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    Aus Omas Trickkiste

    Aus Omas Trickkiste

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Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula (2020)
Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula (2020)
2020 | Action, Horror, Thriller
Peninsula is by no means a bad movie, but from start to finish, it never manages to step out of the shadow of it's older sibling. It doesn't help that Train to Busan is as near-perfect as the zombie sub-genre gets, and it's imprint is felt all over this follow up, and that's where the main problem lies.
The film starts with an incredibly powerful opening, and initially seems like it's going to deliver the same emotional hellscape that it's predecessor did, but alas, the really out of place English exposition dialogue that accompanies the cold open is a sign of things to come.
Peninsula mainly suffers from pacing issues. All too often, it feels drawn out, slows down to a halt, spends too much time with characters that are hard to care about, and ultimately feels overlong.
The claustrophobic setting of a train is replaced by a wide open Korean cityscape, and with that comes a grander vision and an over reliance on CGI, CGI that is shaky at best. The effcts-heavy scenes are thankfully set at night time but it's hard not to notice, especially in the car chase set pieces (that go on for way too long by the way).
And then, when the final act comes a knocking, the events that unfold diver straight back into imitating Train to Busan again, but it completely misses the mark. The emotional closing moments are undercut but just how absurd and over dramatic everything is. There's just no subtlety.

I feel like I've ragged on this movie way more than I intended too, because I did enjoy it more than I didn't. The main group of leads (especially the child actors) are pretty damn good, the zombies themselves are still pretty intense, even if they are more of a background threat this time around, and once again, it's complimented by a wonderful music score, but I don't know, it just left me a little cold after just how much TtB blew me away.
Not good, not bad, just very middle of the road.

Pete Thompson (4339 KP) Aug 13, 2021

Or middle of the track? Totally agree with you was so looking forward to this after TtB but was left pretty bored in parts and no real tension as you just knew who would live and die unlike the 1st film. Could and should have been better and not gone down the cji heavy route it was awful.

The Glasshouse (Lavender Shores #6)
The Glasshouse (Lavender Shores #6)
Rosalind Abel | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
love love LOVE this series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 6 in the series, but you don't need to have read there other books to follow this one. They can all be read as stand alones. But they are all 4 and 5 star reviews, from me!

I keep flipping from 4 to 5 stars and back to four again, and I have no idea why I keep crossing the numbers out at the top of the page, so gonna split the difference and call it 4.5 stars, rounded up to 5 for the blog!

A little bit more of an emotional read, this one. I felt for Harrison, I really did. I cried for him when he runs, first from Will then from Adrian. And cheered for him when he finds himself, after being someone else for everyone for so very long.

But equally, Adrian wrecks your heart too! While he fights for what he feels for Harrison in the beginning, then letting it all out and going all in, and when he was waiting for Harrison to come back to him. Oh Lord, the waiting was painful!

Harrison's brother Jasper plays a huge part here, and I think he should get a story too. Adrian's brother too, but to a lesser degree. He needs a happy ever after though, after such loss. OH!! Did I see that one being laid out?? Maybe not, we'll see!

But my overwhelming feeling (and ya'll know I'm all about sharing the feelings!) is that I want, no, I NEED the story of Adrian's uncles, Alex and Alan. Alex' diary was found in one of the couples (I forget which) house when they are remodeling. Adrian references Alex' diary here, and I so desperately want to hear their story. Although members of the Founding Families, they didn't have it as easy as the guys in Lavender Shores do now. I think THEIR story would be a welcome addition to this series.

As I read each one of these books, I find once I start, I cannot stop and I have read most of them in one sitting. They aren't short books, some 300 pages but everything just grinds to a halt when I start. So, please, keep them coming!

Ah stuff it!

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhe
Destiny (Rogue Angel, #1)
3.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever been reading a book when all of a sudden a turn of phrase, an offensive passage, or something altogether different pops up and it all comes to a screeching halt? Whatever it is, it bothered you so much that it colored the rest of your reading and you just couldn't go on, whether or not it was an irrational reaction. In my case it happened with the first paragraph, chapter two (pg. 26):
<blockquote>The rental Avery had arranged turned out to be an old Renault pickup truck. If Annja had been a layman, maybe she'd have mistakenly called it ancient. But she was a trained archaeologist and she knew what <i>ancient</i> meant.</blockquote>
Excuse me? One, I know what the heck ancient means - very old - and I'm pretty sure 99.9% of the Earth's population does too. Two, most people use ancient as an exaggeration, not as a "mistake." I see nothing wrong with that. Three, oh, ho-ho! so being a "trained archaeologist" makes someone that much better and smarter than the layman, eh? It just struck me the wrong way and I got a sense of smug superiority that irked me something fierce.

I had other problems before getting to this point as well, but even though I read about forty pages more, I couldn't get past this one little paragraph. Others problems: I could smell a Mary-Sue from a mile away. Apparently this Lara Croft (whom you couldn't help but think of) wannabe knows EVERYTHING at the ripe old age of - well somewhere in her twenties, it wasn't mentioned in what I read. Puh-lease. Also mentioned was her hour-glass figure, although not in so many words. Are you gagging yet? And she's an expert at some sort of martial arts, where get this, she was taught by a nun. Annja was an orphan or something, so she was raised by them. Something that strikes me as odd, she can spot someone tailing her. I'm not quite sure where or how she could have developed this skill in her line of work, but whatever. So basically, she's perfect at every single thing. Sorry, that doesn't work for me. I don't mind a brainless, action-packed read, but frankly, this wasn't a very well-written one as it was pretty flat and boring, and I couldn't even make it seventy pages.
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie Wars
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie Wars
Max Brooks | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel is the oral history of the zombie war - as told by soldiers, civilians, doctors, and those who had a hand in decision-making. Some were people who created containment or attack plans, while others were in the government coordinating the military, corralling the people, and planning for the future of their countries.

You learn about the experiences of everyday people just prior to the outbreak. This is a time when no one knows what is happening. People are dying, becoming infected, and turning into violent cannibals. Is it some strange new disease that modern medicine has yet to find a cure to, or something worse?

Then, the stories become more dire, strained, broken; as the population begins to figure out the absolute devastation that this event will wreak. Suddenly, the stories are just people trying to survive or those attempting to combat the enemy. No one knows how to halt the impending storm. The absolute destruction such an enemy poses.

Unlike humans and their armies, the undead need no respite. The undead don't feel pain, hunger, anguish, or lose moral. And as the military's forces dwindle in battles, the zombies swell in ranks. Each loss to you is a welcome addition to their force. An enemy that is unknown cannot easily be beaten.

Will the human race even survive long enough to worry about rebuilding, destroying every trace of the plague, or even what brought it to the world to begin with?

The novel was a unique take on the zombie/war genre and interestingly written. I did find my attention wandering at times and would have to reread sections. Although I prefer reading physical books, this novel has an incredible voice cast for its audio-counterpart. Their talents brought this book to an entirely new level, giving each character a unique voice and story (and I'm not just saying that because there was a different person voicing each one.) I've never read a book before (or listened to one) that had such a diverse cast to bring the book to life.

If you like historical fiction or zombie novels, than you're likely going to enjoy this. If zombies and historical/realistic fiction (regardless of the fact that zombies are involved) are not your style, than you may not enjoy this.

How would you react if the dead began to rise, attack, and devour your neighbors, overrunning your town - could you survive?
City of Savages
City of Savages
Lee Kelly | 2018 | Dystopia
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Romance nearly killed this one
Contains spoilers, click to show
This book was pretty good for a dystopia. The background story on how it came to be was interesting and set it apart from other stories of this genre where most of the time it’s vague and no one remembers a thing because it was that many years later. So this was nice to read about. The plot alternates between Sky and Phee, but also some parts here and there from present to the past. I prefer reading about Phee because she’s the all around tough girl who can hold her own whereas Sky is more on the romantic idealistic side of things.

The flow of the story is good with stops here and there for character development and plot hooks. It’s engaging and interesting for a good part of the book until you read a little more than half of the novel. This is where the eye rolling instances come on. You knew the love triangle was going to happen. It got pretty nauseating and petty (but then again, Ryder was practically the only guy these two girls have met that they actually liked) and it severely hampered the plot. I didn’t care for this too much as it brought the plot to a complete halt and made reading it not as enjoyable. I begged for something better to come along.

To be fair, it got more interesting towards the final story arc, where you find out more truths about Sky and Phee’s family, and what happened in the past. Everything came to a nice close towards the end. The cheesy romance was still there and induced more eye rolls, but it was toned down for the latter part of the book.

Character wise, Phee would have to be the most interesting as she’s more aggressive of the two sisters and of a more stronger personality. She wasn’t a good match for Ryder anyway as they were just two very different people and completely incompatible but you kinda wish she found someone who’s just as tough as she is.

The romance nearly killed the book for me in this one. I’m glad I went through it as it proved to pick up the pace and went back on track. It’s a hidden gem and if you can get past the obvious, you’ll find a good dystopian story worth reading.
Granite Grit (Fighting&#039;s in the Blood #1)
Granite Grit (Fighting's in the Blood #1)
Lee Cooper | 2016 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"When your toughest opponent is you."

Your not kidding! A very true statement in more ways than one throughout the novel, for the main character Joe and the reader's themselves. What a fantastic debut novel.

The storyline is brilliant, easy to follow and written in quite a unique style jumping from past to present in the space of a couple lines with ease. It is truly fascinating, coming from someone who is clueless when it comes to boxing of any kind I managed to understand everything, it all made sense. I loved the twists and turns the story itself took, unwinding the spiral of destruction the main character created for himself, it's powerful yet sad and overall really moving creating the important hook.

The themes of the story are simple and conveyed with the utmost professionalism, the love between man and women, between parents and children, between man and the art of boxing. The relationships between the characters throughout the novel are wonderfully portrayed whether they come to a complete halt or blossom in times of tragedy. I think the theme of abuse is conveyed beautifully considering the sensitive, powerful and hard-hitting nature of the theme as a whole tying in well with a further theme of family which seems to be one of Joe's fatal flaws. Which leads me on to the character Joe whom I love, hate and support, the character development of Joe is remarkably controlled and really well done. At first, I really loved and sympathised with the man trying to keep his family afloat, then his downwards spiral left me hating him yet supporting him, wanting him to do well and wanting him to win the fight with not only himself but his opponents.

Personally, the fight scenes were my favourite due to the descriptive manner of which they were told, I felt like I was in the crowd onlooking the entire scene feeling the tension and fear in the atmosphere. Although it may not seem like it due to the boxing element the novel is very relatable considering family loyalty, the struggle for money and even the determination Joe has to prove himself. I even found myself laughing out loud at some of the comments Joe made.

Overall, this is truly an amazing book and I couldn't recommend it more.
The Rage of Dragons
The Rage of Dragons
Evan Winter | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good Africa-inspired fantasy but nothing original
This book takes place in alternative version of pre-historic Africa. The Omehi race were seeking to escape turmoil in their homeland and have invaded a nearby land. They have historically used their magical and strategic advantages to keep the more savage natives, who have significant numerical advantages, at bay.
The story follows the development and move into manhood of one of the lower social classes of the Omehi.
Tau is nothing special, one of the lower classes and only mediocre with a sword. He is hoping to get into the army and find himself so badly injured he can be honourably discharged and have the social standing to ask his love to marry him.
However, early on in his testing for acceptance into the army, he wins a fight with a pathetic noble and his father is subsequently murdered for justice.
The story then follows Tau's travels and training in order to be accepted on his own merit. He is quickly accepted into an experimental set of trainees and his development picks up a gear, thought he keeps hidden his secret desire to kill those nobles responsible for his father's death. Through mixing with magic and extreme training, Tau becomes a force to be reckoned with, but is still to pick the right side to fight against.
The writing style is good, however a number of made-up (I presume) terms are used throughout the book, and it can be quite hard to determine what they mean and who they refer to. This covers the different ranks of the armies, so can largely be ignored, but it is a little jarring for the reader.
The pacing was all over the place. It was slow to get moving, and when it did it quickly ground to a halt again, as we suffered through days and weeks of training. While this was generally for the benefit of the overall story as a whole, it did take some effort to get through. If this was a film, it would have needed a montage for sure.
The plot itself starts fairly basic - one man out for revenge against people he can't possibly beat and using this as motivation to better himself. However the final quarter of the book brings in another aspect and the book significantly improves for that.