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The Walking Dead: v. 1: Days Gone Bye
The Walking Dead: v. 1: Days Gone Bye
Tony Moore, Robert Kirkman | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I have finally got started on reading these graphic novels. I have been an avid fan of the TV remake and am fully aware that the series and graphic novels do not run exactly scene for scene. Some characters have had longer roles or shorter roles, other characters added or omitted. That is not what I am concerning myself with whilst reading this novel.

What I am concerned with is how the book felt as I read it. I thought the frames were well drawn, if you take the time to look over each picture you really feel the emotions of each of the characters. At no point does it feel lacking from the sole use of greyscale, colour is unnecessary in this story. Considering there is limited writing used, the conversations between characters have been orchestrated to portray all the information and emotions needed.

It always takes me a few pages to get into a graphic novel, the switch to reading pictures and not written descriptions takes some getting used to, but this story is so gripping that it isn’t hard to get lost in it. Nothing is too gruesome or overdone (not that I mind gruesome) but some people may be put off as it is a tale set in a zombie ridden world, but actually this is a story about the effect on the people left standing. How they cope in this new harsh existence, and how they decide to make a new future for themselves. This is a great start to a series and I will be carrying on gladly and with a great deal of enthusiasm.
Kick-Ass (2010)
Kick-Ass (2010)
2010 | Action, Comedy, Drama
When I grow up, I want to be Hit Girl!
I really like this film, and I’ve watched it more than once! It’s very cartoonish in its delivery, and that’s just fine by me! Although that is kind of counteracted by the extreme violence and the language (I have to admit that I laughed A LOT when Hit Girl uses the ‘C’ word - I think that’s a British thing, possibly ??‍♀️) .
I’ve no doubt this will get watched again in my house - I have two teenaged boys who have been brought up in a house of graphic novels and superhero/ Marvel/ DC movies, so it’s a strong likelihood!
Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron (Alphabet Squadron #1)
Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron (Alphabet Squadron #1)
Alexander Freed | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
During the mid-to-late 90s (prior to even the Prequels), there was an explosion of Star Wars Expanded Universe novels.

Most of those novels concentrated on Han, Luke, Leia and co.

Most, but not all.

Alongside those, there was also two separate series of books, initially taking Wedge Antilles as a key character, concentrating instead on the fighter pilots of (initially) Rogue Squadron and (later) Wraith Squadron, taking inspiration for the X-Wing and TIE fighter computer games of the time.

And those novels themselves - now considered 'Legends' i.e. no longer canon - could very well have provided inspiration for this, the first of a spin-off trilogy (I think) from a series of graphic novels.

Whereas Rogue and Wraith squadron both had their pilots flying the same type of fighter craft, and both were very cinematic in their presentation, this novel - definitely in the first half (which, I felt, dragged somewhat) - concentrates more on its members psychology, with the so-called Alphabet squadron headed up by an ex-Imperial keen to prove her loyalty to the New Republic. And why is it called Alphabet Squadron? Because the pilots fly a mix of starfighter, from an A-Wing (i.e. that which crashes into the Star Destroyer bridge in Return of the Jedi) to a B Wing (the cross-shaped bomber glimpsed in flight), to an X-Wing (the type Luke Skywalker flies) to a U-Wing (The personnel carrier introduced in Rogue One) to a Y-Wing (the initial bombing run on the Death Star).
The problem with graphic novels based on characters previously only written about, I think, is that most of the time how they are portrayed in the visual medium is different than how they appear in your minds eye - a problem that both graphic novels and movies share.

This graphic novel, however, manages to avoid that particular problem, with Dresden drawn pretty-much as I imagined him to be (OK, maybe a bit less battered and bruised and dishevelled, but close enough).

Written by [a:Jim Butcher|10746|Jim Butcher|] himself, this entry actually takes place before the 'meat' of the main series (that began with [b:Storm Front|47212|Storm Front (The Dresden Files, #1)|Jim Butcher||1137060]), with Harry called in by (still) Lt Karin Murphy of the Chicago PD to investigate a killing in the zoo - a killing that is currently being pinned on a gorilla in said zoo, but that could not have realistically been carried out by him.

With Harry as his usual sarcastic wise-cracking self, and with Bob the skull putting in an appearance, the only thing that was missing was some of Harrys wider supporting cast and Mouse the dog, although all that makes sense in the context of the setting (book 0.5, remember?).

While I was a bit hesistant at first about how well the character and his world would transfer to this medium, based on this I may well pick up more of the 'graphical exclusive' (to coin a phrase) stories, such as [b:Jim Butcher's Dresden Files: Ghoul Goblin|18430203|Jim Butcher's Dresden Files Ghoul Goblin|Jim Butcher||26071782] - that is, entries where I haven't already read the prose!
The Crow
The Crow
James O'Barr | 1998 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emotionally written (2 more)
Brilliantly drawn
My All Time Favourite
This graphic novel is my all time favourite. I have read it countless times, sometimes in a row. This is where it all began, and the author's tragic backstory, really helps bring forth the emotion from the pages.

This is a story of love and loss, but mostly of vengeance and a sense of mental torment that no one, dead or alive, should suffer.

There's a belief that when someone dies, their soul is carried to heaven, hell or some form of afterlife, and then there's this graphic novel that suggests that if the soul was wronged in their life, they may return as an avenging angel, to seek vengeance on those who wronged them.

Eric and his Fiancé where murdered for no good reason, and so his soul is brought back from the dead, with some additional abilities, such as a healing factor, meaning that he cannot be killed (again) by mortals.

This book also contains poetry among its pages. Beautiful poems that really add to the emotion of the book and the story. I love comics, graphic novels etc. Anything Marvel or DC, and of course indie comics, but The Crow will forever remain my favourite one among them all, because it is poetic justice written beautifully and emotionally, unlike anything I have ever read before or after it.
Excalibur: The Legend of King Arthur
Tony Lee | 2011
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If I'm honest, I'm not really that much of a graphic novel/comic book kinda guy: I usually prefer to let my imagination do the work rather than have it 'shown' to me (which is also why I don't always like TV/movie adaptations).

Having said that, I thought I would give this one a go anyway. A retelling of the Arthurian legend, this takes in pretty much all the main characters and events of that legend, but not necessarily all how I was familiar with them (it involves the seelie/unseelie (i.e. faeries) which I don't remember ever having been part of the legend before).

Starting with Arthur's conception and ending with his 'death' at Badon Hill, the novel also glosses over some of the less savory actions that Arthur is supposed to have carried out (ref Tristan and Isolde).

An OK read, and while yes, I may pick up some of the others in the series, this failed to really change my perception of graphic novels as a whole.