Wizard and Glass - Dark Tower IV
Roland, Eddie, Susannah, Jake, and Jake’s pet bumbler survive Blaine the Mono’s final crash,...
Dark Tower The Gunslinger

The Drawing of the Three - Dark Tower II
After his final confrontation with the Man in Black in a remote mountain Golgotha, an exhausted...
Dark Tower The Gunslinger

The Wolves of the Calla - Dark Tower V
Roland and his tet have just returned to the path of the Beam when they discover that they are being...
Dark Tower The Gunslinger

The Dark Tower - Dark Tower VII
At the outset of the final installment of our saga, Roland’s ka-tet is scattered across several...
Dark Tower The Gunslinger

Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) rated An Easy Death (Gunnie Rose, #1) in Books
Aug 7, 2019
I'm not one for writing negative reviews and I really really wanted to like this book. Bit omg can someone tell me why Charlaine Harris is constantly writing about stupid annoying women? Considering the girl losses pretty much her love and friends in the first chapter she hardly has any emotional response. I just don't get the storyline or world building either. I won't be going on to book 2 😢 Definitely not an easy death

Song of Susannah - Dark Tower VI
The Wolves have been defeated, but our tet faces yet another catastrophe. Susannah Dean’s body has...
Dark Tower The Gunslinger

Lost Frontier
Games and Entertainment
Lost Frontier is a turn-based strategy game, brought to you from the creators of the Battleheart and...

Derelict Air: From Collected Out
Edward Dorn, Justin Katko and Kyle Waugh
Derelict Air gathers over 400 pages of previously uncollected poetry gleaned from ephemera,...

The Wind Through the Keyhole - A Dark Tower Novel
Although it is officially the eighth book of the Dark Tower saga, Stephen King likes to call The...
Dark Tower The Gunslinger

Sarah (7799 KP) rated The Gunslinger in Books
Dec 26, 2020
King himself has said he isn't entirely pleased with The Gunslinger, the first novel in the series, and I'd be inclined to agree with him. As introductions go, our intro to Roland isn't bad but it doesn't feel anywhere near as engaging and intriguing as the later books in the series. It feels a little convoluted and confusing at times, like we're joining a story not quite at the very start. Admittedly some things are explained later on, but it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people have given up on this series purely because of this first novel.
For me I can appreciate that this is a good novel and a decent introduction to Roland and the world he lives in, but I will admit it could be better. Reading it again does highlight some of the nods and nuances to later happenings in the series that you didn't quite pick up the first time around. But I will say that if youre planning on reading this series, please don't judge it off this instalment alone.