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A very odd mix of stories that feature a harvest moon and only the first by Lackey fits the cover, of which makes me think of fairies and moonbeams.
Overall: <b>3.5 stars</b>

<i>A Tangled Web</i> by Mercedes Lackey (Light Fantasy)
A retelling of the Greek myth pertaining to Persephone and Hades, with some added Norse mythology. A cute story, if a little thin on actual plot. I'll probably forget it by next week.
<i>2.5 stars/5</i>

<i>Cast in Moonlight</i> by Michelle Sagara (Fantasy/Urban Fantasy hybrid)
Fascinating mythology and world-building, intriguing characters and races. If I hadn't already been interested in reading the Chronicles of Elantra series, this would have done it. Pretty much a perfect story that stands alone quite well.
<i>5 stars</i>

<i>Retribution</i> by Cameron Haley (Urban Fantasy)
A solid short story dealing with a sorcerer and enforcer for a mob boss. Has some interesting ideas and is a promising beginning to a new series. While it does have cursing, it feels authentic and fits the scenes and characters. This is definitely not a story for the faint of heart.
<i>3 stars</i>
Daughter of Hades ( Cerberus book 2)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
49 of 230
Daughter of Hades ( Cerberus book 2)
By Helen Scott

Poppy never thought her life would get this crazy.

Sexy hellhound guards and being the future queen of the Underworld? She had been happy being a waitress and a freelance graphic designer in Chicago, hadn't she? What she was doesn't matter, that life is long gone now.

Before she can travel to the Underworld, she needs to find three judges that will preside over the souls of the dead. But who are they? Where are they? And how the hell is she supposed to find them?

As she battles agents of Hel at every turn and is confronted with mysterious new enemy Poppy is decidedly on edge. Will she find her judges in time or will her enemies get to them first?

We pick this up with Poppy searching for her 3 judges as well as getting closer with her hellhounds. It was ok it’s an easy series to read and can get a bit spicy. It was action packed too. All the things you expect from a RH. The one thing I’d like more is more depth.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Clash of the Titans (2010) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Jun 23, 2019)  
Clash of the Titans (2010)
Clash of the Titans (2010)
2010 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
6.3 (17 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Clash of the Titans tells the story of men turning their backs on the gods. The gods grow weaker as men refuse to pay worship to them and neither side will budge. That's where Perseus (Sam Worthington) comes in. Perseus is a demigod, half man and half god. Zeus (Liam Neeson) is his father, but Perseus was raised as a fisherman. As the gods grow desperate, they turn to Zeus' brother who was banished to the underworld, Hades (Ralph Fiennes) to hopefully scare them into realizing "the order of things." When Hades onslaught kills Perseus' family, Perseus vows revenge against him and will do everything within his power to destroy the god of the underworld. Perseus' journey will not be easy as several ungodly beasts stand in the way of him reaching his goal as he struggles with accepting sanctuary as a god or continuing on this journey as a man.

Clash of the Titans was highly anticipated on my end for quite some time. The trailers were pretty fantastic and everything seemed to point to the film being epic. Directed by Louis Leterrier (Unleashed, The Incredible Hulk) and starring Sam Worthington (Avatar, Terminator: Salvation), Liam Neeson (Taken, Batman Begins), and Ralph Fiennes (In Bruges, The Hurt Locker), this film had a solid cast and a director with some pretty great films under his belt. It had all the elements to make a fantastic film and yet it somehow managed to fail.

The film felt like a watered down version of what a film based on the God of War video game could potentially be. All the same gods are there, the Medusa character is in there, there's a character battling against the gods, the similarities are pretty obvious. The only thing that is different is that the main character is named Perseus instead of Kratos. On one hand, it may not be a bad thing comparing the film to God of War. If they do decide to make a God of War film down the road though, it seems like it'll be way too similar to this film unless they go full-blown, balls out rated R with it. That's the route they should go anyway, but Clash of the Titans basically feels like a censored version of God of War.

Certain other things about the film really bugged me. The main one being that the two main female characters Io (Gemma Arterton) and Andromeda (Alexa Davalos) cried at EVERYTHING. Every time they spoke it was like they started getting teary eyed. "Oh Perseus, I can't follow you into Medusa's lair since I'm not a big strong man like you are. *sob*" Just made me want to slap them and go, "GET A GRIP, LADY! SHEESH!" The biggest pet peeve of mine lies in the finale of the film. Everything regarding Hades and the kraken are dealt with so quickly. The film makes a huge deal about both of them only to have everything wrapped up in less than five minutes when the time finally comes. It just wound up feeling very rushed and anticlimactic. Also, what was the deal with the prophecy the witches gave Perseus? Was the explanation of getting around that because Perseus was half god? That's pretty weak. Instead, we're going to go with this ending that's completely open-ended and leaves massive room for a potential sequel. Lame.

Despite all of the things I found wrong with the film, there were some high points. The CG seemed very all or nothing to me. At times, the effects were fantastic. The giant scorpions scene and the kraken being the best examples. Pegasus is also a great example. The winged horses looked fairly genuine, but they looked kind of odd when they flew. Other times though, it seemed way too obvious that the characters were standing in front of a green screen and fighting with creatures that weren't actually there. There's a scene near the beginning where we first see Perseus as an adult where his father is talking to him and a thunderstorm is beginning to brew. The sky was obviously CG. There were just several moments like that that brought me out of the film.

Ralph Fiennes as Hades was easily the high point for me as far as acting goes. Fiennes was most impressive in David Cronenberg's Spider and has been on my radar for actors to keep an eye on ever since. He doesn't disappoint here. His smarminess as Hades spoke volumes. The ferry scene is also pretty amazing, at least until Perseus and Io begin their Medusa training. Ugh.

A few humorous points, the South Park fan in me chimed in when Io told Perseus "You're more than half man half god." I thought she was going to follow up with, "You're actually half man, half bear, half pig. Or maybe you're actually half bear half man-pig." Still laughing about that one. The scene where Perseus emerges from Medusa's lair and Io is waiting for him, she's wearing this really weird outfit. I heard the guy next to me say, "What she wearing a mop?!" and it made me laugh out loud. Best part of the whole film though, at the end, when everything had been resolved somebody yelled at the top of their lungs, "I AM A GOD!!!!!!" After a brief silence, everyone in the theater started laughing. Kinda sad that the most entertaining part of the film wasn't actually a part of the film itself.

Clash of the Titans was one of the most anticipated blockbusters of the year, but fell short and wound up being one of the most disappointing. With mediocre special effects, a sloppy finale, and female characters that will get on your last nerve, the action film fails to live up to expectations. At the end of the day, Clash of the Titans is basically just a glorified Xena: Warrior Princess.
Go the Distance: A Twisted Tale
Go the Distance: A Twisted Tale
Jen Calonita | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What if Meg had to become a Greek God?

Following on immediately from the end of the much loved Hercules film, Jen Calonita is back with a twisted tale starring our favourite D.I.D: Damsel in Distress.

Now, I LOVE sarcasm and sass so Meg has always been a firm favourite of mine. I was thrilled when I heard she would finally be getting her own story and did Calonita disappoint? No she did not!

Go The Distance is told entirely from Meg’s point of view: immersing the reader immediately in her thoughts and feelings whilst ascending to Mount Olympus with Hercules. I loved how in tune Jen Calonita was with her protagonist, right from the first few pages: there is literally SO much pomp and circumstance surrounding Meg, she is stood on a cloud for goodness sake! But does that stop her doubting herself? Doubting the budding relationship with Herc? Not a chance!

It will come as no surprise to regular readers of twisted tale novels that Calonita quickly tanks our hopes of a happy ending (makes sense- we’re only in the first few pages) as Zeus refuses Hercules’ request to be with Meg on Earth: the lightning-wielding god and his wife have waited too long for their son to re-join them, to lose him this easily. However, Hera can see how happy this mortal makes her son and so makes Meg a once-in-a-lifetime offer, complete a hero’s quest in 10 days and stay with Herc on Mount Olympus as a god for eternity.

Obviously Meg accepts- it would be a short story if she passed this opportunity up- and embarks upon an adventure like no other. As well as having to navigate the underworld, negotiate with Hades and face her ex, Meg battles monsters, befriends Gods and learns her most important lesson: that love is a strength, not a weakness.

Joining Meg on her journey are characters we know and love, such as Phil, Pegasus and Hades. It would be so easy for Jen Calonita to play it safe with these iconic characters but I am pleased to say that these guys get their own little developments too: particularly Hades as we see the character of Persephone and her impact upon his life.

Calonita also introduces us to a host of new characters, two of which are pivotal to both the reader understanding how key events in her life have created this tough armour that Meg wears so well. These are Thea, Meg’s mother and Aegeus, the man who Meg gave up her soul for. Aegeus is a bit wet in my opinion (he’s no Wonder Boy!) but the relationship Calonita creates between Meg and Thea is something precious: the reader can see the struggles faced by both women and can immediately identify where Meg got her fiery nature from.

But of course our heroine is the one who shines in this twisted tale: Meg was already a brilliant character but Calonita opens her up a little bit more and manages to break down some of her walls: along her quest Meg almost embraces her vulnerability, she learns to trust and learns that it is not a weakness to ask for and accept help. After that her quest seems to become easier- which is saying a lot in the underworld!

I also really admired that Meg doesn’t go weak at the knees at the prospect of spending eternity with Hercules, in fact she isn’t sure she wants eternity, she just wants the chance to find out! This made the underlying love story real rather than fairytale. Herc and Meg argue, they say things they regret but ultimately, they show up for each other and that’s what is important in the end.

I have seen other reviewers slating the character of Meg, saying that she is too rash and hot-headed in this twisted tale and bears little resemblance to the animated character we love. I have to say I completely disagree with these views: yes, as her quest nears its deadline then Meg becomes increasingly rash but hello, the girl gave up her soul to Hades! You can’t tell me she doesn’t have previous form for diving head-first into a situation?!

Go The Distance is an adorable novel about embracing your vulnerability and trusting those who want to help you. It teaches us that independence does not necessarily mean facing everything alone, love does not necessarily come from one stand-out moment and that it is never too late to forgive. This twisted tale is not as dark as other retellings in the series but Jen Calonita is an expert in middle-grade literature and so this is not a surprise nor a criticism.

“Two thumbs, way way up for our leading lady!”
Poseidon Is Mine (Gods and Monsters #2)
Poseidon Is Mine (Gods and Monsters #2)
Mila Young | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
185 of 200
Poseidon is mine ( Gods and Monsters book 2)
By Mila Young

I’m a champion. Bound to fight Titans. Sworn to act as Zeus’ shield and defend the gods.

And I’m in trouble.

Apollo’s bright love is consuming, and the dark god Hades fills my dreams with lust and desire. Even though I’m torn between them, the sea god, Poseidon, surfaces to calm the chaos, except I’m falling for him.

I’m living my new life on a sword’s edge, losing part of myself with each passing day. Trying to walk the fine line between my humanity and godhood is proving difficult.

Heracles attempts to help me control my new power, and Ares insists I leap into the fight. All while the darkness is consuming souls with greater frequency. And I worry not even the gods can stop Death.

I’m drowning in Poseidon’s affection…it’s either hold on tight…or be swept away. But either way, Poseidon is mine.

I’m such a sucker for books about the Greek gods I’m obsessed and this series is so good at feeding that obsession! I love Elise and the gods I love the relationships building between them! We just need X gone now!!
This review and more can be found at my blog

A Romance Reader's Reviews

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

Firstly I'll admit that it's been a while since I read the first three books in this series - and I believed that it was only going to be a trilogy, for some reason, so I had forgotten some of the details of this book but things were rehashed a little.

With Alexis and her small group now known by all the other Demigods in the world, they are thrown into a steep learning curve of dealing with politics and trying to learn how to use her powers for other things. There's also the fact that a Hades Demigod is trying to get their hands on Alexis, any means necessary.

A lot happened in this and, as mentioned above, I hadn't retained a lot of information about this series, so I was a little overwhelmed by all the characters. I quickly picked up who the Six were and Daisy and Mordecai.

I did enjoy this and should hopefully now remember enough for future books - book 5 is coming soon! - so I'm looking forward to reading them and seeing the results of that last chapter. I can see it's not going to go well and this group of amazing guys may end up fighting for their lives. Again.

This review is rather lacking but I have no way of saying more without giving away important plot points and that's just not fair.
Daimon (Guardians of Hades #6)
Daimon (Guardians of Hades #6)
Felicity Heaton | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Daimon is the sixth book in the Guardians of Hades series and we finally meet Mr Cool himself, Daimon. From the start, my heart has gone out to him. Just like Ares, he can't touch anyone without his power hurting them. Ares was lucky with Meghan but Daimon is still alone.

Cass first showed up with Mari and Cal in book five. She is strong and not prepared to sit on the side-lines. She can't help but be near to Daimon. At first, she thinks it's just an itch but realises it's so much more.

I loved this one and, to be honest, that took me by surprise. Although I have loved Daimon from the start, Cass came across as a bit abrasive in the other book. So I was delighted to find out there was a heart there after all AND the reasons behind her mask.

As with the others, the connection is immediate but these two sure work hard to make anything happen. A cat and mouse game of give and take, one step forward, two back... and it was PERFECT!

I am loving the overall story arc which becomes more intense with each book, plus the hint to Keras' book. A fantastic addition to the series that I absolutely recommend. Now I really can't wait for Keras!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Skin Game (The Dresden Files, #15)
Skin Game (The Dresden Files, #15)
Jim Butcher | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
9.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hells Bells!
<2022 update>

I should perhaps mention that Michael Carpenter and his family don't actually turn up until a fair ways into the story ...

<original 2015 review>

"Last year I died, but I got better"

It's probably been over a year since I read the last Harry Dresden book, as I'd been waiting (and waiting, and waiting ...) for this one to come out in paperback. Was it worth the wait?

Absolutely yes.

I know it's still only March (nearly April), but this is a strong contender for my choice for book of the year - definitely the best I've read so far this year, with the bar set VERY high for any others later this year to match.

As this starts, Harry is still on Demonreach island, still recovering from previous events in Cold Days. It's not long, however, before Mab - the Winter Queen - has Harry (as her Winter Knight) paying off on of her debts, forcing him to work with Nicodemus Archleone and the Knights of the Blackened Denarius. Harry has to help Nicodemus to rob a vault belonging to the Lord of the Underworld Hades himself, while somehow staying alive and a step ahead of the inevitable betrayal.

As the Knights of the Denarius are involved, this also means that the Knights of the Cross - or, more specifically, Michael Carpenter - are back in the novel, as counter-points to the fallen angels. So, too, are Waldo Butters, Molly Carpenter, Bob the skull and Karrin Murphy with Thomas, however, conspicuous by his absence.
Marek (Guardians of Hades #4)
Marek (Guardians of Hades #4)
Felicity Heaton | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Marek is the fourth book in the Guardians of Hades series and I really couldn't wait for the researcher's story! He has been hinted at in the previous books but, of course, you don't find out much until he gets his own story.

Marek has his past that he is "dealing" with. Well, he's not, not really, but it makes him feel better. Caterina goes out hunting vampires every night because she thinks if she kills his sire, her brother will return to 'normal'. When these two meet, sparks fly... literally!

Poor Marek! And poor Caterina!! Both of them were hurting before they found each other but even then it didn't go smoothly. Now, of course, I know it never does but these two really had it bad. How about turning into something the man you're falling for hates and literally fights every day? Yeah, not easy. However, in true Felicity Heaton style, they not only managed to overcome these obstacles but also found their HEA along the way. Of course, they also found murder, more mystery, betrayal, and heartbreak but it's all for a good cause! 😉

This is such a great series and Marek is a fantastic addition to it. A thoroughly enjoyable story from start to finish, with cameos from the other brothers, and plenty of steam between our two main characters. Absolutely brilliant and I can definitely recommend it. Now, bring on the next!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11768 KP) rated Keras (Guardians of Hades #7) in Books

Dec 8, 2020 (Updated Aug 8, 2023)  
Keras (Guardians of Hades #7)
Keras (Guardians of Hades #7)
Felicity Heaton | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
KERAS is the seventh book in the Guardians of Hades series and the final one of the brothers to get his story. This doesn't mean the series is at the end though, oh no. There is a missing sister, don't forget, and Thanatos is just the god to go look for her.

Keras has been the ultimate grouch in all the previous books, being especially hard on Marek whenever Enyo paid him a visit with information. He takes his title as Lord of Darkness very seriously. In his story though, you find out that he struggles on a daily basis with the very real darkness. He even takes (highly addictive) pills that he got from dear old dad to combat it.

Enyo has been a recurring character throughout the series and now we find out just what happened between Keras and her. I found her character to be slightly confusing as she is a goddess of war, but comes across as being almost wallflower-like in some regards and strong in others.

Between the two of them are a multitude of misunderstandings, some of which I didn't get myself. These get swept aside though once the action kicks in because, believe me, you don't have time to breathe once it does.

A full-on, climatic, steamy ending to the brothers. Now I can't wait for the sister! Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 8, 2020