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Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in Books

Oct 10, 2017 (Updated Oct 11, 2017)  
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
C.S. Lewis | 2009 | Children
8.2 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
I discovered Turkish delight through this book...
This is a must read for children, as the mystical elements are fascinating, but are lost when reading it as an adult.

First published in 1950, this is one of the most classic portal fantasies ever written. Four children are sent from London to an old house in the country during the evacuations of World War II. Through a magic wardrobe, they enter the fantasy land of Narnia, which is a jumbled mixture of Greek mythology, Bible stories, and Arthurian romances, with a bit of Medieval Bestiaries thrown in.

The White Witch has made herself Queen of Narnia, and put it under the spell of an ever-constant winter. With the arrival of the children and the lion Aslan, an old prophecy is met, spring comes to Narnia, and there is a major clash between the good and evil Narnians on who gets to dominate Narnia.

I like the book better than the film just because of the amount of detail used by the master of fantasy C. S. Lewis.
A Wild and Unremarkable Thing
A Wild and Unremarkable Thing
Jen Castleberry | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Wild and Unremarkable Thing had a very interesting premise that blended fantasy aspects like dragons, with Greek mythology and medieval lore. I love history and mythology, so this book immediately called to me. Unfortunately, it didn't entirely live up to my expectations for it although I did still enjoy my read. I believe that the biggest reason why it stumbled for me is how short the book is. At 238 pages, the author did not have enough time to adequately flesh out the plotline and characters leaving the story feeling rushed and the supporting characters unexplored.

The book is written through alternating points of view, which was a nice way to delve deeper into the character's psyche despite the short text. The main character is Cody, a girl who was born Cayda but has been forced by her father to train and lie her entire life with the hopes that she will slay a Fire Scale. She accepts the pain and commitment because the most important thing is to be able to provide for her family, especially her sisters. I wish that we had been able to get to know the sisters more so that we could form that bond with them and the book would have had more emotional weight.

The other two main characters were Penn and Wolfe. Penn was certainly the most interesting aspect of the story and I enjoyed seeing things from his perspective. Wolfe, on the other hand, was not a character that I related to or enjoyed reading. It was nice however to see things from his perspective as it offered a completely different life experience to view the hunt through.

The book also fell prey to the trope of insta-love, which I believe was also the fault of the story being so short. There was not adequate time to explore the relationship or infatuation between two characters before it seemed as if they were suddenly in love. It almost felt as if chapters of the story were missing because the development of bonds between characters or the plot would jump forward without sufficient explanation. The ending of the book felt incredibly rushed and I wish that it had been given the longer, more detailed conclusion that it deserved.

As a casual reader, I found that I enjoyed the overall story and the weaving of Greek mythology into the plot. Unfortunately, critically there were a number of different aspects that detracted from my enjoyment of the book or drew me out of the story. Despite that, I felt that the author's writing was well done and hope that she can bring more detail to her books in the future.
Madeline Miller | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.9 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b><i>WHEN I WAS BORN, the name for what I was did not exist.<i/></b>
<img src=""/>;

I was waiting for two whole months to get this book from the library. And I finally had a chance to read Circe from Madeline Miller. A book that everyone was talking about. The only thing you were gonna see on Instagram. Well, here I am – sitting with the cool kids now, I’ve read this book.

The reason I wanted to read this book wasn’t because I wanted to be part of the cool kids. Actually, it was because Greek Mythology has a special place in my heart. See, I was born in Macedonia, a country full of history, and so very close to Greece, where histories and cultures and traditions match and mix.

When I was in school, our teachers focused hard on history. Especially Roman and Greek Mythology. So yes, I grew up with Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and yes, I know all the gods out there, what they do, who they married, who their children are.

I have read about Circe, but I have never given her any meaning, as she is not mentioned a lot in Homer’s works, as you might already know. And then suddenly, there is a book about her life. I had to read it!!!

This might be my favorite book of 2018!
<img src=""/>;

I enjoyed Madeline’s writing style. It was so explanatory and calm, and soothing, like swimming in nice calm waters. You would just gulp her words as you read, and before you know it, you have read 200 pages.

Circe, oh Circe! Her character was so well described – such a strong powerful woman. We start with her childhood, to her growing up, and we follow the process of how she learned things the hard way, how she is naive, and then suddenly isn’t, how she discovers the power she holds within, despite everyone else mocking her and saying otherwise. We see how she decides to say no, how she is not afraid to be a rebel, and how she suffers, and loves, and protects, and cares, and survives, and lives!

You will read a story about the love a mother has toward her child, the love a woman has toward her man, the love a son has towards her mother, the love for freedom, the love for glory…

If you love Greek Mythology, you will get the chance to say hi to some of your favourite gods, nymphs, titans, monsters – Zeus, Athena, Poseidon, Prometheus, Odysseus and many more which I will fail to reveal.

I hardly believe that this is a great book for introducing Greek Mythology to new young readers. I also hardly believe that this book will change the thoughts of many people, the way they see things, the way they live, the way they think.

It was one of my favorite things about him: how he always fought for his chance.
There are a lot of side characters that give their own meaning to the story as well, and there is also Odysseus, and at times it feels as this is his story, but in the end you realized that this story belongs to Circe only.

<b><i>Do not listen to your enemy, Odysseus had once told me. Look at them. It will tell you everything.

I looked. Armed and armored, she was (Athena), from head to foot, helmet, spear, aegis, greaves. A terrifying vision: the goddess of war, ready for battle. But why had she assembled such a panoply against me, who knew nothing of combat? Unless there was something else she feared, something that made her feel somehow stripped and weak.

Instinct carried me forward, the thousand hours I had spent in my father’s halls, and with Odysseus polymetis, man of so many wiles.</i></b>
To all of you out there – please take your time to read this book! It will leave you breathless, inspired, motivated and it will change your life forever. It changed my life – that’s for certain!
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-book copy of this book from the editor in exchange for an honest review.

When I read the synopsis for this book, I was intrigued by the prospect of "modernized mythology." The idea that the Greek gods and goddesses are around right now, during our time, working to change humans into immortals through a competition was extremely interesting, and I couldn't wait to see how it played out.

I wasn't disappointed, as the story held my interest throughout, and I found myself trying to figure out which character was which Green god/goddess before it was actually stated. I've always been a fan of mythology, and this brought it to a new level, especially with the competition for immortality. Mary Jane's backstory is extremely sad, but her and Lucas seem to make a great couple, and I look forward to reading more of their story as they move on at the end of the book.

The only criticism I have is I wish it was longer. I thought it was over 280 pages, according to the count on my Kindle app, but the story actually ended around 220, with chapters from two future works at the end. Although the plot is thoroughly developed, I wanted more of it, whether it was more of Lucas and Mary Jane, or information about her parents, or even more with her and her aunt, Eden. However, I know this is only the first in a series, so I'm sure those things will be carried into the next book, which I hope comes out soon. =)

Merissa (11734 KP) rated Fallen Autumn in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Fallen Autumn
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First of all, I'm not exactly sure what genre to put this book in as it could be so many - young adult, fiction, fantasy, mythology, action, adventure, nature/environment - either way, it was absolutely brilliant. A slow burner, yes, but absolutely brilliant.

There are parts of the story taken from Greek mythology, fairy tales, Noah's ark and somehow they all seem to fit together perfectly.

The book asks you the question of when will we stop treating the earth as something which owes us and when we will start trying to preserve what we have and to bring back what we have lost but it does it in such a way that you don't feel bashed over the head with it.

The journey for Petra as she learns who she is and what she needs to do is amazing. She has the support of her lifelong friend Ty and recent frenemy, Isabel, as well as that of her grandmother, Demi. You learn how Petra's fate and that of the Polar Bear Queen, Nanuk, are intermingled and you will hold your breath as Petra tries to get to help in time. There was one part of the story that I had to re-read, this time with a tissue wiping away my tears before they could block the words out. And it only got worse when I read the epilogue of the book and saw that this part was based on fact - which I can remember watching on the news.

This is a story to be told and I'm really hoping that there will be another installment! Wonderful.
I wanted to read this book for the first story by Mercedes Lackey, since I am a fan of the Five Hundred Kingdom series. This story featured Leopold and Brunnhilde in a setting straight out of Greek mythology. In short, I loved it. It weaves Leopold's quest for immortality in with the tale of Persephone and her union with Hades. The perspective is different from the usual story of a victimized Persephone, and turns her into a strong, young woman who will stop at nothing to be with the man she loves. To make Greek mythology fit in with the rest of the series, Lackey explains that the Gods and Goddesses of Mount Olympus are half-Fae who have forgotten their origins thanks to the power of The Tradition.
I am not familiar with the second author, Michelle Sagara. This short story is a prequel to her Chronicles of Elantra series and introduces the reader to the character of Kaylin Neya. I was a little lost when I began this story because of the variety of characters that I was introduced to at the very beginning. I actually was not even sure who the story was about at first. The story seemed a bit bogged down with details and descriptions, and Kaylin seemed to get lost in the mayhem of Sagara's attempt to introduce the reader to the world of Elantra in such a short tale. I stuck with it, though, and by the end of the story I was intrigued enough to want to continue on with the series in Cast in Shadow (The Chronicles of Elantra, Book 1).
The third story, written by Caleron Haley, is meant to be a prequel to Mob Rules (Luna Books). I am not familiar with this author either, and when I began this story I realized immediately that this story was heavily-flavored with gangster-style speak and vocabulary, even more so than the urban fantasy elements. I really tried to adjust to the language used in the story, but the lack of explanation to accompany such terms as "juice" and "outfit", as well as the overabundance of foul-mouthed language and typical gangster lingo like "capping" someone mad me lose interest in the actual plot of the short story halfway through. I am sure there are other readers that enjoy this style of story-telling, but I am not one of them.
This Poison Heart
This Poison Heart
Kalynn Bayron | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderful and captivating YA fantasy
Briseis knows she has a rare gift--with just a touch, she can grow plants. But this gift also attracts attention. So when she inherits an estate in rural New York from a relative, Briseis and her moms see this as a chance to get away and perhaps learn to control her power. Upon arriving at her new home, Briseis finds it to be beautiful--and mysterious. The property is filled with secret gardens and the house itself with notes and clues about her family's past. Then the local townsfolk start showing up at Briseis' doorstep, and she realizes the house once served as an apothecary. Briseis has an uncanny knack for whipping up the healing potions everyone desires, but the more she investigates, she realizes there is a darker side to the house and its powers. One that could have dangerous consequences for Briseis and her entire family.

"I was pretty sure that growing a poisonous bush in the park wasn't what they had in mind for how I should spend my summer."

This was a completely awesome book! The story is totally engrossing. There are poisonous plants, secret gardens, Greek mythology, and a gothic vibe--what's not to love? Briseis is an amazing character. She's strong, brave, and tough; she's also bisexual and loved unconditionally by her two moms, Mom and Mo. The book offers such a great family dynamic, with an excellent attitude toward adoption. It's no big deal that Bri is bi or that she has two Moms--it's just a fact of life. How I appreciate that in a YA book.

"'Did I--did I inherit the Addams Family Mansion?'"

I've read several books lately with Greek mythology and didn't care for them, but this one broke the mold. The stories are woven in perfectly and add to the plot flawlessly. The story is completely captivating and I loved all the strong women in it. It's also part mystery, part myth, which adds to the page-turning aspect. (Be forewarned, this is book #1, so this ends on a bit of a cliffhanger.)

Overall, cannot recommend this book enough. It's a unique and mesmerizing fantasy. The fact that it's so queer inclusive is lovely. I'll be impatiently waiting for book #2. 4.5 stars.

Janeeny (200 KP) rated The Iliad in Books

Jun 10, 2019  
The Iliad
The Iliad
Homer, E.V. Rieu, Peter Jones | 2014 | Essays
7.1 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Personally I think this should have also counted towards my classic read for the month aswell, but hey, I don’t make the rules . . oh, wait . .
For those of you not in the know The Iliad is Homers epic poem about the Trojan war, this version was translated by EV Rieu.
What can I say about this, without sounding like a complete philistine? It is essentially a Soap Opera based around testosterone fuelled macho men and a bunch of Gods having a hissy fit! I loved it!

Crivens, there’s a lot of people in it though!! It did take me a little while to get into it, and being a little rusty on my Greek mythology I kept forgetting who was on whose side, but I eventually found my stride, and if you can wade through all the different ways that different people were killed (Homer does really like describing how each person died, potentially the Tarantino of his day!) It is a really detailed account of a mythological war that inspired a whole wealth of literature, and I can see why it is a classic.
Daughter of Persephone (Cerberus #1)
Daughter of Persephone (Cerberus #1)
Helen Scott | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
43 of 250
Daughter of Persephone ( Cerberus book 1)
By Helen Scott

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Poppy is nothing special.

She was making ends meet and trying to enjoy life. But a strange necklace caught her eye at the thrift store. Now, three gorgeous men have stumbled into her life, and she's torn between being terrified and excited. That is until they tell her she is the future queen of the Underworld.

Not only that, but she needs to bond with her hellhounds, the three heads of Cerberus, and protect the Underworld from a goddess who wants it for herself. Forced to face unnatural enemies, and too-sexy-for-their-own-good men, Poppy must choose: keep the life she's always had or take her rightful place as queen.

If she survives.

Wasn’t sure I was going to like this! Although I love my Greek mythology themed books! I was actually surprised it was good the running theme is similar to a lot of those that I’ve read but it still made an enjoyable read. It’s certainly a series I’ll see through.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Maidens in Books

Jun 24, 2021  
The Maidens
The Maidens
Alex Michaelides | 2021 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A lackluster and dull thriller
Mariana Andros is a group therapist and Cambridge University graduate. She is mourning her late husband, Sebastian, when their niece, Zoe, calls, upset because a friend at Cambridge has been murdered. Mariana and Sebastian raised Zoe as a surrogate daughter, so Mariana heads to Cambridge and St. Christopher's College to be there for her. There, Mariana feels she can help her friend and fellow therapist, Julian Ashcroft, in looking into the murder. Mariana is convinced that Greek tragedy professor Edward Fosca is responsible. He is followed around by a group of female students, deemed The Maidens, who seem obsessed with Fosca and his teachings. When another girl, a Maiden, is found dead, Mariana vows she will do anything to stop him.

"Death was no stranger to Mariana; it had been her traveling companion since she was a child--keeping close behind her, hovering just over her shoulder. She sometimes felt she had been cursed, as if by some malevolent goddess in a Greek myth, to lose everyone she ever loved."

Unpopular opinion time... this book did not work for me. I did not find it engaging nor interesting. I had to force myself to keep reading, as I did not care for any of the characters, including Mariana and Zoe. Mariana is fixated on Edward Fosca from the beginning and seems convinced she should insert herself in a rather serious murder investigation despite not seeming one bit qualified. I'm not sure how her group therapist qualifications lend her any credentials and she lies constantly, much to the annoyance (justified) and detriment of the police. There are basically no sympathetic characters, and there seems to be no reason to care about the murdered women, as we're given no background on them. Some characters (e.g., Julian) seem inserted for no reason whatsoever.

There is a lot of Greek mythology tucked into the story and perhaps I was just over it, as I've read several books revolving around Greek myths lately. It was a lot, though, and sometimes did not seem relevant to our story.

This thriller is certainly atmospheric, with Cambridge playing a strong role in the setting. You definitely feel a part of the academic setting, and I learned a lot about the university while reading. It's dark and somewhat foreboding, but since I was not fully invested in the story, I could only feel so tense. There are some twists, but the big twist came too late and seemed too preposterous to be truly exciting. The author throws in so many red herrings that you find yourself almost rolling your eyes.

Still, this is a very popular thriller for many readers, so chances are it may work for you. For me, it just didn't hold my interest or seem all that, well, thrilling. 2 stars.