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Open Your Eyes ( Chosen Fate book 1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
94 of 230
Open your eyes ( Chosen by Fate book 1)
By Aspen Winters

Gods are vanishing; their only salvation is bonding to a human soul.

My name is Clara Daniels. I was your average New Yorker with a degree in business and a need for a job. Everything in my life was normal; well, as normal as it could be with an overbearing mother obsessed with the Lord and trying to find me a man. Not to mention, dealing with the many chauvanistic men that dominate the business world of New York.

Then one day, I ran into Fate - literally - and my entire world was changed. Now, my normal is being the human soul for four, overpowering, disturbingly hot gods. Think Zeus, Aries, Hades - see where I'm going with this. Turns out all that mythology was true. Now, I'm the only chance these four gods have to continue to live and soon they'll become my only chance.

Unfortunately, there's a group of people that don't agree with this and I just became their next target.

Can I trust them to protect me? Or will they let me down like so many others before them? Only Fate knows...and she's not telling.

I almost DNFd this a few times but something in me wanted to see how it played out. Now I’m not into author bashing and I’m not about to start now. This had some major plot holes and a few cringy parts. The mother is just instantly dis likeable I mean she is absolutely vile. There are bits that make you think why?. There are some ok bits and towards the end it came together. The story had good foundation so I think it why I stuck it out.

Merissa (11731 KP) rated Thanatos (Guardians of Hades #8) in Books

Jun 16, 2021 (Updated Jul 18, 2023)  
Thanatos (Guardians of Hades #8)
Thanatos (Guardians of Hades #8)
Felicity Heaton | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THANATOS is the eighth book in the Guardians of Hades series and the final one of this series... I think! There is mention of them returning (which I can't wait for) but whether it will be a separate series or not, well, I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Calindria has been thought dead for six centuries, and the woman she is now is very different from the girl she once was. She has a power over nature, and a power over death, both of them out of control. She needs time and peace to learn to control them, not so easy when you're in a very dodgy realm trying to escape with your life. Luckily for her, Thanatos is on hand to help, although he also comes with his own issues.

This was a brilliant book. I was hooked from the very first page. Calindria is a great character, being both soft and hard when necessary. My heart broke for Thanatos' history, and I'm glad they were both able to work through it. The pacing is perfect - not too fast or slow. Instead, you are whisked away on an adventure with some steamy moments.

The world-building in this story also deserves a mention. It was so descriptively written, it felt real when they were talking about having certain powers dampened or completely gone.

A fantastic end to this series while still leaving me wanting more. I do think it should be titled Calindria though, not Thanatos! LOL Absolutely brilliant, and highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 16, 2021

Jennifer Kirkland (1 KP) created a post

Jan 25, 2018  
On age-appropriate reading and viewing..

There are two kinds in our household. I am not so concerned about Miss Abby; she's fifteen and has an innocent sort of sophistication that comes of understanding the theory of the realities of life, but not having experienced most of them for herself. So she can read dystopian novels and watch horror movies and so forth without much problem, though I like to be near her on first exposure to the scary or sexual or violent this she has not experienced before so she can ask questions.

Mix Liz is another story. She's ten, sensitive, scary-bright, and on the autism spectrum, so she has a bundle of insecurities. Also her father (Abby's stepfather) passed away about a year-and-a-half ago, so Lizzy is extra sensitive to stories where parents are dead or missing. You can, for instance, forget about Unfortunate Events, although Harry Potter seems to be fine as long as her momma is there to support her.

What she really seems to appreciate is middle school dramas; she's a huge fan of the Dork Diaries, for instance. They're aimed at ages nine to twelve, and although her reading level is higher than her age, her ability-to-cope level is at or below 10-and-in-fourth-grade. The GoddessGirls series is also a favorite; it's a slightly less scary (and more girl-power) kind of Percy Jackson. What I especially like about these books is that it's impossible for her to think of things like Hades as straight-up evil; in these stories he is the epitome of the Dark is Not Evil trope, the Goth kid from the wrong side of the River Styx. This gives her some perspective and nuanced understanding she doesn't get from watching, say, Disney's Hercules. (Whom she cannot call Hercules, as his name should be Heracles, and she knows it).

In any case, just wanted to share some interesting tidbits from a GamerMom with a sensitive kid. More later, peeps.
Calistos (Guardians of Hades #5)
Calistos (Guardians of Hades #5)
Felicity Heaton | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Calistos is the fifth book in the Guardians of Hades series and this time we have the playboy of the series! Bless him, Calistos has some serious issues. Between hiding who he really is from everyone (including his brothers), memory issues, and keeping everyone at a firm distance because he doesn't believe he deserves love, well, this is one helluva story!

Marinda believes she is human and first meets Cal at the ER where she works on reception. Even when he is high on human medicine, Cal recognises something in Mari that makes him want to know her more. As for Marinda, she is fascinated by Cal but thinks he is a junkie so intends to keep her distance. You can guess how that works out.

The connection between Cal and Mari is instantaneous and continues through the book. Mari doesn't like Cal's reputation as a playboy but gets to know him before judging. The action is non-stop in here as Cal tries to understand why the daemons are after Mari. I loved the reason! Let's just say Mari definitely has a split personality.

The other couples play a part in here too, along with a hint of what is to come for Daimon. One of the things I love about these stories is that with each book, it gives me a teaser of what is to come which immediately whets my appetite and makes me want it NOW.

As always, the action scenes are spot-on whilst the sexy scenes steamed up my Kindle. All the characters have more to them than you first see and the layers are peeled off in such a way as to keep you wanting more.

A fantastic addition to the series that I highly recommend.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Hercules (1997)
Hercules (1997)
1997 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
8.2 (75 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great Combo of Action and Hilarity
Disney’s animated retelling of the classic story of the Greek demi-god. The fun spin that was put on it just happens to make it my favorite. You can’t help but have a good time while watching Disney’s Hercules.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Hercules is beautiful from a visual standpoint. I love the contrast of bright colors against dark backgrounds. My favorite scene is when Hercules is battling the hydra in the rain while flying on his pegasus. It’s so grand in scale as he soars in and out of the dozens of heads. Oh, and I haven’t even touched on the beauty of Hades. It’s gorgeous even in its weird creepiness. So much attention to detail that it’s hard not to appreciate.

Conflict: 9

Entertainment Value: 9
From the opening scene where the awesome divas are singing the setup, I knew I was going to be watching something original and new. With a combo of action-packed sequences and a number of hilarious moments from a great cast, I was invested in the movie from beginning to end. It’s a damn good ride.

Memorability: 8

Pace: 10
Hercules moves extremely efficiently through its story which I find some stories hard to do when singing is involved. There is very little lingering if any as scenes get their point across and you’re off to the next thing. I respect films that can do that as I know a number of movies that overstay their welcome.

Plot: 8

Resolution: 8

Overall: 92
Not only does it have action and comedy, but there is also a love story in true Disney fashion within Hercules. And it all works. I do wish that they would have jumped into Hercules’ hero aspect a smidge earlier, but overall I think the movie is fantastic. Great job yet again by Disney.
The Thousand Year Curse
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a> towards the end of September).

When I first found out about this book, I was very interested. I couldn't wait to read it! Luckily, it totally delivered.

Ryder is a 17 year old high school student who isn't very popular. Her ex-best friend makes her life a living hell at school. When Ollie arrives, he takes an immediate interest. Ryder is thrilled and feels as if Ollie is her soul mate. Not much later, Ari turns up, and Ryder can't help but feel as if she's known him. There's also some kind of attraction there. Ryder must choose between the two boys. As if that wasn't hard enough, Ryder has just found out her mother is a Greek goddess. Ryder wants to find her mother but doing so may put everyone in danger.

The title is definitely interesting. It does go with what the books about, and I think it's an awesome choice.

To be honest, I'm not really a fan of the cover. I think it's just a personal thing simply because I'm not a big fan of symbolism. I do like the whole pretty flower in the midst of dead things, but I just don't like it for this book. It doesn't really say much about the book.

The world building is alright. There's a few things that hurt the world building. For example, it seemed to me that Ryder just accepted everything she was told at face value. Sure, a few weird things are happening to her, but it's like she's told by a boy she just met, and she believes it all. Her best friend is even worse. He's told that Ryder is a half-goddess, and he just believes it with no questions asked. Also, I don't really think this whole curse is explained well enough. In fact, I'm still a little confused about the curse. So if both guys find her, even if she chooses one, she'll die a horrible death and be reincarnated? I'm just wondering how long she has before she dies because it just seemed like the curse wasn't that imminent. There's also Ryder's powers. She's had super strength since the beginning of the book, yet later on she has another super strength episode, and she acts like it's the first one she's had and is all shocked. Another thing that I found confusing was the whole reincarnation thing. She's been reincarnated by Hades for a thousand years. This life, she is a half goddess which makes things a bit difficult for Hades. Surely if Hades is the one that put the curse on her, then he should've been able to make her human. Saying that, I don't want people to think the world building is horribly written. It's far from it actually. The world is very interesting, but I just tend to over think things, I think. (See what I mean)?

The pacing is great in this book. The pacing really picks up during the Hell scenes, I thought. These were the scenes that held my attention the most although the whole book held my attention. The Hell scenes just made me want to read faster to find out what would happen next!

The plot is definitely an interesting one. I love the infusion of Greek mythology, and Ms. Lavati does an excellent job of making mythology work in her book. I've read a few books where the author tried to use some sort of mythology, and the book was just too boring. However, The Thousand Year Curse is by no means boring! There is a love triangle, and I usually hate them, but this one works in this story. I also like the fact that the plot involved going into Hell. That was definitely a good move on Ms. Lavati's part to include it in her book. There's no cliff hangar ending, but there are questions left unanswered to make way for the second book in the series. I, personally, am looking forward to the next book in the series.

The characters were written really well. I liked Ryder, and I liked how she dealt with her problems. At times, I did get annoyed with her because I just wanted her to choose one guy. However, I would have to remind myself that without this problem, there'd be no series. Ryder felt like a real girl and not just words on a paper. Ollie was written really well, but I just didn't like him. For one, I felt like he was just too serious. I also felt like he was too distant with Ryder a lot of the time. I also wanted to see more about Ollie in the book. My favorite character was Ari. I swooned over Ari! He had enough of that bad boy personality without being too much of an annoying character. I liked how he liked to take chances, and it seemed like he knew how to have fun. I'm Team Ari all the way! I'm hoping that Ryder ends up with Ari in the long run. I can actually feel the chemistry between those two.

There are quite a lot of grammar errors in this book. I feel that it does affect the quality of the book a little bit, but not so much so that it makes it unreadable. However, the dialogue in this book is fantastic especially in the scenes that Ari is in. (Okay, so I'm a bit biased). The characters all speak like they're from this time period even though two of them are gods. I was super thankful the characters spoke like normal people. I've read a book before where the character who is a god spoke rather strangely hence why I was so happy with the dialogue in this book.

Overall, The Thousand Year Curse by Taylor Lavati is an enjoyable read. Sure, it could do with some better editing and the world building could've used a little bit of work, but it's still really interesting. Plus, I've learned that Ms. Lavati wrote this book in 30 days for the NaNoWriMo competition. After learning that, my respect for Ms. Lavati went up a lot! To write a book as good as The Thousand Year Curse in 30 days is no small feat. After saying that, I'm definitely looking forward to reading the next book in the series!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 17+ who are after a fantastic book with Greek mythology infusions.

(I was provided with a free paperback copy of this title from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review).
Wrath of the Titans (2012)
Wrath of the Titans (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
6.2 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Sequels often struggle to live up to the expectations set by their predecessors. Wrath of the Titans delivers. Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, and Ralph Fiennes reprise their roles as Perseus, Zeus, and Hades in this continuation of the Clash of the Titans remake from 2010. They’re joined this time by Rosamund Pike, who portrays the strong, female love interest as the beautiful Queen Andromeda.

Perseus has settled down to become a fisherman with his son. His wife has been written out of the story — either by design or because the actress was not available. She seems to be dead for no particular reason. Perseus has chosen to live life as a mortal, despite his father, Zeus (Neeson), offering him a seat of power on Olympus. Early in the movie, Zeus comes to his son and asks for help, telling him something big is coming. Only Perseus, a demi-god, would have the strength to ensure humanity’s survival.

The rest of the story involves Perseus’s journey to save the world from the reawakening of Chronos. Mythology geeks and fantasy buffs will appreciate the severity of this situation.

While the makers of this film certainly didn’t reinvent the wheel, or even attempt to one-up their previous film, they surely succeeded in making an entertaining screenplay. In short: if you liked the first, you will like this one. It has all the action, sword-swinging, flying-horse-riding, and titan-killing you would expect from the series. The CGI is impressive, and the 3D effects were not too objectionable.

One scene in particular stuck out as ill-conceived. The kiss at the end of the film felt forced. There was very little romantic build-up throughout the movie, so it felt as if the filmmakers included the kiss because moviegoers expect to see romantic resolution. Perhaps this is one of the several endings they filmed, at which point they let focus groups make the call. Either way, it felt awkward.

As I said before, if you enjoyed the first, seeing the second is worth your time and money.
I wanted to read this book for the first story by Mercedes Lackey, since I am a fan of the Five Hundred Kingdom series. This story featured Leopold and Brunnhilde in a setting straight out of Greek mythology. In short, I loved it. It weaves Leopold's quest for immortality in with the tale of Persephone and her union with Hades. The perspective is different from the usual story of a victimized Persephone, and turns her into a strong, young woman who will stop at nothing to be with the man she loves. To make Greek mythology fit in with the rest of the series, Lackey explains that the Gods and Goddesses of Mount Olympus are half-Fae who have forgotten their origins thanks to the power of The Tradition.
I am not familiar with the second author, Michelle Sagara. This short story is a prequel to her Chronicles of Elantra series and introduces the reader to the character of Kaylin Neya. I was a little lost when I began this story because of the variety of characters that I was introduced to at the very beginning. I actually was not even sure who the story was about at first. The story seemed a bit bogged down with details and descriptions, and Kaylin seemed to get lost in the mayhem of Sagara's attempt to introduce the reader to the world of Elantra in such a short tale. I stuck with it, though, and by the end of the story I was intrigued enough to want to continue on with the series in Cast in Shadow (The Chronicles of Elantra, Book 1).
The third story, written by Caleron Haley, is meant to be a prequel to Mob Rules (Luna Books). I am not familiar with this author either, and when I began this story I realized immediately that this story was heavily-flavored with gangster-style speak and vocabulary, even more so than the urban fantasy elements. I really tried to adjust to the language used in the story, but the lack of explanation to accompany such terms as "juice" and "outfit", as well as the overabundance of foul-mouthed language and typical gangster lingo like "capping" someone mad me lose interest in the actual plot of the short story halfway through. I am sure there are other readers that enjoy this style of story-telling, but I am not one of them.