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A Romance Reader's Reviews

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

Firstly I'll admit that it's been a while since I read the first three books in this series - and I believed that it was only going to be a trilogy, for some reason, so I had forgotten some of the details of this book but things were rehashed a little.

With Alexis and her small group now known by all the other Demigods in the world, they are thrown into a steep learning curve of dealing with politics and trying to learn how to use her powers for other things. There's also the fact that a Hades Demigod is trying to get their hands on Alexis, any means necessary.

A lot happened in this and, as mentioned above, I hadn't retained a lot of information about this series, so I was a little overwhelmed by all the characters. I quickly picked up who the Six were and Daisy and Mordecai.

I did enjoy this and should hopefully now remember enough for future books - book 5 is coming soon! - so I'm looking forward to reading them and seeing the results of that last chapter. I can see it's not going to go well and this group of amazing guys may end up fighting for their lives. Again.

This review is rather lacking but I have no way of saying more without giving away important plot points and that's just not fair.
Daimon (Guardians of Hades #6)
Daimon (Guardians of Hades #6)
Felicity Heaton | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Daimon is the sixth book in the Guardians of Hades series and we finally meet Mr Cool himself, Daimon. From the start, my heart has gone out to him. Just like Ares, he can't touch anyone without his power hurting them. Ares was lucky with Meghan but Daimon is still alone.

Cass first showed up with Mari and Cal in book five. She is strong and not prepared to sit on the side-lines. She can't help but be near to Daimon. At first, she thinks it's just an itch but realises it's so much more.

I loved this one and, to be honest, that took me by surprise. Although I have loved Daimon from the start, Cass came across as a bit abrasive in the other book. So I was delighted to find out there was a heart there after all AND the reasons behind her mask.

As with the others, the connection is immediate but these two sure work hard to make anything happen. A cat and mouse game of give and take, one step forward, two back... and it was PERFECT!

I am loving the overall story arc which becomes more intense with each book, plus the hint to Keras' book. A fantastic addition to the series that I absolutely recommend. Now I really can't wait for Keras!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Skin Game (The Dresden Files, #15)
Skin Game (The Dresden Files, #15)
Jim Butcher | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
9.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hells Bells!
<2022 update>

I should perhaps mention that Michael Carpenter and his family don't actually turn up until a fair ways into the story ...

<original 2015 review>

"Last year I died, but I got better"

It's probably been over a year since I read the last Harry Dresden book, as I'd been waiting (and waiting, and waiting ...) for this one to come out in paperback. Was it worth the wait?

Absolutely yes.

I know it's still only March (nearly April), but this is a strong contender for my choice for book of the year - definitely the best I've read so far this year, with the bar set VERY high for any others later this year to match.

As this starts, Harry is still on Demonreach island, still recovering from previous events in Cold Days. It's not long, however, before Mab - the Winter Queen - has Harry (as her Winter Knight) paying off on of her debts, forcing him to work with Nicodemus Archleone and the Knights of the Blackened Denarius. Harry has to help Nicodemus to rob a vault belonging to the Lord of the Underworld Hades himself, while somehow staying alive and a step ahead of the inevitable betrayal.

As the Knights of the Denarius are involved, this also means that the Knights of the Cross - or, more specifically, Michael Carpenter - are back in the novel, as counter-points to the fallen angels. So, too, are Waldo Butters, Molly Carpenter, Bob the skull and Karrin Murphy with Thomas, however, conspicuous by his absence.
Marek (Guardians of Hades #4)
Marek (Guardians of Hades #4)
Felicity Heaton | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Marek is the fourth book in the Guardians of Hades series and I really couldn't wait for the researcher's story! He has been hinted at in the previous books but, of course, you don't find out much until he gets his own story.

Marek has his past that he is "dealing" with. Well, he's not, not really, but it makes him feel better. Caterina goes out hunting vampires every night because she thinks if she kills his sire, her brother will return to 'normal'. When these two meet, sparks fly... literally!

Poor Marek! And poor Caterina!! Both of them were hurting before they found each other but even then it didn't go smoothly. Now, of course, I know it never does but these two really had it bad. How about turning into something the man you're falling for hates and literally fights every day? Yeah, not easy. However, in true Felicity Heaton style, they not only managed to overcome these obstacles but also found their HEA along the way. Of course, they also found murder, more mystery, betrayal, and heartbreak but it's all for a good cause! 😉

This is such a great series and Marek is a fantastic addition to it. A thoroughly enjoyable story from start to finish, with cameos from the other brothers, and plenty of steam between our two main characters. Absolutely brilliant and I can definitely recommend it. Now, bring on the next!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11702 KP) rated Keras (Guardians of Hades #7) in Books

Dec 8, 2020 (Updated Aug 8, 2023)  
Keras (Guardians of Hades #7)
Keras (Guardians of Hades #7)
Felicity Heaton | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
KERAS is the seventh book in the Guardians of Hades series and the final one of the brothers to get his story. This doesn't mean the series is at the end though, oh no. There is a missing sister, don't forget, and Thanatos is just the god to go look for her.

Keras has been the ultimate grouch in all the previous books, being especially hard on Marek whenever Enyo paid him a visit with information. He takes his title as Lord of Darkness very seriously. In his story though, you find out that he struggles on a daily basis with the very real darkness. He even takes (highly addictive) pills that he got from dear old dad to combat it.

Enyo has been a recurring character throughout the series and now we find out just what happened between Keras and her. I found her character to be slightly confusing as she is a goddess of war, but comes across as being almost wallflower-like in some regards and strong in others.

Between the two of them are a multitude of misunderstandings, some of which I didn't get myself. These get swept aside though once the action kicks in because, believe me, you don't have time to breathe once it does.

A full-on, climatic, steamy ending to the brothers. Now I can't wait for the sister! Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 8, 2020
Seeds of Sorrow (Immortal Realms #1)
Seeds of Sorrow (Immortal Realms #1)
Elle Beaumont, Christis Christie | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SEEDS OF SORROW is the first book in the Immortal Realms trilogy, and we start with a retelling of Hades and Persephone.

We find ourselves in a world divided into three realms, each brother ruling one. Draven chose to go to Andhera when it was clear it needed someone in charge. Staying there brought about changes expected but not guaranteed. Many years later, he is pulled into his younger brother's -- Zyron -- machinations and ends up with Eden as his unwilling guest for six months. The sparks initially fly between these two until Draven takes a step back. Eden grows into her own person as the turmoil starts within all three realms.

This was a good story that I enjoyed. There are parts of it that I think are unnecessary and parts that I wanted more from. That is just the way of books. A lot of emphases was placed on one Big Bad and I'm not entirely sure why. I don't feel it did much to move the story along, other than to paint Eden in a glowing light. And after her swift exit, it moved on to the next one without much of an ado.

The next book is hinted at the end of this one, with Travion/Poseidon having his story. This was a great retelling that I have no hesitation in recommending, and will definitely be continuing this series if only to see if my questions are answered.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!