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The Roswell Conspiracy
The Roswell Conspiracy
Boyd Morrison | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In his previous novels Boyd Morrison has shown that he is able to take historical legends that have incredible elements - Noah's Ark, King Midas turning everything into gold - and not only spinning a thrilling plot around them but also providing explanations for these that just might be plausible. This is helped by his no-nonsense leading character of engineer Tyler Locke.

In this third Tyler Locke novel Morrison tackles something a little less mythological but no less bizarre. With his own take on events at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and tying in the Tunguska explosion in Siberia in 1908 he manages to provide an explanation that just might be possible. Throwing in Russian rogue agents and a plot to wreck the infrastructure of the USA means that Locke must keep his wits about him to escape from plenty of attempts to stop him discovering the truth.

There are the typical aderenaline fuelled chases and technological wonders around the world as expected and the addition of two feisty female leads adds some spice. Tyler's electrical engineer friend Grant also gets to shine as he and Tyler split up to pursue different leads.

As usual the writing is very effective, the action scenes cracking along and the plot driven against the clock. Although the bones of the plot are clear early on the details must still be pieced together and Locke's opponents are ruthless in pursuit of their goals.

The pace does lag at times as there is a lot of exposition to get through at various points to explain the actions of both heroes and villians but given the sheer complexity of what Morrison acheives in joining so many global events together this is understandable.

Morrison is definitely my favourite adventure/thriller author and this book shows why that is.
The Midas Code (Tyler Locke #2)
The Midas Code (Tyler Locke #2)
Boyd Morrison | 2011 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story of King Midas is a Greek Legend warning on the folly of greed where everything the king touches turns to gold - including his daughter. But at the heart of every story is a grain of truth. What if King Midas was real and there really was a Midas Touch that could turn other things into gold? How much would it be worth? And more importantly how far would some people go in order to secure it?

Jordan Orr is in a race against time to secure this ancient and valuable artifact but he is missing two important pieces - an expert in ancient civilisations and an engineer able to decode centuries old mechanisms. He therefore puts Stacy Benedict, scholar and presenter of a popular TV show on ancient cultures, and Tyler Locke into a situation where they have no choice but to help him. Can Locke outsmart Orr? And does the Midas Touch really exist?

The second of the Tyler Locke thrillers sees Morrison once again explore the theme of an old story and imagining a what if situation of there being some truth to it. He then adds Tyler Locke - ex army engineer, mechanism and explosives expert and Grant Westfield, ex pro-wrestler and ex Army Ranger to the mix. As Benedict, Locke and Westfield move around Europe following the instructions laid down in a codex written Archimedes it seems Orr is always one step ahead of them. Locke must use all of his ingenuity to try to thwart Orr in his plans.

As with his other novels Morrison doesn't let up for one second and he relishes pushing his heroes to the limit. 'Out of the frying pan and into the fire' has nothing on this.

It would be easy to write a thriller of this sort and be sloppy with the details but Morrison is as always well-researched and keen to show off Locke's scientific and engineering credentials and is effortless at making ancient stories seem like they could - just about - be true.

Overall another absolutely brilliant book. Could Morrison be the best thriller writer working today? It's not something I'd discount.
The Noah's Ark Quest (Tyler Locke, #1)
The Noah's Ark Quest (Tyler Locke, #1)
Boyd Morrison | 2010 | Thriller
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When engineer Tyler Locke rescues archaeologist Dilara Kenner from a helicopter crash he doesn't know whether to believe her story. She tells hum that a friend of hers was murdered by poison in front of her and that he sent her to find Locke. Since then she has been involved in accidents that she suspects are attempts to kill her too.

Initially skeptical, events (not to mention a bizarre plane crash) soon prove she is indeed correct. And that means that Locke and his friend and colleague Grant Westfield only have a few days to save the human race from destruction.

Positioned firmly in the adventure thriller mould this book is both a terrific example of the type and also refreshingly different. Locke makes a terrific heroic lead, using his engineering and scientific knowledge to gradually work out what is going on and how to stop it. He can handle himself in a fight as well, but the muscle is provided by ex-special forces Westfield. Between them they make a formiddable team - and the banter and wit between them and Kenner is so well written and natural.

The villain of the piece is suitably nasty, a sociopath masquerading as the leader of a religious cult. He shows a worrying tendency to be one step ahead of the heroes at every turn and his motives seem worryingly plausible.

The writing is taut and moves at a considerable pace. There are a number of action sequences - fights, battles, escapes and chases of all sorts - but each is written with an eye to detail and with minimal suspension of belief lending a sense of realism that keeps the whole story grounded.

The British title that I read - The Noah's Ark Quest - is I think a little misleading in that Noah's Ark itself is only of peripheral interest for the bulk of the story. The title of The Ark seems to fit a lot better, resonating as it does with both large ships and places of safety, both themes of note in the book.

This is a very impressive book and one that I thoroughly recommend to anyone who likes their thrillers fast and loud but with an undercurrent of intelligence. Morrison has a real talent for writing which deserves a much wider audience.

Rating: Some violence and some bad language but nothing gratuitous.