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The Dark Tower - Dark Tower VII
The Dark Tower - Dark Tower VII
Stephen King | 2004 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
8.8 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
A satisfying conclusion to the beloved characters that we have followed for so long. I was not disappointed... Except to say I wanted more... (0 more)
The concluding book in the epic Dark Tower series.

I never used to be a reader... And then I picked up The Gunslinger.

This completion did not disappoint and I have picked the series up again and again... And will continue to do so.
Unforgiven (1992)
Unforgiven (1992)
1992 | Western
I'm not one for western movies, however this one is the exception, Eastwood' s character is so interesting and multi faceted as the old gunslinger turned vigilante, but it's Gene Hackman's scene stealing turn as the hard talking and hard nosed sheriff Little Bill that adds grit to this movie, Richard Harris is also amazing as English Bob, Morgan Freeman also gives us a glimpse of his greatness in an early role.

Talia Jackson recommended Night Hawk in Books (curated)

Night Hawk
Night Hawk
Beverly Jenkins | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Captured used to be my favourite Jenkins romance, but Night Hawk recently took the top spot because its lead couple is just so brilliant. This historical romance follows an infamous Wild West gunslinger turned US Marshall as he transports a feisty prisoner. They prove her innocence, fall in love, thwart various nefarious plots on their journey home, and generally run around being badass. I especially fell in love with the plucky, witty heroine and her completely relatable thirst for revenge."

Bone Tomahawk (2015)
Bone Tomahawk (2015)
2015 | Action, Horror, Western
Kurt Russell (1 more)
Patrick Wilson
Slow (1 more)
Slow Pacing
Smart Men Don't Get Married
Bone Tomhawk- is a decent western horror action film. The cast is really good, its just slow, the pacing is slow, sometimes nothing intresting happens, but it does get intresting here ansmd there.

The plot: In the Old West, a sheriff (Kurt Russell), his deputy (Richard Jenkins), a gunslinger (Matthew Fox),and a cowboy (Patrick Wilson) embark on a mission to rescue three people from a savage group of cave dwellers.

Its okay.