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Falconer's Crusade
Falconer's Crusade
Ian Morson | 2018 | History & Politics, Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great historical aspect, mystery not so much
This is a pretty short mystery to read through. Looks can be deceiving though. Despite being short, it’s packed in with some heavy duty stuff.

The setting for example. Very rich in detail and gives you a sense on how it was back then in William Falconer’s time. Add in some political intrigue, a Jewish Quarter, and some rioting and it gets pretty exciting. I really can’t get over how great the setting is. It’s so descriptive you can feel the darkness and the dampness that permeates throughout the novel. Morson also does an excellent job to stay close to historical accuracy here in this novel as well. Forensic pathology is frowned upon, and you even get to see Falconer try on a strange contraption that looks a lot like Medieval opera glasses at the time. :)

The plot is pretty straight forward although there is not much of a secret mystery element in it. The suspect list is not extensive (thankfully! You’ll see why as you read further into this review) and when revealed it’s not much of a surprise or an a ha! Moment. There isn’t much personality to the characters except Falconer and his student Thomas. Thomas is a particular dolt. A Farmer boy who managed to be gifted and chosen to study and be a Scholar, well, for all the idiotic moves he makes, you have to wonder how the University chose this guy to let him attend their school. He fumbles and stumbles at the worst times and always manages to get himself into some life threatening situations (and doesn’t learn from it). It was funny the first few times, but after a while it gets annoying and you want to slap this boy upside the head. (You don’t deserve Hannah’s attention, you twit).

I’m going to assume it will get better with other books in this series, and this one serves as an introduction to the series. Since I really do love the historical aspect I will stick with this series and see where it takes me. Historical mystery lovers will love the setting and theme of this book, the mystery part, not so much.
Next Door
Next Door
Matt Shaw | 2021 | Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
82 of 250
Next Door
Compiled by Matt Shaw

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

From the mind behind "MASTERS OF HORROR" comes a new horror anthology to keep you up at night!

Whilst Matt Shaw is busy producing, writing and directing the feature film NEXT DOOR he decided to put together a horror anthology of the same name, and with the same theme as the motion picture. None of the stories in this collection feature in the film; the two products are completely separate other than the central concept of exploring who does live NEXT DOOR to us?

Given the fact these are some of the biggest names in horror, you can bet that whomever is living next door probably won't be the friendliest of characters...

The year is 2019 and technology has come so far that we spend more time staring at our mobile devices, and screens in general, than getting to know our next door neighbour. Gone are the days of knowing everyone who lives on the same street, or in the same village. Instead we leave our houses, avoid eye-contact or give the bare minimum of grunts to those we see and go about our daily lives without a care for anyone else. No more street parties, no more kindly neighbours checking in on you, no more Christmas cards from the little old lady who lives across the street. There's only "us" and our technology.

This anthology takes a look at who lives NEXT DOOR and what secrets they may be keeping. And who knows, maybe it will serve as warning to you that, really, you should be paying attention to those living close-by. After all, Fred West was someone's neighbour once...

Featuring stories by:
Tim Lebbon
Shaun Hutson
Ryan C. Thomas
Jeremy Bates
David Moody
Guy N. Smith
Matthew Stokoe
Justin Woodward
Gary McMahon
Rich Hawkins
Jim Goforth
Matt Shaw

1. A Family-Friendly Neighbourhood by Ryan C Thomas
This was actually quite funny and sweet in a gruesome clever way. All the toys turning into little knife wielding creepy thing only to find out they are their kids souls! They just want to be together 😂

2. Final Feast by Guy N. Smith

Quick little story of the cannibal next door! I loved it!

3. Insurgents by Rich Hawkins

A story of a war ruined mind, a soldier dealing with his demons. Well written just not my normal read.

4. Mirror Image by David Moody

A couple move into a new house with an extra handy neighbour. I enjoyed this one funny how my husband is so crap at DIY too 😂😂

5. Neighbour Hood by Tim Lebbon

Omg this has to be the creepiest one so far and the whole reason I never use my attics’!!!

6. Dinner Date by Jeremy Bates

A bit slower than the others think I just got a little bored. Never accept dinner invitations before getting to know the guy no matter how hot he is! Silly girl!

7. Why Does Randolph Draw by Matthew Stokeoe

Got to be honest I didn’t finish it I just got so bored after page 5! Just wasn’t catching me.

8. Saturday Night Whiskey by Justin M.Woodward

This was really god and well put together a kids last cry for help from his dodgy uncle!

9. Sixteen by Jim Goforth

This felt so rushed even for a short story! Although it’s a good lesson of don’t get involved with swinging neighbours 😂

10. Pornography by Matt Saw

Haha she didn’t see that coming

11. Somewhere in Here by Gary McMahon

This was one creepy ass story and for one so short I’m throughly creeped out!!

12 By Darkness Hidden by Shaun Hutson

This was pretty good a urban legend type story. Villages can be super strange places.

I really enjoyed this compilation got some great new authors added to my list too.
The Predator (2018)
The Predator (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror
Waste of idea, talent and my time
If I was to show future generations a prototypical 1980's "Machismo, Blood and Guts Action Flick", I would pull the original 1987 PREDATOR (starring good ol' Arnold Schwarzenegger) off my dusty shelves and show this to them. It is a film so "of it's time".

In subsequent years, there have been more films that attempted to use the Predator character - PREDATOR 2 (1990), AVP: ALIENS VS. PREDATOR (2004), ALIENS VS. PREDATOR: REQUIEM (2007) and PREDATORS (2010) - all disappointing. All failing to equal the balance of machismo, action and humor that is needed. was with great anticipation that I looked forward to THE PREDATOR, a new film written and directed by Shane Black (KISS KISS BANG BANG, IRON MAN 3, THE NICE GUYS) - one of the actors in the 1987 flick!

And...I was disappointed again.

This film fails because it never really got a grip on just what type of film it wanted to be - is it a Sci-Fi film? Is it an Action film? A buddy flick? A gore fest? A look at Autism? Black's script and direction spreads all these items out on the picnic blanket that is this film and then intermittently picks each one of these up to show us - sometimes a couple of them - like a kid trying to decide whether he wants the chips or the hot dogs or the Oreo cookies and just shoves them all in his mouth together.

And that's too bad, for Black has an interesting premise - rival Predators battling on Earth - with a ragtag group of Earthlings thrown in the middle - and what a "ragtag" group they are! Trevante Rhodes (MOONLIGHTING), Thomas Jane (THE MIST), Keegan-Michael Key (KEY & PEELE), Alfie Allen (GAME OF THRONES) and Augusto Aguilera (CHASING LIFE) make an intriguing band of misfit soldiers that easily could have been an equal to Arnold's ragtag group of soldiers from the 1987 original.

Unfortunately, they are the "back-up band" to the boring Boyd Holbrook (NARCOS) and Olivia Munn (X-MEN: APOCALYPSE) as a couple thrown together to defend Holbrook's Autistic son (Jacob Tremblay - so good in ROOM and wasted here) in a by-the-book "they hate each other when they first meet, so - naturally - they'll fall in love by the end" plot contrivance that doesn't work at all.

Add on top of that Sterling K. Brown (THIS IS US) as a "mysterious" Gov't Agent who is so much of a bad guy, all he was missing was a mustache twirl and the missed opportunities of actors such as Yvonne Stahovski (THE HANDMAID'S TALE) and NIall Matter (EUREKA) who both just stand around and do nothing. They even cast Jake Busey (Gary's kid) - who would be the perfect "over-the-top" bad guy for this sort of film, but...he is just misdirection and wasted as well.

What a wasted effort, a wasted opportunity and a waste of my time.

Letter Grade C_+: The ragtag group of soldiers were at least fun to watch (give Thomas Jane and Keegan-Michael Key their own "buddy" picture)!

5 stars (out of 10) - and you can take that to the BankofMarquis
American Pie (1999)
American Pie (1999)
1999 | Comedy
Story: A quest for four boys to lose their virginity before they go onto college. A comedy about growing up through the awkward high school years. It also shows how important friends can be. A wonderful high school comedy that all will love. (9/10)

Cast: Jason Biggs as Jim – The guy who has no luck what so ever, be it caught watching adult channels by his parents or a web cam incident or some alone time with an apple pie. A very likeable character that you feel through his misfortunes. Star Performance (9/10)

Thomas Ian Nicholas as Kevin – He creates the pact to help himself and his friends. Basically he is the disappointed boyfriend of Vicki (Reid) after his bad timing on words. Slightly selfish character as the pact seems to be more about him. (8/10)


Seann William Scott as Stifler – The loud mouth friend who usually host the parties. Always finds ways to put people down. A very likeable unlikeable character. (9/10)


Eddie Kaye Thomas as Finch – The man of mystery always tries something outside the box to get the attention of the girls. A more cultured character that is the end is just the same as the rest. (8/10)


Chris Klein as Oz – The jock star player on the lacrosse team. Who takes a very different approach to finding a girl; he joins the choir and shows of his feelings. Great character changing role (9/10)


Eugene Levy as Jim’s Dad – You never learn his first name, but as he is Jim’s Dad you only ever know him as this. Giving his son the awkward conversations, Brilliant Awkward father role. Favourite Character (9/10)


Comedy: A comedy that is outrageous and is a laugh all the way through (10/10)

Music: Great sound track plus a cameo from Blink 182 (10/10)

Best Part: Jim’s Dads speeches are the highlight of the film

Similar Too: Road Trip, Superbad

Overall: One of the best comedies of the generation and also has some very good moments that are very real moments you will have or going to experience in life. It’s one which everyone will enjoy and now looking back on that time in life it was very funny to see how they acted and comparing it to how I acted.
Veronica Mars (2014)
Veronica Mars (2014)
2014 | Comedy, Drama, Mystery
The incomparable Rob Thomas has delivered a masterpiece of dramatic film that all Veronica Mars fans will thoroughly enjoy.

(Note: I am a rabid fan of the Veronica Mars TV series. Much of the review will be clearly colored by this.)

10 years after the debut of an exceptional TV show, and eight years after it was unceremoniously pulled from the airwaves, Rob Thomas put up a Kickstarter campaign to fund a movie. It had a goal of $2 million, which would get the movie made — but it wouldn’t get us much.

As it turned out, 91,585 people liked his plan to create a film that would wrap up storylines from the series. They liked it enough that rather than pledging just $2 million, the backers generated over $5.7 million.

In the process of doing so, they achieved a number of amazing Kickstarter awards:

Fastest project to reach $1 million.

Fastest project to reach $2 million.

All-time highest-funded project in the FILM category.

Third-highest-funded project in Kickstarter history.

Most project backers of any project in Kickstarter history.

On to the movie itself.

The movies share its title with the TV show: Veronica Mars. It opens with a quick recap of the show’s two-season run before launching forward to a time 10 years after the series ended (intelligently appropriate, Rob).

Veronica (Kristen Bell) is primed to take the bar exam and become a lawyer. For a reason I can’t explain, she is interviewing with a very prestigious law firm in New York City. It’s a firm which, I have to imagine, doesn’t hire people fresh out of school, especially those who haven’t even passed the bar yet.

In the midst of her interviews, she gets a call from an old high school love interest, Logan Echolls (Jason Dohring). He has been accused of murder (again).

Naturally, Veronica decides to pack up, say goodbye to her boyfriend, Stosh “piz” Piznarski (Chris Lowell), and head back to her sunny home town of Neptune, California.

Logan, an Air Force pilot, is relieved to see his friend. He starts bringing her up to speed, and shortly thereafter, the rest of the familiar faces join in: Gia Goodman (Krysten Ritter), Mac (Cindy Majorino), Dick Casablancas (Ryan Hansen), Weevil (Francis Copa), Keith Mars (Enrico Colantoni), Wallace Fennel (Percy Daggs III), and many more that will delight returning viewers.

As you might imagine, a complex series of issues comes to light, creating a symphony of drama, and, in typical Rob-Thomas fashion, some true laugh-out-loud moments.

While this is a great standalone film, it is peppered with many humorous references and nods to the movie’s predecessor. If you are a fan of the series, you won’t be disappointed. There are many giggle-worthy moments: from the guy on the street singing, “we used to be friends,” to Dax Shepard’s appearance, to the mention of Veronica supposedly going to work for the FBI (referring to a potential third season).

My only real note of contention is, admittedly, somewhat petty. Kristen Bell was just recovering from having her child with husband Dax Shepard. The unfortunate (and expected) weight gain from that wonderful life event left her looking very unlike the character we all fell in love with, and distracted from the film. I’m curious to know why they couldn’t have waited a few more months to start filming, to allow Bell to get back into shape for the movie.

Aside from that one tiny note, the film was fantastic. The script was masterfully written, the acting superb, the humor gut-heaving, and the drama well done.

Cinematography for the film was indistinguishable from other high-quality films, and it’s easy to see that a lot of time, effort, and care went into it. Its creators ensured that the $5.7 million of pledges went into a work of art that does not disappoint.

As one of the 91,000+ backers, I am proud to be a part of this community effort. As a huge fan of Thomas, the series, and the mythos, I am ecstatic to report that this is an excellent film.
Some Freaks (2017)
Some Freaks (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
178. Some Freaks. A pretty decent little drama about young life, and young love and the way it just kicks you in the fucking balls at times. Meet Matt (played by a guy named Thomas Mann, that I'm pretty sure has been in teen dramas as a teen for the past 20 to 40 years) he has got one eyeball, even wears an eyepatch, pretty badass, but he's in high school, and high schoolers are dicks, and do anything possible to make his life shittier, daily. One day, he gets a new lab partner named Jill, and she goes through her own high school torture because shes overweight. I wouldnt say they hit it off right away, but things click, and they fall in love. Then high school ends. Jill goes off to college and Matt goes to work. 6 months pass and the two plan too meet... All the while the two have secrets to share... He no longer has only one eye, sorta. And Jill worked out like a fiend and shed 50 or so pounds, and of course they both are like wow, and both dig what they're seeing. But Matt also notices other dudes checking out his special lady friend, that wouldnt be so bad, but maybe shes digging the attention too much, or is Matt just a dumbell... Could go either way. It was a really cool flick, does not have the fairy tail ending thats too be expected most of the times... And uh-oh, its filmed in Rhode Island, don't really see to much of it, except they do go to the AS220, and some gorgeous shots of TF Green Airport... I'm just kidding there cant possibly be any gorgeous shots of TF Green lol. Check it out, it was a good drama... Filmbufftim on FB
While I'm not a big fan of MaryJanice Davidson's work, I've still semi-enjoyed a few of her other books, although there was the case of an exceptionally horrendous short story, but this book was pretty bad - nay, terrible. The book was disjointed and had very underdeveloped characters. Supposedly it's a romance, but the only romance it has is between Dr. Barb and Jonas, who were actually the best characters in the book, which is saying a lot. Although really, Jonas seemed gay; is there any straight man that acts like that? Even metrosexuals? There was just much. I doubt the average gay guy acts this way. It's just everyone! Fred was a horrible character and had no redeeming features what-so-ever. I mean it's nice to have a different heroine who isn't the typical cookie-cutter image but this is ridiculous. I could not even fathom (heehee, get it? Fathom? The ocean? Water? Oh, forget it. ;P) what Thomas or Artur could see in her, or why they would like her, especially since they didn't know her except for her surly nature. Honestly, this is a horrible start to this series. I thought it would be a fun and interesting take on mermaids, but I could have written something better, which is sad. The more I think about it the more upset I am. I mean, yes I had a chuckle here and there, yes there were some interesting aspects, but there really wasn't a story and I can't imagine anyone actually caring for these characters. How dare Ms. Davidson maim poor mermaids, undersea folk, or whatever; I've always had a fondness for these mythical(?) creatures. I'm sorry this was such a travesty when there aren't very many books that feature merpeople. Luckily, it's a very quick read and I didn't pay eight bucks for this...this--well you get the drift. Thank you BookMooch! ;D