
Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated The Flash - Season 1 in TV
Apr 20, 2018

The Flash - Season 4
TV Season
Team Flash take on The Thinker in the fourth season of the popular CW show.

The Flash - Season 5
TV Season
Team Flash take on new villain Cicada in season 5 of the popular CW show.

The flash season 9
TV Season
Barry Allen a forensics scientist with the central city police force is struck by lightning in a...

Ameeka (131 KP) rated The Flash - Season 1 in TV
Jul 14, 2017
Loveable characters (1 more)
Memorable villains
Truly great television series
We follow the young Barry Allen, played by the very likeable Grant Gustin, who were originally introduced in the second season of "Arrow." He is a very loveable character from the very beginning with many memorable villains which are great additions to the Arrowverse. This show brings so much greatness to television.

David McK (3505 KP) rated The Flash, Vol. 1: Move Forward in Books
Jan 30, 2019
First entry in the New 52 reboot, this (I felt) was a good jumping-on point for those of you who, like me, have really only seen the Grant Gustin starring TV show.
This, I felt, has some pretty dynamic art and a relativley straight-forward plot even if (to me) I couldn't quite get used to the version of Captain Cold!
This, I felt, has some pretty dynamic art and a relativley straight-forward plot even if (to me) I couldn't quite get used to the version of Captain Cold!