of cinema itself, in this case made far beyond Hollywood, under extremely tough conditions and with inferior equipment. And I was also seeing that cinema wasn’t just about the movie itself but the relationship between the movie and its audience. Fellini said that when Rossellini was filming the Po Valley sequence, he acted on pure instinct, inventing freely as he went along. The result—in that episode, and in the Sicilian and Neapolitan and Florentine episodes as well—is still startling: it’s like seeing reality itself unfolding before your eyes."

Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky (Tristan Strong #1)
Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky (Tristan Strong #1)
Kwame Mbalia | 2019 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
the characters (2 more)
the story
Good read for anyone
This is a great middle grade book. The story is compelling and deep. Tristan is a boy who is struggling with growing up, figuring out how to deal with losing his best friend, and feeling like a disappointment to his parents and grandparents. It's a rollercoaster of feelings and a great story.
If you don't know anything or much about African American or African folktales or mythology, it's ok. I really know only two (John Henry the reason why I bought the book.) and have only a passing knowledge of some of the characters and others I didn't know at all. And that didn't distract from the story. I will be looking the stories up because I want to know more about them. That kind of curiosity is something that I feel makes a great book.
I look forward to reading the next story.
Meet the Misfits (Being Zoey #1)
Meet the Misfits (Being Zoey #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zoey’s pretty sure her life is over when her wannaba-rockstar mother uproots her from from their home in Seattle and deposits her in Nowheresville, Oregon to live with her whackadoodle grandparents. Things start to look up, though, when she reconnects with Louisa, the girl from across the street. Maybe, just maybe, Louisa won’t mind that Zoey’s always been a bit of a misfit. Louisa’s ex-BFF, however, doesn’t seem too happy to welcome Zoey to the neighborhood. And when they all end up at church camp together, it’s not just a matter of whether or not Zoey can fit in…it becomes a firsthand lesson in what it really means to “love your enemy.”

When the school year begins, Zoey’s terrified to go without Louisa—who’s out with a nasty flu. The same enemies she made over the summer are there to haunt her, but she and another new girl stick together…and even seem to find a place among the in-crowd. But is this who Zoey wants to be? Are they really her friends? Who’s going to stick beside her when cyber bullying leaves her as the odd girl out?

My Thoughts: This is a wonderful series of books for young "tweenage" girls. Zoey is an interesting young lady who is not your typical girl. Left with grandparents she barely knows Zoey is embarking on a new life and starting a new school. Zoey feels what most young people feel when they move into a new place, that is how to fit in and make friends. But there's Kayla, the girl who just can't seem to like Zoey at all.

Zoey learns to deal with a bully and learns that just like Christ loved everyone, we should also.

This is a wonderful series that I believe all young girls can relate to and will enjoy. The character of Zoey is easy to relate to as she has to make new friends, start a new school. It's all the things young people dread. It will help them understand that they aren't alone in their feelings and how to relate to friendship pressures that occur in day to day life.
The Talk of Pram Town
The Talk of Pram Town
Joanna Nadin | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Talk of Pram Town was a bit of a walk down memory lane for me, as someone who was born in the early 1970’s: playing out with my friends, arranging to meet by speaking face to face with them, no mobile phones. I can remember watching Charles and Diana’s wedding, whilst holding commemorative coins bought by my Nan and commemorative mugs that would never be drunk out of (I still have mine somewhere!). But that’s where the similarities in my life, compared to that of 11 year old Sadie and her mum Connie, end.
Sadie and Connie live in Leeds, and don’t appear to have any other family. Connie wants to hit the big time as a singer, but instead sings at local working men’s clubs, and works at the local supermarket. Sadie certainly lives the first 11 years of her life in a much different way to many other people. This house in Leeds seems to be the most stable and ‘normal’ way of life that she has had so far.
So when Sadie is forced to go and live with the grandparents she has never met, her introduction to Essex suburbia is quite a shock to her system!
I loved this book. It has a real sense of time and place, making me feel so nostalgic for my childhood. I really enjoyed Sadie's grandparents: Jean, her grandmother, especially. It’s clear from the beginning that she has her own secrets, secrets that have embittered her over the years. I felt that the slow reveal of her younger life, and how she deals with Sadie as well as her feelings for Connie and Bernard, were fascinating.
But Sadie really is the most wonderful part of this novel. The way that she approaches her new life with such stoicism, her intelligence and curiosity of the new world that she has to grow to at least like, really made me want to read more.
I can’t wait to see what Joanna Nadin writes next - I’ve loved both this and her last novel (The Queen of Bloody Everything), both of which look at mother-daughter relationships.
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this - it’s a joy to read.