Porn Addiction Recovery Handbook: Solutions Guide with Tutorial Video
Reference and Lifestyle
Want to DIY learn what porn really does to us, and want to get help to stop the addiction with...

Partnership Governance in Public Management: A Public Solutions Handbook
Seth A. Grossman and Marc Holzer
The ability to create and sustain partnerships is a skill and a strategic capacity that utilizes the...

Handbook of Research for Fluid and Solid Mechanics: Theory, Simulation, and Experiment
Kaveh Hariri Asli, Sabu Thomas, Soltan Ali OgliAliyev and Deepu A. Gopakumar
This valuable new book provides a broad understanding of the main computational techniques used for...

A Handbook of Mathematical Methods and Problem-Solving Tools for Introductory Physics
Joshua F. Whitney and Heather M. Whitney
This is a companion textbook for an introductory course in physics. It aims to link the theories and...

Green Wizardry: Conservation, Solar Power, Organic Gardening, and Other Hands-On Skills from the Appropriate Tech Toolkit
Merlin, Gandalf, Voldemort--these well-known sorcerers from popular culture are famed for their...

Solo: A Star Wars Story - Soundtrack by John Powell
Album Watch
Powell is only the third composer to be welcomed into the exclusive family of Star Wars live-action...
Star Wars Hans Solo Soundtrack Chewie

Stand-alone Solar Electric Systems: The Earthscan Expert Handbook for Planning, Design and Installation
One of the best ways to get power to remote, off-grid locations, whether in developed or developing...

Handbook of Optoelectronic Device Modeling and Simulation: Lasers, Modulators, Photodetectors, Solar Cells, and Numerical Methods: Volume 2
Optoelectronic devices are now ubiquitous in our daily lives, from light emitting diodes (LEDs) in...