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    Ravenscroft 275 Piano

    Ravenscroft 275 Piano

    Music and Entertainment

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    Experience the splendor of a Ravenscroft Grand with the most realistic sounding piano ever created...

Nine Women, One Dress
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every woman needs a LBD(Little Black Dress). This book tells the story of one such dress. You get to follow the life of the dress at it is born until it meets it's demise. Max Hammer is the designer. Along the way, we meet the dressmaker, the runway model who first shows the dress to the world and the other women who have come in contact with the dress and the way it has affected their lives. The dress of the season has made it's way around New York City and the world.

I listened to this book over the past couple of weeks to and from work. It's a cute story about "the" dress of the season. Throughout the life of the dress you meet a host of characters that each have their moment with the dress. We have Natalie the Bloomingdale's sales girl, who uses the dress to help an actor get negative press away from his name. Then there's, Felicia who has been Mr. Winters assistant for the past 20 years and has been in love with him for just as long, she gets the dress in the best/worst mix-up ever. Then there's an actress in a Broadway play, the French girl who is normally only in a berka, the private eye who snoops out cheating husbands, and the runway model from Alabama making her debut in the dress. The whole story is centered around the Bloomingdale's where the dress is being sold and the employees who work there are just as pertinent to the story as the women who wear the dress.

Overall this was a cute story that made me laugh out loud at parts.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Finally I have the body of a Norse god! (0 more)
Having to go to the toilet halfway through (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
What a fantastic film!
I have waited a few days before reviewing this film, and honestly think it would have been 10/10 if I had reviewed it straightaway.
This is so very nearly the perfect superhero film. There is a massive cast of characters, there is humour, there are niche geek references, there are shocks and twists, there are highs, there are lows and there are tears.
But also (and here comes why 1 mark was lost) ... there is time travel. I have an uncomfortable relationship with time travel. I know you always have to give a bit of artistic license with time travel and not get too hung up on the nitty gritty. But here the plot revolves around the characters changing nothing in the past as it would change the future/make it not happen. And yet they go ahead and do it anyway! We have to go back and put the infinity stones back the instant after they were taken. But they didn't have to with Thor's hammer? And why did they have to do that at all because past-Thanos died which means the Infinity War never happened.
I have never been truly happy with time travel in film, with the notable exception of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure which somehow nails it. For me, Endgame failed in this regard purely by setting itself rules it then broke and didn't explore the consequences.
But still, an outstanding film and if I can get myself happy with a crude, straight-talking, machine gun-toting space-raccoon and a teenage living tree then I think I can overlook some timey-wimey things.
A Poison Tree
A Poison Tree
John Dolan | 2014 | Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
David Braddock has a happy home life and a successful business he enjoys running. When he runs into occasional acquaintance Jim Fosse in a bar, things begin to change. Jim makes him a surprising offer: kill my wife and I'll kill yours. David has no reason to kill his wife and is appalled at the offer. But then his life begins to slowly fall apart both at home and at work. Perhaps Jim Fosse's suggestion wasn't as outlandish as it first appeared?

As his life spirals out of any of his control, David struggles to come to terms with the reality of his situation. But what is real and what is just a figment of his imagination, grown from a malicious poisonous seed?

This is a fantastic read, if at times pretty bleak. It shows how what appears on the surface to be a stable lifestyle is only held up by the slimmest of supports and these can easily be removed. Throughout all of the main plot following David's fall, some of it from external factors, some of it very much of his own making, there are several twists which take the story in a new directions, some of which are like emotional hammer blows, others are reveals that are obvious in hindsight.

Despite the dark tone of the story Dolan's light touch keeps things moving along preventing the flow from getting anywhere near being described as 'harrowing'. Characters and dialogue are very well handled and there is a natural pace that draws the reader on, even if they are unsure if they want to find out what happens next.

An interesting read and a recommended one for anyone who appreciates realistic characters and plotting.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated The Mummy (2017) in Movies

Apr 25, 2020 (Updated Apr 25, 2020)  
The Mummy (2017)
The Mummy (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Epic Fail
People forget that universal started this whole shared universe concept. So the MCU, the DCU, The Conjuring franchise and DC Shared TV shows all copied unverisal. Now universal is trying to copy them, but failed, failed epic.

The plot: Nick Morton is a soldier of fortune who plunders ancient sites for timeless artifacts and sells them to the highest bidder. When Nick and his partner come under attack in the Middle East, the ensuing battle accidentally unearths Ahmanet, a betrayed Egyptian princess who was entombed under the desert for thousands of years. With her powers constantly evolving, Morton must now stop the resurrected monster as she embarks on a furious rampage through the streets of London.

The Dark Universe was a failure, the Dark Universe came and went so fast, it was a blink of a eye and proof it disappeared. Never to be seen or heard from again.

If the dark universe did happpen, their were going to have Javier Bardem as the Frankenstein's Monster, and Johnny Depp as The Invisible Man. And Russell Crowe as Dr. Jekyll, aka the Nick Fury of this franchise.

This movie tryed to setup five different films with one film, while having like six different plot lines, seven differney genres. This movie didnt know what is was. And thats why it failed.

 @Awix, @Erika , @Ross and @LeftSideCut. Said it perfectly in their reviews.

Dont watch this movie, it will put you to sleep and you will forgot about it, when the credits hit. Watch The Mummy trilogy instead or the oringal one, or the hammer studio one.
Horror Express (1972)
Horror Express (1972)
1972 | Horror, Sci-Fi
7.3 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Christopher Lee (1 more)
Peter Cushing
The Terror Express
Horror Express- is a great movie. The horror, the terror, the gory, the acting, all great.

The plot: Alexander Saxton (Christopher Lee), a brilliant British anthropologist researching in the Russian Far East, boards the Trans-Siberian Express with his latest discovery, a frozen specimen he hopes to prove is the missing link. But en route to Europe, passengers begin to turn up dead, and terror engulfs the train as Saxton and his partner, Dr. Wells (Peter Cushing), struggle to contain a mysterious -- and increasingly murderous -- force with the power to control minds.

According to Martin, the film was made because a producer obtained a train set from Nicholas and Alexandra (1971). "He came up with the idea of writing a script just so he would be able to use this prop," said Martin. "Now at that time, Phil was in the habit of buying up loads of short stories to adapt into screenplays, and the story for Horror Express was originally based on a tale written by a little-known American scriptwriter and playwright."

Securing Lee and Cushing was a coup for Gordon, since it lent an atmosphere reminiscent of Hammer Films, many of which starred both of the actors. When Cushing arrived in Madrid to begin work on the picture, however, he was still distraught over the recent death of his wife, and announced to Gordon that he could not do the film. With Gordon desperate over the idea of losing one of his important stars, Lee stepped in and put Cushing at ease simply by talking to his old friend about some of their previous work together. Cushing changed his mind and stayed on.

Its a great movie.
    Catholic Devotions

    Catholic Devotions

    Utilities and Reference

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    Providing you with general Catholic devotions and litanies compiled by Rev. Bonaventure Hammer,...