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Clerks (1994)
Clerks (1994)
1994 | Comedy
Dante and Randal - together forever
I had the pleasure of meeting Kevin Smith when he appeared at the Hollywood Video manager's meeting in Las Vegas in the summer of 1999. Clerks was revered at that time by all of us since we were living the life of Randal to a certain extent being video store managers. We could all relate to the examples of stupid customers and things we wanted to say to them, but couldn't since "the customer is always right".

Smith's appearance at our meeting must've shocked the Mormon founder, Mark Wattles, when Smith began using excessive profanity and talking about giving blow jobs in the bathroom for cash.

My own experiences as a video store manager were reflected in a lot of what Randal says especially when it came to movie recommendations. I'll never forget being asked "Which is better, Booty Call or Schindler's List" or arguing with customers during the "full screen" vs. "widescreen" debate explaining widescreen was better because you could see the entire picture instead of the side of the film being cut off.

Every time I rewatch Clerks it always reminds me of those times and how I reflect fondly on them now so many years later.

Smith was a funny guy and he certainly tells good stories if you have ever seen one of his stand-up specials where he talks about meeting Prince, Bruce Willis or his experiences writing a Superman draft.

Jay and Silent Bob are iconic too even getting their own reboot movie now.

Clerks is a comedy cinema cult classic having lived far beyond its original $27,000 budget where Smith had to sell his comic book collection and its characters will live on forever due to some classic screenwriting.

Falling (Fall or Break, #1)
Falling (Fall or Break, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF @ 37%

This had been on my Amazon wish-list for quite a while before I bought this and then even longer before I got around to reading it. (Another of those A-Z reading challenge reads.)

We start by learning about Malachi and how he's struggling to find a job and living with his sister and her rather mean husband who has a set of rules that Malachi must abide by if he wants to stay there. He does find Malachi a job and in the process Malachi meets the guy he's been obsessing over at the local shop. In rolls Harper, recently released from prison for a crime he didn't commit, he's renovating his old home with his dads money and Malachi ends up working on the house. They both have an attraction to the other but try to ignore it for their own reasons but it's impossible.

I don't know about this one. I can't say I ever really got into it. I carried on for a while longer but it never really...picked up for me. I didn't feel like I cared enough about the characters to carry on so I finally gave up.

The only thing I felt a little interested in was the fact that Harper had been put in prison for a crime he didn't commit and then spent ten years in prison, every appeal shot down in flames, because everyone thought he was guilty. I did feel like an injustice had been served and those two boys needed some sort of karma to come bite them in the arse for the lies they told.

And I liked that it was set in the UK. Most of the books I read are set in America so it's nice to read something set somewhere different.
Like Candy (Candy #1)
Like Candy (Candy #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*A copy of this book was received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

The thing that drew me in with this book was the cover, and then the description. Note that I haven't been on Netgalley in some time, as I've been trying to wittle down my slowly increasing list of books and then just decided to get rid of the ones I got as freebies back when I first got my kindle and would never read.

So back to Like Candy. I was a little wary to start with. I'm a bit picky with genre's at the minute. I'm liking YA, but not really NA. I'm liking Romance but not in the mood for Erotica. Luckily this was more YA than NA to me and the romance aspect of this story drew me in quickly. Just the chance of something happening with Candy after her last failed relationship and the silent-but-really-nice guy that is Jonah...well *sigh* And when it finally did, I was so happy for them. They were so good for each other!

It read as a normal girl-meets-boy story, a nice slow progression, and then we see Candy in her home life and I was a little stumped with that part of the storyline. Her wanting to do what her dad did. It wasn't something I was expecting, especially with all the mystery surrounding what he does. That was the other plot that was threaded through the story, though I wont spoil it by going into much detail.

But for me, it was all about that emotional connection between Candy and Jonah. I loved it. And that bit near the end with them at school almost killed me. But the actual ending? Cliff-hanger worthy!

I definitely need the second book in the series now.<br/>
Band a Part (1964)
Band a Part (1964)
1964 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Of all the directors I have flirted with in my opening months with the BFI player, Godard is the one I am finding most accessible and least intimidating. He is the guy whose movies I am most tempted by when I don’t want to think or analyse too much, but simply sit back and enjoy for being cool. I also wanted to see why Quentin Tarantino named his production company after this movie. And now I have seen it his whole oeuvre makes total sense, at last! The exact feel of this Nouvelle Vague cornerstone is exactly what you find in 80% of what Tarantino is trying to do. The plot is incidental, of course. What is happening is only there to pin the characters and quirky dialogue on. Being cool is all. And this mid 60s confection is so cool, so French and so much style over content in the best possible way.

On the surface it is about two dodgy guys who take a shine to a girl and rope her into a heist. But the most memorable moments are the trivialities of them dancing the Maddison in a cafe because they are bored; reading the news aloud from newspapers whilst sat in the woods; driving erratically in a speedy little jalopy with a broken roof; and just making faces at one another as they flirt and express the bittersweet tediousness of being alive. It epitomises the time and place almost more than A Bout de Souffle, and in my opinion is the more mature, more knowing film. Ultimately it means very little, but is impossible not to like. It also sparked a greater interest in Anna Karina as a film icon, being the 2nd film on this list in which she impressed me.
Mythology (Mythology #1)
Mythology (Mythology #1)
Helen Boswell | 2012 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The world of Hope Gentry has always been a little strange but it's about to become surreal.

Hope is a girl with a gift and a history, not all of it good. She is just trying to make it through High School as easily as possible without freaking everyone out. Then along comes Micah. A guy with his own problems who blows Hope away (in a good sense). Let the story commence!

This story is fantastic! At 418 pages long, it is big enough for you to sink your teeth into and completely immerse yourself in their world. Speaking of which, the premise of this book is extraordinarily well thought out and the abundance of characters, with their individual quirks and wittiness, is a pleasure to read. There are some amazing one-liners in this book including one which resonated with me - "Give me Dante's Inferno or Homer's The Odyssey over a math problem any day"!!! I completely get that!

The characters interact with each other brilliantly and I loved Micah. That boy is something else! As wrong as this will sound (unless you've read the book) I loved the interaction with Jonathon. You could almost see the sparks that flew between those two. Jonathon's wit and ability are just two of the things that make him shine. And Hope is a breath of fresh air. She is blunt, sometimes at the expense of tact, and is not some cowering wallflower.

I was gutted when I finished the book as I needed more but I am happy to say that Book 2 is to be released this month (according to GoodReads) and it's already on my to-be-read list.

Highly recommended!!!

* Verified Purchase on Amazon *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 14, 2013
This Adventure Ends
This Adventure Ends
Emma Mills | 2016 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
"They never really say that they love each other, but it's so freaking obvious. Like, Sherlock would straight up kill for Watson.

This is the second book I've read by Emma Mills. The first one was Foolish Hearts. I never did write a review about it, except on my Instagram. It was one of the first boxes I got from OwlCrate and I was excited cause the story was so interesting and the cover was gorgeous. This cover is, of course, gorgeous as well.

Sloane moves to a new place and doesn't have a problem around people, nor does she have a problem confronting a douche being a douche at a party. Unfortunately, when she did that, the guy whom douche was being a douche to, didn't appreciate it. I always wondered WHY it's such a bad thing with a woman/girl comes to a guy's aid. Sure, they 'got it covered' but still. I wonder what exactly started as it being 'weak' or 'embarrassing' if a woman stood up for someone, even if it was a guy. Just saying.

Sloane is sarcastic, laid back, and sometimes a bit off putting when she uses humor to deflect from a serious situation, or a situation that seems to get serious. I adored her, however. One of the things that killed me was that she didn't realize, or acknowledge, that people did genuinely like her.

I just ADORED each character in this book. Vera and her twin brother, Gabe, were one of the first people she meets at that party. Gabe is a bit put off by her because, as a guy, he didn't like that she stood up to the douche who was being a douche to him. Vera is absolutely lovable and kind of adopts Sloane into their little circle of friends. Vera is a passionate character and even I was immediately drawn to her and would totally come out of my introvert shell to hang with her if she simply asked.

"We should all find something to be weirdly passionate about, don't you think?"

I loved the relationship (platonic) between Sloane and Frank. He doesn't have a HUGE part in the book, but he was so much fun to read. We should all have a Frank in our lives! Sloane's father is an author who is struggling with writers block, but becomes with a show called WereSchool and starts writing fanfics. The show is a school for different kind of creatures like werewolves, vampires, ghosts...

"Mermaids aren't real in the WereSchool canon."

I'm sorry but how can all the others exist and NOT mermaids!

The story centers around the twins' mother passing away but their father gave away a good chunk of her paintings. One in particular called The Dream, so Sloane literally goes out of her way to try to track down this painting so she could bring it back to them. Sloane does this as a way to really express herself, because not everybody is great with words - even if your father is a best selling author.

"All epic quest start somewhere, right?"

The story is a great journey with Sloane and even though she can be frustrating, simple friendships and compassion break through that wall eventually. This is only the second novel that I've read by Emma Mills, but right now, I'd rank this to be the top one I like the most, so far. I have her recent novel on my to be read list, but I don't have a copy of it just yet. If anything, it would be just to read about Frank and then Vera.

I only have one slight complaint. The constant use of the word 'like' was getting a bit old. I'm sure that's how some teenagers still talk these days (lord knows I did when I was younger), but I started to hate that word. That's all.

If you haven't read a book by Mills yet, I'd start with this one. Foolish Hearts is also a great novel, but this would be the one I would recommend first.
The Trial of the Chicago 7 (2020)
The Trial of the Chicago 7 (2020)
2020 | Drama, History, Thriller
Strong Ensemble Work
The good thing about my yearly exercise to check out all of the Oscar Nominated films in the "Major" Categories is that it forces me to watch films that are "one my list" but I just haven't gotten to them. THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 is one of those types of films - an Aaron Sorkin Written and Directed project with a stellar cast about an important moment in United States History.

And...I'm glad I "forced myself" to watch this, for TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 just might end up being my favorite film of 2020. It tells the tale of the trial of 8 (not 7 - they explain that difference in the film) leaders of revolutionary groups in the turbulent times that were the late 1960's in the United States and this film grasps the stakes that both sides are faced with in this historic time.

It all starts, of course, with the Writing and Directing of Aaron Sorkin (TV's THE WEST WING, A FEW GOOD MEN, MOLLY'S GAME) and it is some of his best work. Sorkin's writing style lends itself to this type of multi-player, multi-storyline story that all culminates into one story at the end. The words coming out of his character's mouths are insightful and true (if a bit over-blown for these characters) and they make you understand these characters - and their motivations - very well (whether the character is considered a "good" guy or a "bad" guy in this film).

The pedigree of Sorkin draws some wonderful actors to his works and THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 is no different. Eddie Redmayne (Oscar Winner for THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING), Mark Rylance (Oscar Winner for BRIDGE OF SPIES), Ben Shenkman (Angels in America) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (INCEPTION) all are at the top of their (considerably strong) games and Director/Writer Sorkin lets them all shine.

These 4 are good - but the next 6 are even better (yes...there is that many good to great performances in this film). Let's start with Jeremy Strong's (THE BIG SHORT) Jerry Rubin and Sacha Baron Cohen (BORAT) in his Oscar Nominated role of Abbie Hoffman. The embody the hippie culture of the '60's and bring gravitas and humor to the proceedings. Cohen earns his Oscar nomination by his "showey" role, but I would have been happy with just about any of the main Actor's being nominated.

Yahya Adbul-Mateen II (AQUAMAN) is powerful as Bobby Seale - the Black Panther Leader who is railroaded into this trial. He is supported by his friend, Fred Hampton - who I was glad to have learned more about in another Oscar nominated film this year, JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH.

Special notice needs to be made of a few veteran performers in this film - John Carrol Lynch (FARGO) has become a "mark of excellence" for me in films. Whenever he shows up in a project, I know that it will be worth my while for no other reason than his performance, and this film is no exception and Frank Langella EXCELS in the role of the Judge in the case, Julius Hoffman, and he is - beyond a doubt - the "bad guy" in this film, but he brings a humanity to his character and I "loved to hate" him. This performance stuck with me and I think that Langella deserved an Oscar nomination.

Finally...there is an extended cameo from a well known Hollywood performer (who I will not name, for I do not wish to spoil his appearance) as former Attorney General Ramsey Clark. This character was built up prior to his appearance as a powerhouse, and this actor did not disappoint.

This is a fantastic ensemble film that really transported me back to the '60's and the message at the heart of this film are as relevant today as back then. As I stated above, this is currently my favorite film of 2020, and it will only be replaced at the top by something very, very special
TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 is currently streaming on Netflix and I highly recommend that you check it out.

Letter Grade: A

9 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)