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Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit
Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit
Jaye Robin Brown | 2016 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a sweet, southern f/f romance. Set in Georgia, it deals with a lot of things young lesbians might have to deal with in the south - religion, bigotry, the stress of coming out or not coming out (or being forced back in the closet by a move to a small town)! It doesn't deal with any outright violence against our lesbian protagonists, and it just barely touches on drug use, eating disorders, and abusive relationships. Joanna has a mostly supportive family, even if they do ask her to hide her sexuality for her senior year in the new town. Jo reluctantly agrees to do so, but doesn't count on falling in love with a girl at her new school.

The book deals a LOT with religion and sexuality; Jo's father is a radio preacher, and she attends a baptist church in town with her stepmother and new grandparents. At one point - one of my favorite scenes in the book - she snaps, and calls out her classmates for thinking homosexuality is a sin, while they eat shellfish and have premarital sex.

I liked the book, but I'm not sure I'd recommend it. I grew up Christian; I'm familiar with all the concepts in the book, but rather than progress to a kinder, more loving version of Christianity, I left it behind altogether. I'm glad that some people can reconcile religion with progressive values, but I can't. So it might be a good book for some, but not for me.You can find all my reviews and more at
Get Away Closer
Get Away Closer
S.H. Pratt | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Get Away Closer tells the story of an opposite pair (early bird and night-owl) living next door to each other, both with elderly grandmas in the local vicinity. I loved how they first met and Lanie's grumpiness when she was woken up. Their relationship is a slow-burning one although, when it moves, it moves. I loved the descriptions Ms. Pratt gives us in the book - of the storms, the blanket, the wood, and sky blue, pink, and purple.

Ms. Pratt also manages to show the reader how grandparents can be different with their peers than they are with their grandchildren! Out of the two, I will admit to feeling sorry for Esther more than Irene, but both these ladies know how to hold a grudge.

This is a lighter read than some of Ms. Pratt's works but she details magnificently how a "big, strong man" can be abused and how it makes him feel. I thought this covered the subject beautifully and even read parts out to my young daughters as I feel it is important for them to understand that 'bullying' is not just by one sex.

This was a wonderful story that kept my attention and the pages turning. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending this story or, indeed, any other of Ms. Pratt's works. Brilliant.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dead Body Language
Dead Body Language
Penny Warner | 1997 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unexpected Body in the Cemetery
Connor Westphal has moved from San Francisco to the town of Flat Skunk in California’s gold country, where she is running the weekly paper she inherited from her grandparents. When Lacy Penzance comes in to place an ad to track down her long-lost sister, Connor readily agrees. Then Lacy takes back her ad. The next morning, Lacy is found dead. The sheriff doesn’t think it is the suicide it was staged to look like. Under the guise of writing an article about Lacy, Connor begins to investigate. Will she find the killer?

What I haven’t mentioned so far is that Connor is deaf. I found this character trait to be an interesting addition to the mystery, and it really added suspense to the climax. Connor is an all-around strong character, and I enjoyed getting to meet her friends here as well. The plot is strong, although I have a couple niggles about who the killer turned out to be. Even so, I have to admire the strong plotting; I missed several major clues. I did find there to be a few more four-letter words than I was expecting, and I think there were timeline issues, although I might have added an extra day in there somewhere as I was reading. I originally read this book close to when it was originally released in 1997, but I never read the rest of the series. I’m looking forward to fixing that soon.
A Celebration of Mothers in Rhyme is another good rhyming book. It talks about mothers and how they are all different kinds of mothers. Children can learn to read with this book. They will learn to rhyme and understand that all other mothers exist worldwide. Even single dads consider themselves mothers or fathers, even if they own a fur baby.

There are all kinds of mothers out there, and this book puts love on them all. There are many mothers and unique types of mothers in the world. Showing and letting your child or children learn about these is a good thing. Children will learn some new and valuable views that mothers can be just about anyone. They will know what a mother brings to them as well.

Mothers can come in all different sizes and ways. This book shows that it is not always a child but maybe a dog or cat. That is fine as well. This book is a good Mother's day book as well. Children can learn about the many different types of mothers throughout this book. This book is done a bit differently by doing a love letter than in a poem or other way—it is a fun and enjoyable read. Pictures are done wonderfully. They look handpainted, but I am not sure. Parents and grandparents, this is another good one to add to your child's collection. You could add it to the series if you started collecting the books. This is book eleven in the series of “Mariana Books.”
The Soulmate Equation
The Soulmate Equation
Christina Lauren | 2021 | Contemporary, Erotica, Humor & Comedy, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A witty & wonderful romance!!
Jess Davis is a single mom who loves crunching numbers almost as much as she loves her daughter Juno and her grandparents. They are her entire world and honestly, she doesn't have a lot of desire to step back into the dating world. It's just so much work. Then Jess and her best friend, Fizzy, hear about GenticAlly, a new dating site that predicts love through your DNA. Matchmaking through genetics and numbers? Jess could get behind that. But it's not until she's had a particularly bad, lonely day that she agrees to send in a sample. Suddenly she finds out she's matched with GeneticAlly's founder, Dr. River Pena at an unheard sky-high percentage of 98% compatibility. However, Jess is immediately skeptical because she knows River. And he's a pompous jerk. But River and GeneticAlly have a proposition for Jess. Go out with River, get to know him, and they'll pay her for her time. For struggling Jess, this is something she has to consider. As the two go to dinner and do press for GeneticAlly, Jess starts to see a different side of River--one that makes her wonder if there's something to this DNA matching idea after all.

"Her life, which essentially existed in a four-block radius, was exceedingly manageable as it was."

Oh this book was so good!! I love Christina Lauren's books, and I was already intrigued by the idea of a DNA matchmaking book. Well, THE SOULMATE EQUATION did not disappoint! It's sweet and funny and interesting--I loved it!

SOULMATE has wonderful banter--that patented CLo banter--between River and Jess, but also Jess and Fizzy. Jess is a statistician and Fizzy a romance writer and they spend many of their days in a coffee shop, "working." Their friendship is next level good and freaking hilarious. Honestly, it's one of the best parts of the book. So is Jess' relationship with her grandparents, who basically raised her after her mom, who struggled with addiction, left. And then there's Juno, the cute precocious kid, who shows up asking funny questions and making you chuckle. The cast of characters is top notch, for sure. I loved how well Jess' family was woven into the story.

As for River and Jess, their chemistry is superb. They start off on the wrong foot, with River coming across as a jerk, but it's not anything too terrible, which is good, because I can't handle the "hate to love" scenarios when the "hate" seems impossible for anyone to actually overcome. Instead, River is a nuanced character with his own backstory and personality. He's consumed by the science of relationships but too busy being a genius doctor workaholic to have one. And sweet Jess, you can't help but root for her: the tired mom who lacks the energy to even try to date anymore. There's lots of science and numbers, but nothing crazy for us non-mathematicians, and honestly, the genetics aspect is pretty fascinating. (Is this really possible, world?) I saw a bit of the big twist plot point coming, but it in no way diminished my enjoyment of the story.

Overall, this was a great read. Funny, witty, and heartfelt. Great couple with awesome chemistry. Wonderful cast of characters (Fizzy needs her own book!). The entire book made me smile--definitely recommend! 4.5 stars.
Plain Perfect (Daughters of the Promise, #1)
Beth Wiseman | 2008 | Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A wunderbaar Amish novel set in the quaint Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Beth Wiseman combines love, faith in God, friendship and family in a way that captures the reader and holds them to the very end!
Lillian Miller, trying to escape a life of lies and a relationship she doesn't need, flees to her Amish grandparents' home in Lancaster County, knowing all along that she will never fit in with her modern style. While there, she discovers truths about her past...things her mother never told her.
Samuel Stoltzfus is a young Amish widow, trying to raise his young son. He meets the young Englischer, the granddaughter of his close friends. He knows the rules of the Ordnung, but can he truly deny what he feels in his heart???
She's forced to choose between two of lies and abuse, and one of simple, family oriented, Godly, plain living...and a life with a wunderbaar, caring man.
What will happen to Lillian and her perfect, modern life and Samuel, with his plain living? Will they face the truth of their feelings, hearts and God and become Plain Perfectin this amazing inspirational novel?
Grab some coffee and a copy of Beth's novel, sit back and enjoy this first book in a wonderful series, Daughters of the Promise! You'll be glad you did! This book truly deserves to be highly praised and I think you'll agree once you,too, have read Plain Perfect by Beth Wiseman!!!!! Two thumbs up and five stars to Mrs. Wiseman!!! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
The Forgiving Jar
The Forgiving Jar
Wanda E. Brunstetter | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Forgiving Jar is about Sarah. You learn a bit about Sarah in the first book called The Hope Jar? Wanda does a really well job writing Sarah story along with Michelle's. If you are not a fan of Wanda Brunstetter you will be once you have read on of her books.

The first book is about Michelle Taylor story. This book is about the English granddaughter's story of the Lapps. How would you feel if someone impersonated you? Well this is how it start in the second book with Sarah coming to stay with her grandparents. When you see the woman you pretended to be you and why she is allowed to stay there? Sarah feel really upset about it.

Will Sarah learn to forgive? We know she finds the Prayer Jars or at least one? She doe not know who wrote them or who they belong to? Michelle happens to find Sarah with one of the Jars and tell her she knew about The Prayer Jars and that there is one in the barn as well.

We also get Brad who come back to visit during his Christmas break. He does not know the real Sarah. He thinks the one he meet was Sarah but doe not know it Michelle Taylor. Michelle has to tell him the truth and ask for forgiveness?

Wanda seem continue Michelle's story along with adding Sarah's story. Though this is mostly Sarah story we get to see Michelle live blossom and she how they interact. Will Michelle get to see her brothers Jack and Ernie Taylor? Will Sarah learn to forgive? Will Michelle and Ezekiel get married?
A Deadly Inside Scoop
A Deadly Inside Scoop
Abby Collette | 2020 | Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An Opening Scoop of Murder
Bronwyn “Win” Crewse is ready to reopen Crewse Creamery, the ice cream parlor founded by her grandparents in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, after some renovations. Unfortunately, opening day sees an early October snow storm and no customers. However, Win’s day gets even worse when she stumbles upon a dead body after she’s closed the shop for the day. The man turns out to be someone who crossed paths with Win’s family years ago, and not for the better. Before Win knows it, the police are looking at her father as the killer. Now, Win needs to figure out what really happened so she can clear him of a crime she knows he didn’t commit. Can she do that and get customers into the ice cream parlor?

I love ice cream, so that was a draw to this series, and the ice cream descriptions definitely made me drool. The delicious sounding recipes at the end will help with that. The mystery started out a little slowly. It did eventually get going, and we had some good suspects and twists before Win figured everything out. The characters were a mixed bag. I loved Win, and her family is wonderful as well. I especially appreciated the close relationship she has with both her parents and her grandfather. Her friends were more caricatures than fully developed characters, and as a result, they amused me at times and annoyed me at others. I can see them getting more developed as the series goes along, however. This is still a tasty treat, and I can see it developing into a favorite series for many.
What the Cat Dragged In
What the Cat Dragged In
Miranda James | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Secret in the Old Attic
Charlie Harris has gotten some surprising news – he’s just inherited his grandfather’s house. He thought the home had left the family decades ago, but it turns out it was just under a life lease, and that tenant has just died. Charlie’s grandparents died when he was young, but he still has some fond memories of time spent out there. When he and Diesel are out there exploring the house, Diesel discovers a skeleton in the attic. It is clear that the body was dug up and placed there. Suddenly, Charlie is left wondering what this skeleton says about his family’s past. He can’t help but dig more, especially when a modern body also turns up on the property he’s just inherited. What will he find?

Because I love Charlie, this mystery from Charlie’s family’s past is intriguing. I was pulled in early. Ultimately, I did feel the ending was a bit abrupt and a few details of the story should have been worked into the plot better, but I did enjoy it. Over the last few books, I’ve noticed the insertion of small moments that come across more as lectures than anything else, and that trend continued here. I almost always agree with Charlie, but they bother me because they feel forced into the story. These really are nitpicks, and I enjoyed the book overall, mainly because of the characters. All our favorite two and four legged characters are back, and it is great spending time with them as always. Fans will feel like reading this book is a warm hug.

Dalton (3 KP) rated Brotherly Love in Books

Sep 24, 2017  
Brotherly Love
Brotherly Love
Dalton Giesick | 2017 | Biography, Children, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
The US Review of Books
Contains spoilers, click to show
Brotherly Love
by Dalton Giesick
Trafford Publishing
reviewed by Omar Figueras

"When Dayton was hammering the staples into the wood, Grandpa cut a window on each end. Then he made a door for us... Our clubhouse was fin."

Dalton Giesick's short memoir Brotherly Love depicts the author's e'rly childhood years, being the all too brief moment in time that he was able to spend with his little brother, Dayton. The book describes those early years in a fleeting but endearing way. At the center of the story is the family's relocation to Colorado, the boys' moving in with their grandparents during that short duration, and the heart-wrenching changes the family endures once they have moved out West.

Part coming of age story and part eulogy, Giesick's treatment of his subject is heart-felt and gentle. His book is a sweet and tender read and the author's presentation of his memories of Dayton is much in tune with how an adult would treat a young child. A quick, yet powerful read, Giesick's writing is strong and tight. There are foreboding moments embedded throughout the story alluding to Dayton's disappearance; however, this tragedy occurs at the end of the story where the author's dreadful imaginings become his harsh reality. Although anticipated, the last revelation is both unexpected to the narrator and reader.

A tribute to a little boy with a large heart and an even bigger soul, Brotherly Love is a big brother's beautiful telling of the precious and too brief an instant he spent in the company of his little brother. Although short, the time that the author spent with Dayton was deeply transformative for himself, and by telling his story the author was able to provide this transformation for his readers.