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William Finnegan recommended The Waves in Books (curated)

The Waves
The Waves
Virginia Woolf, Kate Flint | 2000 | Fiction & Poetry
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"'The waves fell; withdrew and fell again, like the thud of a great beast stamping.” Woolf’s strangest book by far, a cascade of gorgeous monologues, six friends meeting over the course of their lives. The characters emerge through their voices, through the eyes of the others. Each suffers separately. Loss, loneliness, depression vibrate on the page, among the indelible images, all within a frame of stunning brief descriptions of the sun’s passage and the sea’s pounding. It’s partly the twilight of the British Empire, but mostly a brooding meditation on language and love. Bernard, the writer, delivers the great summation. Nothing happens except life."



    Anya Seton

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    Anya Seton’s Foxfire makes the desert Southwest of the Great Depression come alive in all its rich...

(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

As a sufferer of depression, this book definitely caught my attention. This synopsis for this book definitely drew me in, or perhaps I'm just nosy and want to know what it's like for others, lol. Either way, I was very impressed with this book.

A Man Derailed by Paul Holmes is one man's battle with depression due to a major life event. Holmes describes his battle with depression and his ups and downs. He also discusses what helped him get through his depression.

I just want to say that the title, A Man Derailed, is fantastic for this book. I definitely feel that this is a great title for the book due to what happens. I won't go into much more as I don't want to give anything away, but by the end of chapter 1, you will see why this title fits perfectly.

Being as this is an autobiography about one man's struggle with depression, I think the cover is well suited. I like how one side of Holmes' face is all black and the other is decorated in clown make-up. Having depression is like that. On one side, you feel like you're falling into a black abyss. On the other hand, you have to put on a facade to the world as mental health is still a very taboo subject, unfortunately.

Paul Holmes sets up the setting and world building of his book very well. Throughout the book, I felt I was seeing everything happen through his eyes as well as living it with him.

I'm not really a fan of autobiographies as most of the time, the pacing of the book is way too slow for my liking. However, A Man Derailed wasn't like that. The pacing of this book was spot on, and I found myself wanting to know more and more about what Mr. Holmes said or did.

I very much enjoyed how well written this book was. I loved how Holmes was able to inject humour into his book as well, so it wasn't all doom and gloom. A lot of the times, I was actually laughing out loud. I also found myself agreeing with everything Holmes had written. There is quite a bit of swearing, so if you're not big into swear words, be warned. However, I don't mind swearing as I think it totally fit in with the theme of this book. The only problem I found was that there were a lot of punctuation and grammar mistakes. However, this is because I'm a grammar nazi. It didn't really bother me, nor did it take away from the book.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+ that have/had depression, that know someone with depression, or those who want to have more insight into what it's like having depression.

I'd give A Man Derailed by Paul Holmes a 4.5 out of 5.
This story was great ! I read it in a couple hours because I couldn't put it down. Shelley Shepard Gray wrote a very detailed and very believable story and it covers some highly relevant topics today; such as depression, suicide, spousal abuse, etc,. She did it in such a way that you really feel for the characters without it being graphic and in the midst of it all she gives us a sweet story of falling in love with your best friend. I truly enjoyed this story and recommend reading it.
I give it 4 stars out of 5 for the great story line, well developed characters, and for explaining some hard topics. I recommend reading this book.

Cori June (3033 KP) rated Grown Ups in Books

Oct 31, 2021  
Grown Ups
Grown Ups
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (1 more)
Starts a bit rough (0 more)
I normally don't read this type of book, however, I was gifted it while traveling in Iceland. And I loved it.
It starts a bit rough in the beginning as the change in perspective takes some getting used to, once I did it was a great read. The characters and thier issues were so immersive that you started to hope that they'd figure things out. I loved getting to know the family.
It is an emotional rollercoaster I did cry (it wasn't a bad one) and there are triggers for ppl who have eating disorders and depression.
The descriptions are amazing in felt like I was in Ireland and Italy. A great read and worth it.