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Once London’s top thief, Barclay Pearce has turned his back on his life of crime and now uses his skills for a nation at war. But not until he rescues a clockmaker’s daughter from a mugging does he begin to wonder what his future might hold.

Evelina Manning has constantly fought for independence but she certainly never meant for it to inspire her fiancé to end the engagement and enlist in the army. When the intriguing man who saved her returns to the Manning residence to study clockwork repair with her father, she can’t help being interested. But she soon learns that nothing with Barclay Pearce is as simple as it seems.

As 1915 England plunges ever deeper into war, the work of an ingenious clockmaker may give England an unbeatable military edge—and Germany realizes it as well. Evelina’s father soon finds his whole family in danger—and it may just take a reformed thief to steal the time they need to escape it.

My Thoughts: This is an intriguing and entertaining book. From the first chapter to the last, it has the reader completely enamored. This is the third book in the series and if the reader like myself hasn't read the first two, they will be able to read along easily. The setting takes place during the first world war and grabs the readers attention from the first page. The characters are fun, witty and down to earth.

I believe that this book is to teach us what family really is and to appreciate and to hold on tight and love our famililies. It's a book about serving others and putting family first.

I believe that readers will truly enjoy this novel, especially those who love historical fiction.
After seven long years in Devon, Lady Maud Worlington returns to London to reclaim life on her own terms, but a nefarious shadow and the prospect of financial ruin dog her steps. An impulsive and unforgettable kiss under the mistletoe creates a connection with Geoffrey, the handsome, young Duke of Tilbury. Yet as pleasant as it is to have a suitor, Maud is not sure how a boy of one-and-twenty can prove an equal partner in life and the equal of all the forces mounted against her.

The Duke of Tilbury considers himself as adept at managing matters as he is at swordplay, but his beautiful new acquaintance Lady Worlington has other ideas about how to manage her complicated life. Intrigued by their stolen kiss, Geoffrey pursues Lady Worlington’s affections, only to be foiled by the lady’s own doubts, by rivals for her hand, and by a sudden death, that affects both their families. When Jacob Pevensey, the investigator from Bow Street enters the scene, the duke becomes a prime suspect in the murder case. Truths are unearthed that Geoffrey would rather keep hidden, and the twelve days of Christmas race toward a perilous end.

My Thoughts: A story full of mystery, suspense, romance, and some charming characters. I truly enjoyed this story, based on the twelve days of Christmas, in true Victorian style. The characters were well developed and easy to relate to. Some you liked and some you dislike. It was good to see the strengthening of Maude's character, that she was finally able to stand up for herself and to go on with life without being bullied or blackmailed. This story takes many twists and turns and has many surprises for the reader. This is a book for those who like historical fiction. A wonderful read just in time for the Christmas season!
The Lost History of Stars
The Lost History of Stars
Dave Boling | 2017 | History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Lost History of Stars by Dave Boling is a powerful and shocking story about a family during The Second Anglo-Boer War during the early part of the 20th century in Africa. It's a historical fiction story that is inspired by true events. The Lost History of Stars is a story of desperation and hope.

The main character, Lettie, who is a thirteen year old Dutch-Africkaner girl comes from a poor farming family. She endures the loss of her home with her mother and two younger siblings when the scorched earth policy employed by the British during the Boer War burns their farm and forces them to leave in a wagon. Their African maid, Bina, tries to stay with the family, but is given no choice by the soldiers but to return to her people.

Lettie and her family are sent to a concentration camp where the conditions are awful. Her father, older brother, uncles, and grandfather are sent to fight the British with guerrilla tactics. Lettie worries and wonders about Bina and her family. Often Lettie remembers the songs and wisdom Bina shared during her childhood and the history of stars that Grandpa shared with her at night under the sparkling sky.

The story is told from Lettie's point of view. The reader learns of her experience in the concentration camp. Lettie attempt to find the good in small moments. Her more treasured possession is her English dictionary, which she reads for comfort to pass time.

The story switches between the present and past. This allows the reader to understand life before the war and during the war. It give the reader background information to understand the family dynamics.
The Lone Warrior (Jack Lark, #4)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fourth entry in [a: Paul Fraser Collard|7024929|Paul Fraser Collard|]'s 'Jack Lark' series (that started with [b: The Scarlet Thief|18752323|The Scarlet Thief (Jack Lark, #1)|Paul Fraser Collard||24752025]), this sees Jack Lark caught up in the Indian Mutiny (or First War of Independence, depending upon your point of view!) of 1857, and is my pick for the best of the series so far.

The novel starts out pretty much as it means to go on, with Jack rescuing someone from her indentured lifestyle, then agreeing to accompany her home to Delhi, arriving just in time to get caught up in the mutiny.

Despite holding a British passport myself (well, Northern Irish ...) this is actually a subject that I don't think we were ever taught anything about while I was at school. Sure, I'd heard of it, but only through word-of-mouth, and only ever forming a general impression of it rather than having any real knowledge of the cause, or the effects. As such, and (I.M.O.) like all the best kinds of historical fiction, I actually learned something while simultaneously being entertained (by the general story, NOT by the rather graphic depictions of some of the more harrowing events).

Talking of that story, I also feel that the book could (almost) be split into at least three distinct sections: Jacks journey to Delhi, his involvement in the siege of the British magazine while within it, and the final - and longest - part his involvement in the siege and (partial) recapture of the city.

Like the best of the Sharpe books (a hackneyed comparison, I know, but apt), I also read through this one in only a matter of days - always the sign of a good book!

Deborah (162 KP) rated The May Bride in Books

Dec 21, 2018  
The May Bride
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The May Bride is not, in fact, so much about Jane Seymour - although she is the first person narrator and was married in May (practically before her predecessor was cold.....) - as about her sister in law, Katherine Folliot, first wife of her eldest brother Edward (later Duke of Somerset and Lord Protector under Edward VI). Edward's second wife, Anne Stanhope, is probably better known to historians or lovers of historical fiction, but there remains something of a mystery around the fate of Katherine Folliot, which Dunn has chosen to take as the basis of this novel.

I realised I had read a couple of Dunn's previous works - The Queen of Subtleties and The Confession of Katherine Howard. Of the former, I remember thinking that Dunn must have done a lot of research into the history of confectionery, but I can't remember anything of the second book, other than it wasn't dreadful, but wasn't the best thing I'd ever read either. I feel a bit the same about this latest offering. There's a lot of detail in there about how a moderately wealthy Tudor family may have lived, but a couple of days after I finished reading it there is nothing that stands out for me. I think perhaps that Jane herself isn't very interesting and Dunn doesn't make her interesting. I think her point is that she's plain and dull and normal and gets on with things because it's just easier.... but it doesn't make for a very entertaining read somehow. Katherine herself, who is the focus of the novel also often doesn't seem very likeable, so it's difficult to like her story or to really feel sorry for her.

In summary, not a bad read and there are far worse out there, but someone it doesn't quite hit the mark for me - just a bit forgettably mediocre.

Line by Line was a sweet story with a compelling plotline. Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres to read from and Jennifer Delamere certainly emphasized why! This is the first book in her new series Love along the Wires which if I am right, she does introduce some of the characters who will have their books coming out next.

I loved how Alice McNeil knew what she wanted in life. She is independent, competent, and a hard worker who is great at her job, that of a telegrapher; a job that sounds like so much fun. I thought Douglas Shaw was a great balance for her, and I loved the tensions between them. It was a very interesting story to watch unfold.

The setting of this story was around the turn of the century 1880s and it was right when women started trying to have more of a voice in things, and branch out into industries that they previously had not been able to be in. I thought Jennifer Delamere did a great job bringing to light different aspects of the time and telling them in a no-nonsense way, just making them flow seamlessly with the story. I enjoyed this story and I am excited to pass it to someone else who will enjoy it as much as I did.

I give this story 5 out of 5 stars for the great characters, the fun & informative plot, and the theme of being open to what God wants you to do.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own. </i>

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Pippo and Clara in Books

Apr 16, 2021  
Pippo and Clara
Pippo and Clara
Diana Rosie | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pippo and Clara begins in 1938, in Italy. Mussolini is in power and WW2 is imminent. The Fascists have control of the country, but not necessarily the people, and the Italian Communists are fighting back.
Pippo and Clara arrive in the city with their mother after their Romany father is murdered. One morning their mother gets up early to buy food and doesn’t return. Clara goes to look for her, turning right at the entrance to their building; later Pippo awakens and goes to look for his mother and Clara, turning left at the entrance. This change in direction means the children don’t see one another for a long time.
Luckily, they are each adopted into families (unofficially) who love and care for them - Clara’s family are Fascists, Pippo’s are Communists.
This was such an emotional story. It wasn’t just what happened to these children, it was the bigger picture as well. When the inevitable happens and the Germans occupy Italy, Jews are rounded up and taken away, people fear for their freedom and their lives.
It was fascinating to read about the Freedom Fighters (Partisans) and their acts of espionage, as well as how they fought back. This included even those who had been fascists under Mussolini’s regime.
There’s so much to talk about in this book (perfect for a book club, I should think!), but I won’t spoil it. Needless to say, I really enjoyed it and was thoroughly heartbroken by the end. Any book about war is going to have tragic elements, but this is about hope as well, and the fact that good can, and did, overcome evil.
Another recommendation for the historical fiction fans. It’s a fabulous novel.
A Net for Small Fishes
A Net for Small Fishes
Lucy Jago | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, LGBTQ+
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I could end this review quickly and just say “I loved this book”, because I did. I loved it. I love well written, historical fiction with a foot firmly set in reality, and A Net for Small Fishes certainly fulfils that requirement for me. The attention to detail shows just how much research must have gone in to this - even down to the fastenings on the dresses, the makeup the women wore and the ‘simples’ they made up to ease ailments.
This is a story that I already knew a little about: I read The Poison Bed by E. C. Fremantle on The Pigeonhole about 3 years ago, where the story was told from Frances Howards point of view, and A Net for Small Fishes does nothing to contradict that story. They both illustrate really well how women were expected to conform and be perfect, docile, brood mares for their influential husbands, and in Frankie’s case, how political marriages weren’t always happy ones. It also illustrated how desperation to escape a loveless marriage made two women take desperate action. As so often happens throughout history, the women in this story are punished for the barefaced cheek they had to want better lives for themselves. It’s a frustrating conclusion - but I could see that it was inevitable. It showed that it didn’t matter if you were a woman in one of the most influential families in the country or a doctors widow, you toed the line or suffered the consequences. But what a journey they had!
This is such a good story, as real life often is, and it’s a book that’s going on the Keeper shelf (yes, I bought a copy after I read it on The Pigeonhole - that’s how much I liked it).
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this, and to Lucy Jago for contributing to the conversation.
The Fool’s Folly
The Fool’s Folly
Keith Moray | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Fool’s Folly is set in 1485 in Yorkshire, England, when King Richard III has been on the throne for two years. It must have been a very unsettling time to live in: not knowing whether your King has murdered his nephews, not knowing how much longer the King will actually keep the throne (Henry Tudor was a very real threat at this time), and not knowing what your fate will be if you chose the wrong side!

This story is set at Sandal Castle, the seat of John de la Pole, King Richard’s heir (and now it becomes clear why Henry VIII wanted to get rid of the de la Pole family!). De la Pole’s jester is murdered, and the newly appointed judge, Sir Giles Beaton, is asked to get to the bottom of the mystery. What starts out as a seemingly open and shut case, ends up being the start of a killing spree. Giles has to wonder if the deaths are connected, and whether this has something to do with a plot against the King and his heir.

It’s a bit gruesome at points - I liked this, I will admit. Medieval postmortems wouldn’t have been for the more sensitive observer (or reader!), I’m sure. I do have a bit of a thing for historical fiction, and a newly developed respect for crime and mysteries. I appreciate the attention to detail, and the research that must have occurred in writing this book, it feels very authentic.

I haven’t read the first book in this series, but it didn’t affect my reading enjoyment at all. In fact it has made me want to read the first in the series as well!

Many thanks to Sapere Books for sending me a copy of this book to read and review!

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

May 28, 2020  
"A highly interesting read that will leave you hooked on each and every word."

Stop by my blog, and read my review for the fascinating historical fiction novel STORMS OF MALHADO BY Maria Elena Sandovici​. Enter the GIVEAWAY to win a SIGNED copy of the book!

Galveston Island, Texas, September 2008

Katie doesn’t believe in ghosts. And she certainly doesn’t believe the rumors that her family’s home is haunted, despite its tragic history: two young women who lived there in different eras died in hurricanes—one during Hurricane Carla in 1961, one during the Great Storm of 1900, the greatest natural disaster to befall the United States. But that was the past, a fact Katie reminds herself of when she returns to Galveston to await Hurricane Ike with her parents and boyfriend in her family’s Broadway mansion, hoping to rekindle her flailing relationship.

While Katie is not afraid of the ghost stories she’s heard, she is afraid of the monster storm approaching. As even die-hard Islanders evacuate, her fears grow—fear of the looming hurricane, fear that she’s talentless as a painter, fear that her relationship with her boyfriend is already over. As Katie struggles against her fears, the past whispers to her of the women who died there and the haunting similarities they share with Katie’s own life.

Through three different timelines, Storms of Malhado weaves a story of Galveston’s past, underscoring its danger and isolation, as well as its remarkable resilience, and its capacity for both nostalgia and reinvention. Full of contradictions, at once insular and open to the world, Galveston Island is as much a character of the novel as Katie, Suzanne, Betty, their lovers, and their confidantes.