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The Living Christmas Tree
The Living Christmas Tree
Kristin Sponaugle | 2021 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for a sweet, adorable book about Christmas magic for your child or children? Maybe even your grandchild or grandkids? Well, I may have a book for your child or children called “The Living Christmas Tree” by Kristin Sponaugle.

This book is about two children and how the ornaments come to life at night around the holiday season. What will happen when Hannah finds out what is going on in the evening hours when the Christmas tree comes to life.

This tree seems to have the magic of Christmas; what fun will the ornaments do? Whatever happens when the family is asleep. What fun will the children have at night when the children come to visit; until the decorations are put away for next year.

The pictures are lovely. I love the plot about the Christmas ornaments that the family has put on the Christmas Tree. Is it possible there is the magic of Christmas as long as you believe? Whether your child or an adult. Children will love reading this book. Children will enjoy learning about the magic of Christmas in a different and new way. Parents will enjoy the book as well. It is excellent for the holiday season or reading during the holiday season.
This Charming Man
This Charming Man
C. K. McDonnell | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Humor & Comedy, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you feeling despondent? Need a little pick-me-up? Nothing too heavy? We all need (in this case) a book to make us feel happier and give us something to laugh at, and for me, that’s C. K. McDonnell’s job. I love these books. I really do laugh out loud.

The team at The Stranger Times have probably lost the will to laugh at their editor anymore. I mean, they see him every day, but his general bad attitude and shockingly bad work relations are hilarious.

Assistant Editor Hannah is back at work after her messy divorce, and Manchester is faced with what appears to be a bit of a vampire problem. But, you see, Vampires don’t exist. And everyone agrees on this.

Even when this book was being serious, it made me laugh. Banecroft’s interesting swearing system is workplace goals (although I work in Early Years, so still a no for me!), there’s a man on a canal boat who can’t lie and lives with a talking pug, the new journalist who lives in his van and lives on a diet of ice cream (and has terrible wind) - well. It’s just all delightfully wonky, funny and frankly genius!
I can’t wait for the next one!

ClareR (5577 KP) rated Happy Family in Books

Oct 29, 2019  
Happy Family
James Ellis | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
One to look out for next year!
Happy Family is set in the near future, where people game via glasses and one augmented reality game in particular is very popular: Happy Family. This game was invented by Tom Hannah, also an artist, who has hidden himself away with his suicidal thoughts in Spain in the middle of nowhere, after the death of his mother. Germaine Kiecke, an art academic, is a huge fan of Tom’s and wants to interview him for her new book. But Tom is guarded by a strange girl and three huge dogs who are named after the Marx brothers. Germaine has had a traumatic upbringing as an orphan in Belgium in a notorious orphanage called ‘Motherhood’. Thus she finds it impossible to express her feelings except through Tom’s game Happy Family. So when she finds out that something threatens this game for her and millions of others, she’s forced to take a look at how she lives her life.

Germaine was a difficult character to get an understanding of, but I think in view of her childhood that was reasonable. The other characters who also relied on Tom Hannah in some way were actually very amusing - whether they were supposed to be or not, I don’t know, but towards the end of the novel, their antics descended (or ascended!) into slapstick. For various reasons that I won’t go into (I don’t want to spoil it!), this was both sad and funny - there was a healthy dose of black humour throughout really.

I read this on The Pigeonhole, and the other readers had a real mix of opinions: it seems to have been a real ‘marmite’ book. Personally, I loved it. It ticked a lot of boxes for me, first and foremost being it’s quirkiness. There was some gaming talk, but it was relevant to the story and the characters, and I don’t actually think there was that much considering that it was set against the backdrop of the game (and lets face it, I have two teenage sons who are obsessed with the Xbox 🙄).

I really enjoyed this book, and thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising it.
Christmas Caramel Murder (Hannah Swensen, #20)
Christmas Caramel Murder (Hannah Swensen, #20)
Joanne Fluke | 2016 | Mystery
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s Christmas time again in Lake Eden, but trouble is brewing for Lisa, Hannah’s partner at The Cookie Jar. Her husband, Herb, is working late every night, and his new assistant is Phyllis, his high school girlfriend. Then Phyllis is cast as Mrs. Claus opposite Herb in the community play. Naturally, when Phyllis shows up murdered, Lisa and Herb are both suspects, and Hannah must work hard to clear their names.

Those familiar with the series will enjoy a chance to check in with the gang in this Christmas novella. The book is short, just 200 pages, including a dozen recipes, and the result is that some characters are reduced to cameos or even just mentions. The story touches all the usual bases, but it is fun and works its way to a logical climax. A few scenes take their cue from A Christmas Carol, but being a fan of that book I enjoyed them although they are certainly different for the series. Most interesting to me, this was a flashback, ignoring the events of the last couple of books, and a major character from those books only appears in the wrap around prologue and epilogue.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006)
My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006)
2006 | Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi
5.6 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
William Shakespeare once wrote that “Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned”. Never was a phrase more prophetic than in the case of the new Ivan Reitman comedy My “Super-Ex Girlfriend” which is a clever twist on the obsessive lover genre made popular by films such as “Fatal Attraction”.

The film stars Luke Wilson as Matt Saunders, an easy going guy who works with a architecture firm and who is on the rebound after becoming single from what his friends refer to as a crazy woman.

Since Matt has been single for six months, he at the urging of his friend Vaughn (Rain Wilson), approaches a woman on the subway, who is at first very icy towards him. Fate steps in and soon the two decide to setup a date.

Soon after Matt meets up with his new acquaintance Jenny Johnson (Uma Thurman) and the two begin to see each other despite the concern Matt has that something is different about Jenny.

In time, Jenny reveals to Matt that she is in fact the super heroine G-Girl which is a huge ego stroke to Matt and convinces him that is why he is getting an odd vibe from Jenny due to the train of hiding her real identity from the world.

Since Matt is the only person Jenny has ever told about her secret, she believes that this is a huge step in their relationship which will help them become closer and fall deeply in love.

That does not happen as Jenny soon becomes very Jealous of Matt and his friendship with perky co-worker Hannah (Anna Faris). Soon things begin to deteriorate for Matt as Jenny is becoming very obsessive, needy and psychotic, which forces Matt at the urging of Vaughn to call things off with Jenny.

This decision by Matt turns out to be a big mistake as the emotionally unbalanced Jenny decides to use her super abilities to make like hell for Matt who before he knows what hit him, has every aspect of his life and career under assault from the vindictive G-Girl.

As if this was not enough trouble for Matt, he realizes that he is falling for Hannah, all of which only adds to the fury and wrath brought on By G-Girl.

Further complications arise when Professor Bedlam (Eddie Izzard) enters the scene as the arch-nemesis for G-Girl. The two become wary allies and the comedic aftermath that follows is packed with light hearted fun.

The film is thin on plot and character development by the leads work well with one another as does Wanda Sykes as an over zealous office manager. While some may dismiss the inane and lightweight nature of the film, others may see this as charming, which in the end is how I found this film, lightweight, but a fun diversion.
Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway (2021)
Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway (2021)
2021 | Animation, Family
When I imagined the first time back into my Cineworld I was of course envisioning an epic first film back, something monumental... I succumbed to peer pressure and saw Peter Rabbit 2, but it was in a double bill with Spiral, what a combo. Bunnies and butchery.

Following Thomas and Bea's wedding, things start to change for this country family. Bea's story has become so popular that there's a book deal on the horizon, and the family head off to the big city to talk to the publisher. But Peter isn't happy about the way things are changing. He wanders off into the city streets where he meets a mysterious stranger that shows him a new way of living where he can be the bunny he wants to be.

Where do I begin? Peter doesn't like being cast as a brat, disappears and... does some brattish things. It's on brand for the bunny, so feels right for this second outing.

The animal antics felt right throughout the film, but the humans one... no so much. I know I'm probably overthinking about this film a little, but I honestly don't think this situation would have happened at all, not with the sort of person Bea was. That's the card we were dealt though so I guess we have to accept it.

I found the film to be very slow going at the start, it essentially wasn't very different from the first. Thankfully, somewhere at the midpoint it does pick up and you get more of the crazy action that, let's face it, was the only reasons that us adults are seeing this. (Apart from Hannah, Hannah is here for some Gleeson goodness as well as the bunnies.)

It seems a little daft to go over most of the things about this film as it really is a carbon copy where everything but the storyline is concerned. There are a few moments that even taking artistic license into account didn't sit right with me, but they would all constitute spoilers so I won't elaborate, rest assured though, you will have the same quibbles if you watch it.

Peter Rabbit 2 The Runaway. (not that anyone remembers the second bit), would have been good competition with the first had the beginning had the same pace as the rest of the film. What we've got is a sequel that is really just for the kids to enjoy, we'll just hang around for the action.

Originally posted on:
A Cure For Wellness (2017)
A Cure For Wellness (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Story: A Cure for Wellness starts young executive Lockhart (DeHaan) is sent to a remote wellness centre in Switzerland to bring the CEO Pembroke (Groener) back to help close a merge in New York. After being involved in a car accident Lockhart finds himself with a broken leg and now a patient of the Wellness Program.

Still searching for Pembroke, Lockhart makes a deal with the director Volmer (Issacs) to stay for a couple of days to finish up the treatment for Pembroke. In this time Lockhart meets a mysterious young woman Hannah (Goth) the only other young patient who he tries to unlock the secrets of the program, which will test his own sanity.


Thoughts on A Cure for Wellness


Characters/Performance – Lockhart is the driven ambitious young man who has nearly reach the peak of his career at such a young age, he is haunted by his past which does include his father’s suicide and his mother’s death, this leaves him alone but in search for answers once he becomes the latest patient in the program. Volmer is the director of the clinic, he constantly remains calm through any incidents that occur and does have his own motives for the clinic. Hannah is the mysterious young woman also in the clinic, she is the only young patient there and she is Volmer’s main project but we are left to wonder about her past.

Performance wise, Dane DeHaan is good in this leading role and you can clearly see why he is tipped for a great career. Jason Isaacs always makes for a good doctor figure and this is no exception, while Mia Goth continues to make a name for herself in these stranger roles.

Story – The story is filled with questions which always makes for a good story, I will have to point out that this is a long film nearing the 2 and half hour’s mark and even at that you can see how the pace can be questioned but it doesn’t feel long. We get a new look into the asylum genre which I feel is something we needed but the weakness is that we never hit the full levels of any of the genres involved.

Fantasy/Horror/Mystery – The fantasy elements of this film come from the world we are placed into, this also comes for the sci-fi side of everything too. The horror comes from see what happens within the walls which is quite shocking at times but the best use of the genres comes from the mystery element which keeps us guessing from start to finish as we simply don’t know where it will go.

Settings – With most of the film taking place in the clinic we find ourselves trapped just like Lockhart in a place which doesn’t have an escape because being there means you don’t want to leave.

Final Thoughts – This is one long mystery thriller that doesn’t stop you wanting to see where the film will go and then it will leave you shocked by the end.


Overall: A rewarding mystery thriller
When She Woke
Hillary Jordan | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let the Color fit the Crime. Imagine a world where the people among you wear their crimes all over their bodies. People whose skin has been changed a different color to fit the crimes that they have committed.
Hannah Payne was one of those Chromes. Her whole body was now Red. Her crime? She had an abortion and had refused to name the father of her baby as well as the person responsible for its death. She has been shunned by her own mother and is a disgrace to her entire family. It's hard enough for Chromes to walk around everyday let alone get a job.
Hannah's father decides to help the best way that he can by putting her in a "christian" home so that she can repent her sins and begin on the path to righteousness. But this place is anything but that, there has to be a better way.
She finds a way to get out of the home, but the consequences of her actions, make it for a difficult road to get to a place of freedom.
Will she ever name the father of her baby, or the abortionist? Will there be a way for her to live as a chrome and have a slightly normal life? Will the people she meets along the way help her or hurt her?

When She Woke is an interesting novel that makes you think about what you would do if you new the person riding on the subway next to you was a murderer, or a theif, or a child molester. Just by the color of their skin.
The Diamond Courier
The Diamond Courier
Hannah Byron | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twenty years have passed since the end of Hannah Byron's World War One novel In Picardy's Fields. It is now 1939 and the Second World War is just beginning, but all seems peaceful in Kent, England where the narrator, Lili Hamilton, lives with her parents. War is the last thing on Lili's mind as she contemplates how to get out of an arranged marriage and pursue a career in journalism.

The surname Hamilton may be familiar to those who have read the previous book but Lady Madeleine has left her war achievements far behind in The Diamond Courier where she plays the role of a prim and proper lady of the house. Her daughter, Liliane, feels trapped by her sensible parents' expectations who thwart her plans to be a political journalist. Yet Lili, encouraged by the handsome leader of the British Communist Party Leo Oppenheim, perseveres, thus estranging herself from her family.

Lili soon learns living in London with Leo is not the life she desired, but feels it is too late to back out, especially after witnessing the treatment of Jews on the continent. The Jewish community need someone to bring their precious diamonds to safety before the Germans get their hands on them, and they believe Lili is the best person for the job. Unless, of course, she gets caught.

The Diamond Courier is much darker than Byron's previous book. Naturally, war is not a happy topic, but the sense of hope felt in In Picardy's Fields is missing in this novel. The story divides into two sections, "Leo" and "After Leo". The former is lengthier, drawn-out, and not always pleasant to read. The latter, on the other hand, is packed with danger, excitement and adventure.

For Lili, Communism is something new and exciting, which she desires to pursue. The party has clear views about the war, with which all members must agree. Yet, when faced with the horrors of war, Lili realises she must cast aside her political opinions. Whether Communist, Jew, sympathiser or resistance member, no one deserves the terrible treatment delivered by the Nazis.

Although this is a work of fiction, Byron remains faithful to the true nature of the Second World War. She does not gloss over any of the atrocities and, whilst the reader keeps their fingers and toes crossed that Lili will get her "happily ever after" ending, this cannot be possible for everyone in the novel.

Aiming to show the strength of women living in a "man's world", Byron has created female characters of whom to be proud and respect. Whilst the storyline may not always be pleasant, it is a gripping narrative that immerses the reader into Lili's life and experiences. Hannah Byron has a way with words that keeps the reader engaged throughout. She is an author to keep an eye on.
Lord of Misrule (The Morganville Vampires, #5)
Lord of Misrule (The Morganville Vampires, #5)
Rachel Caine | 2009 | Horror
8.1 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book centered around a singular event, and the outcome of that event has the potential to change everything that the town of Morganville is about and how it is run. I found the plot of this book to be very unpredictable - which is a good thing - except for the fact that every book always centers around Claire and the choices she makes. The one-liners are as fantastic as always, and I love the introduction of a few new characters, such as Theo and his family, and the ex-Marine Hannah. I also found the introduction of a natural disaster as a major plot point to be refreshing - even though terrifying for the characters - since few books I read seem to work uncontrollable bad weather into the plot. For less than 300 pages, this book packs alot of sub-plots in, with the retribution against Monica, who I'm not convinced has learned from her mistakes yet, managing Mynin's bipolar behavior, and keeping track of what is happening with each of the four main characters/ Glass House residents. All of the possibilities in a town gone anarchic are explored to some degree, although I found that the lines that were used to control the college students to be less-than-believable. I am curious to see what happens to the human factions that were trying to exploit the mini-war by rebeling against the Powers That Be in the next book, Carpe Corpus (Morganville Vampires, Book 6), as well as how Mynin's disease plays out as it affects others en masse. The fact that Claire basically hardly ever goes to class and still manages to makes A's still bugs me, but I'm getting used to it. She has more exciting things to attend to!