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David McK (3248 KP) rated 300 in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
As with most comics/graphic novels-into-movies I've read, I'll admit that I saw the movie (quite a few years back) before reading this.

Essentially a comic-book-brought-to-screen, the movie iteself was incredibly violent (but enjoyable), with ridiculous amoutns of blood and body parts splattered across the screen, and with more nudity than I was expecting alongside the whole sub-plot of King Leonidas wife getting the Spartans to march.

An entire sub-plot that is not in the source material at all.

I also have to say that the violence in this - while still there - is actually toned down quite a bit from what I was expecting, with several of the panels virtually lifted from the pages and put on to the screen.

The story, for anyone who doesn't already know, is centred around King Leonidas' view of Thermopylae - or 'The Hot Gates' - , a narrow pass defended by the 300 Spartans of the title (plus miscellaneous other Greeks, although you'd be forgive for thinking they weren't there the way this, and the legend, is told!) to the death, and which was immortalised by the poet Simodides as follows on an epigram placed on theri burial mound:

"Go tell the Spartans, you who passeth by,
That here, obedient to their laws, we lie."


David McK (3248 KP) rated Stardust in Books

Jan 30, 2019 (Updated Apr 30, 2021)  
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (35 Ratings)
Book Rating
My first exposure to Neil Gaiman was when he co-wrote Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch with Terry Pratchett.

This, I believe, was the first of his solo novels that I read.

Circa 2006, not all that long before the movie on which it is based came out.

It was also a, how do we put this?, 'normal' prose novel: not a graphic novel; nor even an illustrated novel (as this is). Indeed, I didn't even know at first that the prose version which I read had previously been issued as an illustrated novel, until I saw it mentioned 'based on the work by Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess' at the end of the movie.

It then took me approximately a good decade or so before I finally got round to actually reading that version of the work, when I came across it on sale via Comixology. And, I have to say, the illustrations do add a certain Je Ne Sais Quoi to the work: a work which, while the main beats may be familiar to the reader from the movie version, is also very much its own thing and which includes elements not in said movie (Tristran’s wider family, for one, or even the much sadder ending in this)
Cold Granite (Logan McRae #1)
Cold Granite (Logan McRae #1)
Stuart MacBride | 2005 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, what can I say? What a book this is ... there aren't enough superlatives to say how much I enjoyed it ... just brilliant and a must-read for any fans of crime novels. This is the first in the Logan McRae series but I have read subsequent stories before this one and can confirm that it made no difference to my enjoyment of this book.

Now, I must warn you that this book deals with the disturbing and upsetting subject of child murders with the additional sub-plot of the murder of a gangster and there are graphic descriptions of the crime scenes so if you are of a nervous disposition or easily offended, I would probably steer clear of this particular one.

The characters are strong, well developed, interesting and believable with authentic dialogue throughout and despite the dark subject matter, there are many moments of humour which made me chuckle on several occasions which helped to lighten things a little. The setting of Aberdeen in the winter is perfect and creates further atmosphere. The pace is non-stop with twists, turns and red-herrings throughout which certainly kept me on my toes and guessing until near the end.

Don't let this series pass you by ... highly recommended.

I have to thank HarperCollins UK via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review.

Villainous Vee (53 KP) rated Sweetpea in Books

Feb 10, 2019  
C.J. Skuse | 2017 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Funny (2 more)
Starts off with a kick
Down to earth writing
Didn't want it too end (1 more)
Not sure the follow up book will be as good
The last person who called me ‘Sweetpea’ ended up dead…
In many ways Rhiannon is just like you or me. She lives a fairly ordinary life working a job at a local newspaper she doesn't really enjoy with people she can't stand (most of the time), hanging out with her friends who she calls PICSO's (people I can't shake off). She lived with her boyfriend Craig (who is having an affair with one of Rhiannon colleagues) and her little chihuahua Tink.

Except for the most part Rhiannon has lived anything but a normal life... A childhood trauma that she survived turned her into a local and national celebrity over night and she is a murderer... And she wants to kill again and again.

The book follows Rhiannon through a few months of her life in a diary format. In this diary she spills her darkest secrets and every day life, moans about her boyfriend, her neighbour, her friends and her colleagues.

Not for the faint hearted as the book can get very graphic and there is a lot of sexual content but this is all balanced out by the humour contained within. If you like crime novels, girly books or thriller I would recommend checking this out. It has earned its place in my permanent collection.
Salt to the Sea
Salt to the Sea
Ruta Sepetys | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, I’ve just finished reading all three novels nominated for the YA category of the California Young Reader Medal. The first two I read kind of left me feeling “meh,” so I was all set to be unimpressed with this one as well. I’m so delighted to tell you that I was wrong.

The story is told from the perspectives of four different characters, and I loved how Sepetys begins the narrative by telling of the same opening event from each character’s view point. After that, things unfold a little slowly, but it is completely worth it as you approach the climax…by that time, I was completely invested in each of the characters and was absolutely riveted to what was happening to them.

I’m also terribly impressed that Sepetys tackles telling a story from the “wrong” side (Germans during WWII), painting the characters not as the accepted “evil” caricatures but as real human beings caught up in a horrific war. In doing so, she sheds light on a human tragedy that so few of us know anything about (myself included) because it happened to the Germans as they were losing the war.

I will warn potential readers that the end of this novel does get rather graphic and emotionally wrenching, as you would expect in a novel about war and death. Although writing for a young adult audience, Sepetys does not gloss over the terror, panic, and trauma of the events.
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
2012 | Action, Drama, Mystery
The final part of Christopher Nolan's Christian Bale starring Batman trilogy (after both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight) that takes a large part of its inspiration from the 1990s Knightfall series of graphic novels in introducing the character of Bane: the man who (quote unquote) 'Breaks the Bat'.

As portrayed by Tom Hardy, this version of the character is nothing at all like you might remember from the Batman and Robin abomination: there's no mention of venom (the drug) in this movie, nor is it overstuffed with villains like that earlier movie/portrayal of the character was.

Instead, we have Bane as the primary antagonist throughout, although - in the tradition of Batman Begins - he is later revealed to be but a pawn, with deliberate call-backs to that first movie. While Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow does make a return (in what largely amounts as a camoe) alongside Ra's Al-Ghul (again, largely as a cameo in flashbacks), there's no Joker this time round - probably as a result of the real-world death of Heath Ledger (although I might have preferred even a throw-away line saying why the character wasn't in this!)

We also have Anne Hathaway's take on Catwoman/Selina Kyle, here portrayed more as a cat burglar than the Michelle Pfeiffer version from Batman Returns, and the 'passing on' of the mantle of Gotham's protector to another very-familiar character (who doesn't use his given name until the very end).