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Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
Has the feel of original series (2 more)
Hans Solo and Princess/ Genral Leia are back
Star wars for a new generation
The force awaken opens up star wars for a whole new generation whilst the original trilogy had the world enraputed with this epic adventure series and revolutionized the way we see Sci Fi, Fantasy today Phathom menace, attack of the clones and revenge of the sith, didnt quiet capture the sprirt of the original trilogy. However Force awakens come out swinging.

Not only do we see our old favorites of Han solo Cewbacca Princess now General Leia the new characters leave a force of there own you cant help but admire Rey strength and determination. Fall in love with little BB-8. Finn ability to feel even though hes a storm trooper bring up a whole new level of meaning to established characters from the series.

Ive always like the dark side more than the light as my friendtell me i only ever like assholes so obviously Darth Vader is my favorite star wars character however Kylo Ren is no Darth Vader. However much he may wish to be and although the ending cements his darkness between Vader and Kylo there no choice who i think is the better villian so this film get a 9/10 rather than 10/10

Tonybillson999 (2 KP) Dec 13, 2017

Not what I expected, hand solo dying was a bad idea

Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
1980 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Loved this film even though all three of the original films were filmed and seen before the first part of the Star Wars series. Mark Hamell, Harrison Ford, The late Carrie Fisher were the best as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Lai she soon should everyone that she was not some helpless princess who let everyone else do things while she sat back and did nothing. Her costumes were amazing, she was right in there fighting along with them to save their homelands/worlds from the Dark Lord Darth Vada. The ariel battles were fantastic. Storm Troopers were meant to be menacing when in fact they were quite funny at times. R2 D2 and 3PO where hilarious and Chewie adorable. The Jedi training was good. The shock about Luke's father I mean who would not be shocked and disgusted at finding out your father is Darth Vada and the girl you love turns out to be your sister.
Death Troopers (Star Wars)
Death Troopers (Star Wars)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Take a classic Space Opera saga (Star Wars), add a soupcon of horror (Aliens), and a large dose of Zombies (Resident Evil), and what do you have?

This book.

The plot? An Imperial prison barge breaks down, and then comes across a seemingly abandoned Star Destroyer out in the wastes of space. It transpires that the Destroyer is not abandoned after all, and that it had been carrying out bio-weapon experiments ...

Definitely felt like the author was (heavily) inspired by the Resident Evil games/films: the Zombies are such not as the living dead back-to-life of Romero, but as a result of a engineered virus. The Aliens link I mentioned comes in on the 'set-on-prison-<s>planet</s>barge' setting, and I'm also not entirely sure why he felt the need to drop Han Solo and Chewbacca into the mix, unless that was just so you would know it is a Star Wars novel?

Not the best Extended Universe book.
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
1981 | Action, Adventure

"I guess the next one, chronologically, would be Raiders of the Lost Ark, even though it’s hard to choose just one Spielberg film. First of all it’s George Lucas and Spielberg, which is kind of like Jesus and Moses collaborating on a movie [laughing]. But it was just, you know, it was so different, it just came out of nowhere. I mean Harrison Ford who had been Han Solo and all of a sudden he’s late ’30s and battling Nazis. It was just such a ride and it still holds up. Just movie magic, know what I mean? I saw it a couple years ago. We were doing a sound mix at Skywalker Sound, it was right before the new one came out, The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and they showed a pristine 35mm print of it. It just brought back all those great memories and, again, no CG, you know. Just really good filmmaking."

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
1977 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
A bonafide game changer
It cannot be overstated how important and game changing A New Hope was/is.
The first Star Wars film (but 4th chapter of course) is a classic that truly stands the test of time.

Everything managed to hook me in when I first saw it as a young child, from John Williams flawless soundtrack (surely the most iconic movie soundtrack of all time) to the engaging characters.
Characters such as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Darth Vader were iconic from the get go.
The set pieces are truly legendary, especially the climatic assault on the Death Star.
All of the locations and planets seem exciting and magical.
The different droids and alien species that we come across are memorable.
All these things that I fell in love with as a child are still intact when I watch it now.

George Lucas lovingly crafted a classic that will always be important.