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Dirty Dancing  (1987)
Dirty Dancing (1987)
1987 | Drama, Music, Romance
A Movie Packed With Memorable Moments
During a summer vacation in the Catskills, a young woman is introduced to the sensual world of dirty dancing and her life is forever changed. Seriously, I should apply for a job writing loglines.

Acting: 10
No the acting wasn’t the best around, but it gets the job done. Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze are electric on screen together. This movie clearly has no shot without their chemistry. I have to give an honorable mention to Jerry Orbach playing the role of Dr. Jake Houseman. He’s an overprotective father that just wants to see his kids have a good time on vacation. He has a couple of pretty heavy scenes that leave an impact on the movie.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10.

Cinematography/Visuals: 8
So my mom is a single parent which meant I went with her pretty much everywhere, including the movies. I remember her taking me to see this movie. I didn’t understand that first dance when Baby walked into the workers clubhouse, but I knew it was something my young eyes shouldn’t have been looking at. I appreciate the way director Emile Ardolino captures that raw sensuality. I also loved how the disparity between the rich vacationers and the lower class workers was displayed. It sets up the movie well and remains a constant theme throughout.

Conflict: 9

Entertainment Value: 7
Like a Fast and Furious movie, there is something undeniable about Dirty Dancing. You find yourself entranced when you should be saying, “This is extremely corny.” Sure there are some campier moments that are just ripped from a Hallmark movie, but overall the movie has a definite flare that keeps you entertained from beginning to end.

Memorability: 9

Pace: 9

Plot: 9

Resolution: 10

Overall: 89
Back to that dance scene I mentioned earlier. It happens pretty quickly into the movie, about fifteen minutes in. In two minutes that scene accomplishes more for eroticism than the entire Fifty Shades franchise. Just like the movie, it bleeds passion. Dirty Dancing is a testament that you don’t need hundreds of millions of dollars to make a decent film.

Ivana A. | Diary of Difference (1171 KP) Jul 4, 2020

Love this review! Nobody puts Baby in the corner. 🙂


Phillip McSween (751 KP) Jul 5, 2020

@Ivana A. | Diary of Difference Damn right!

How to Find a Princess
How to Find a Princess
Alyssa Cole | 2021 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy, LGBTQ+, Romance
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A repetitive and lackluster romance
Makeda Hicks loses her job and her girlfriend in the same day. Reeling, she's forced to move back with her grandmother and help out at her bed and breakfast. Being back with Grandmore means hearing more about when Grandmore supposedly had a passionate affair with the Prince of Ibarania--leading to Makeda's mother. Makeda has no patience for this story, as her mother's obsession with being a Princess dominated Makeda's entire childhood. When it never panned out, she disconnected from life (and Makeda), receding into alcoholism and forcing Makeda to grow up fast. When Beznaria Chetchevaliere, an investigator for the World Federation of Monarchies shows up at the B&B, claiming to be looking for Ibarania's missing heir, Makeda wants nothing to do with it. But the beautiful and chaotic investigator is surprisingly persuasive. Can she convince Makeda to go with her--and is Makeda indeed the heir to Ibarania?

"No adventures, no drama, and always there to lend a helping hand, even when her hands were full, that was Makeda."

This was one of my #Pride reads for June, and it sounded so cute. There were definitely funny and enjoyable moments, and I'm always glad to see queer romances in the world, but overall, this one didn't really work for me. I am a sucker for a good Hallmark movie, but even I couldn't get into this crazy idea--an unhinged royal investigator, a reluctant heir... and eventually a lot of fakedating and a cargo ship. It was all too much.

It's hard to believe the instachemistry between Bez and Makeda, especially as we do not get a lot of backstory on the two women. Makeda's "will I go with Bez or won't I" takes an inordinately long time--it was incredibly frustrating. Just decide already! Things are repeated over and over, making the story feel inordinately long. Being unable to get into the characters or their romance, it was just hard to really love this one. The pacing and timing always seemed off. I wound up skimming the last half just to find out what would happen, otherwise it would have been a DNF. 2 stars.
Burlesque (2010)
Burlesque (2010)
2010 | Drama, Musical, Romance
6.5 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Could Have Been Better
When Ali (Christina Aguilera) moves to LA to make it big, she decides to settle for working in a burlesque house instead. Oh my God, here we go…

Acting: 7

Beginning: 8

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 2
I guess this is as good a place to start as any. While there were some decent shots within the burlesque club itself, the film pretty much centers around this one location so there’s not a whole lot of room for expansion. Your eyes are supposed to be set on stage which would work if this were a play. I also thought they failed in capturing the sensuality of the burlesque genre. It felt extremely flat to say the least and I almost wish they had changed the title of the film to something else more relevant like, I don’t know, Pretty People Lip-Syncing? Huge fail here.

Conflict: 1
Much ado about nothing here as get a feel for exactly where the story is heading the entire time. The obstacles Ali experienced seemed staged, never natural, as if they were putting something in her way for the sake of it continuing the awful story. In the end, the film could never decide on where it wanted to create the conflict. Whether it was the club closing, someone wanting to take over the club, an awkward relationship triangle, or trouble on the big stage, Burlesque was all over the damn place.

Genre: 6

Memorability: 6

Pace: 4

Plot: 6
If I’m being honest, Ali’s drive was the only thing that kept me motivated to watch the movie the rest of the way. Her story is touching and, despite the Hallmark feel of it all, you want her to succeed. Other than that, I really couldn’t make heads or tails of much else. This movie is like a tree with crazy branches sprouting off into a bunch of different directions…but never really going anywhere important.

Resolution: 6

Overall: 56
Burlesque is the first film attacked in a podcast called “How Did This Get Made?”, a show that takes awful movies and rips them apart in deserved fashion. I started the movie thinking to myself, “Well, this isn’t so bad…” which became “Ok, what’s going on here?” which finally became, “Dear God, this needs to end!” Steer clear. You have been warned.
How to Lose a Fiancé
How to Lose a Fiancé
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sophia is tired of being told how to live her life by her overbearing, overprotecting father. When he calls her into his office to let her know she will be sent to Greece to marry a stranger she has had enough. She doesn’t care that Dion’s acquisition of her father’s company will save their family, according to her father. She only wants her freedom. After thinking things through she decides to be the worst possible fiancé any one man could ever imagine. That way he’d be forced to send her home and she’d be free to follow her dreams.

Dion can’t believe he agreed to marry the daughter of the man in charge of the company he wants to acquire. His bastard of a biological fathers old company, but no one will know that little tidbit of information. He looked Sophia up online and she seemed to fit into the stereotypical corporate wife he needs. Too bad the walking disaster that heads over to him in the airport is not quite what he was expecting.

Part of Sophia’s plan involves dressing as wildly as she can without trying to look like she has gone off the deep end. The itchy woolen sweater she chose to change into when they landed only adds to the hideousness of it all. The look on Dion’s face is worth the itching. Now to fully put her plan into action, she must find a taxidermy fox.

Dion has no idea what to do with this hideous fox that has somehow made its way into his home. Soon hatching a plot with the fox we first encountered in book 1 How to win a fiance. He soon figures out what Sophia is actually up to and together they agree to find a common ground and go ahead with the wedding. Theirs could be a good friendship opportunity for each other, each getting what they desire in life.

Dion and Sophia have pasts and families that don’t lend themselves to Hallmark Movie Channel heart touching sentiment. Dion loses the one father figure he has, and Sophia’s actual father is lacking in just about every redeeming quality. They work through it together and make their own family ties. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance reader copy without expectations. 4 ½ stars for this newest release from Ms. London.
My All American (2015)
My All American (2015)
2015 | Drama
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The new film My All American is directed by Angelo Pizzo and released by
Clarius Entertainment. It stars Finn Wittrock as Freddie Steinmark,
Sarah Bolger as Linda Wheeler, Aaron Eckhart as Darrell Royal, Robin
Tunney as Gloria Steinmark, Michael Reilly Burke as Fred Steinmark, Rett
Terrell as Bobby Mitchell, and Juston Street as James Street.

Based on true events, and coinciding with the release of the recently
published biography, Freddie Steinmark: Faith, Family, Football, this
film is a heartwarming tale of the grit and determination that one boy
has from the time he is small all the way through college.

The determination to push through any obstacle, and any challenge thrown
his way was the hallmark of Freddie Steinmark and forever etched him
into the hearts of his fellow players, his coach Darrell K Royal, and
his family.

At only five feet nine inches tall, and 150 pounds, Freddie had to work
harder, practice longer, run faster and be altogether tougher than any
of his other team mates just to be noticed.

The movie follows Freddie through his career starting with pee-wee
football practice, to being drilled by his dad for extra practice after
his school day was done in high school, to tryouts for University of
Texas Longhorns. His high school sweetheart Linda Wheeler applies to and
is accepted at University of Texas and follows him to college.

I don’t generally like football. It annoys me that it takes so long for
the game to be played (hello…. its supposed to be four QUARTERS…. a
quarter is 25 minutes. So a game should be just over an hour and a
half…. right? Nope, it never ever is only an hour and a half long….)

HOWEVER, I really enjoyed watching this movie!
It was funny, it was inspiring, it was sad. It tugged on my heartstrings
and made me wonder how, exactly, a parent goes about raising a kid with
that much drive and “want to”.

It is completely family friendly and I will be making another trip to
the theatre to watch it with my 7 year old son, and my friends son who
is 8 and her daughter that is 6, as well.

The movie shares a great message and good lessons that all children
should learn.

The ending is sad, and might upset some younger children, but since it
is a true-to-life movie, it had to follow actual events.