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Rock of Ages (2012)
Rock of Ages (2012)
2012 | Drama, Musical
6.8 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Brilliant soundtrack. Great for a singalong. (2 more)
Most of the characters were performed well by the actors and actresses.
A pretty entertaining story.
Tom Cruise. Really not a good fit for the part of Stacy Jaxx. Mostly because of his vocals. (2 more)
Confused scene jumping. Blink and it's somewhere else.
Very stereotyoical boy meets girl plot.
Remember the tale of Dick Whittington, where he travels to London to find his fortune? Trade fortune for fame, add in a cheesy on/off/on again romance with a misunderstanding storyline, and a great singalong soundtrack, and you have Rock of Ages.

It comes across very much as live action Disney for grown ups. The plotline is flimsy, and with more holes than a pair of fishnet tights, but due to its sheer entertainment factor, that doesn't seem important, really.

The soundtrack is great, and if you're into 80's rock then you'll definitely find yourself singing along, and with the tunes stuck in your head for a long time afterwards. The majority of the cast provide great performances (we're not talking Oscar-worthy, but definitely do a great job), although Russell Brand's Brummy accent is a little cringeworthy, it and their singing is great. All but one. Sadly, the absolute weak link in the film is one of the biggest names- Tom Cruise.

The character of Stacy Jaxx needs to be edgy, brash, troubled, arrogant and, ultimately, a huge womaniser. He also needs to have a hard hitting, powerful rock singing voice. Sadly, Cruise doesn't really provide any of this adequately enough. His acting seems 'uncomfortable'- he was definitely out of his comfort zone, and his singing voice just does not cut it. Very unbelievable as the character he's supposed to be portraying. It's a huge shame, because it really does mess up the whole film. The whole film has the potential to be brilliant, but the makers were just short off the mark.

Overall, I did enjoy it, and yes I would watch it again. It's just not great, unfortunately. I imagine the stage version is much better

Suggs recommended Roxy Music by Roxy Music in Music (curated)

Roxy Music by Roxy Music
Roxy Music by Roxy Music
1972 | Electronic, Rock
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"My mate used to work at WH Smith’s record department, and the salesman from Polydor had been in and said “’Ere, we’ve got this record. It’s a bit weird, lad, but everyone seems to like it…” So he bought the lot, 50 copies. And it’s that old cliché: it sounded like it came from outer space. It was like nothing I’d ever heard before. I wasn’t really mad on rock music as such, and I was young, so I heard it with my formative listening ears, and it struck me as something really exotic and other-worldly. You listen to those songs: no choruses, solos that go on for hours, and… not that I’d compare us to Roxy Music in the slightest, but when we were writing some of those early songs like ‘Night Boat To Cairo’ and ‘Embarrassment’, they were songs that had no chorus, and verses and solos that went all over the place, and didn’t have a verse-chorus-verse-chorus structure, and I’m sure that in some very small way was informed by Roxy Music. Even down to the fact that they don’t mention ‘Virginia Plain’ until the very end, which is what we did with ‘Embarrassment’! “You’re an embarrassment…“, the last word of the song. I never saw them live, but I do clearly remember seeing them on The Old Grey Whistle Test, and old Whispering Bob (Harris) saying ‘If that’s the future of rock & roll, then I’m fucking off!’ And fortunately, it was. And the whole glamour of that album sleeve, and the portraits of the five of them inside the gatefold, and the clothes they were wearing… Andy Mackay had these sunburst crepe-heeled Toppers, I think they were called, that I spent months trying to find, and they were fifty quid even then. And you’d nick the poster off the Tube, but you’d have to rip off eight posters in one go, so you ended up with this completely rock-hard Roxy Music poster that you couldn’t roll up under your arm, and you’d try and pin it to your wall but it would keep coming off. All that formative stuff’s so important…"

Trading Places (1983)
Trading Places (1983)
1983 | Comedy
The casting was done perfectly. (2 more)
The story follows the struggles that were present in the 1980s.
It's so funny, got a bit of classic humour and dark humour that fit in nicely.
Absolute classic
This definitely shows the classic struggle of different races and classes in america in the 1980s. It shows it in such a way that it's almost humourous that it was ACTUALLY like that back then. Eddy Murphy plays Valentine excellently, you really see the deep upset of the racist and prejudices he has always suffered but yet on the outside Valentine takes it in his stride. Winthorpe played by the legendary Dan Aykroyd has the same depths. Deep down you can see he is so intelligent and hard working but on the outside he's so spoilt and feels so entitled. Jamie Lee Curtis another fantastic actress plays Ophelia in such layers, a more complex clever fierce but vulnerable woman inside that you see glimpses of but outside she is rock hard and nothing touches her.
The writing is so well done it flows naturally, it doesn't feel forced at any point. The onscreen chemistry is on point, I feel the relationships between the cast mirrored the characters relationships. Apparently the cast weren't familiar with each others work so the relationships are built both on and off screen successfully.
The shots of the cities they are in were a wonderful way to transition from scene to scene giving the audience glimpses into the world they are about to dive into.
The story stands out to me, theres no way I could confuse this movie with anything else which is what I like to see in every movie I see.
Thoroughly recommend everyone have a watch of this, Eddy Murphy, Dan Aykroyd and Jamie Lee Curtis were completely unknown to me when I first saw it and I have grown to love pretty much everything they are in.

Alexis Taylor recommended Arise Therefore by Palace Music in Music (curated)

Arise Therefore by Palace Music
Arise Therefore by Palace Music
1996 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I first heard the record in Joe's [Goddard, Hot Chip] house, and I think we would have been about 16 or something. He'd been told about Palace by Kieran [Hebden, Four Tet], and we would all go to the Beggar's Banquet record shop in Putney after school, and buy and listen to things in there. We'd buy hip-hop, different indie records and pop albums. It was particularly good for hip-hop, and these lo-fi indie rock records. That's where we bought the album, and we were in Joe's room where we would work on Hot Chip recordings, and it sounded so different to anything I'd ever heard before, because it's so slow-paced. Will Oldham's voice is so unusual when you hear it, and particularly at that time before he'd developed into being slightly more well-known, his voice was particularly eccentric - it cracks in some interesting ways; it's not a formally trained voice - over that sparse piano and drum machine backing. The song that I first heard was 'You Have Cum In Your Hair And Your Dick Is Hanging Out' - a memorable title! The song doesn't have those words in it. It's just a beautiful heartbreaking ballad, and it's hard to know sometimes what that dense lyrical terrain is all about with Will Oldham. Some of the symbolism is quite hard to read, but it makes an emotional impact straight away. It took me a long time to get to know that record. I bought my own copy in Lancaster when I went to visit a friend at university, and I just kept going back to it. Each time there would be another song that I would get to know and love. I had a long car journey with all of Hot Chip, and some friends of ours from a festival recently, and we listened to the record, and it was another breakthrough where it became more meaningful to me."

Fantastic Four (1994)
Fantastic Four (1994)
1994 | Action
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
You Think You've Seen Bad?
Before the 2005 stinker, New Horizons film company tried their hand at creating the origin story of a group of four that become superheroes after coming in contact with a meteor collision in space. Both bombed miserably. This version is one of the all-time worst movies I have seen in my life.

Acting: 2

Beginning: 1

Characters: 3

Cinematography/Visuals: 1
If you are looking for some of the worst special effects you have seen in your life, look no further. The scene that points this out more than anything is the one where they first discover their powers. The low-budgetness of it all is mindblowing. You’ll have to see it to believe it but it will feel like you’re watching a PBS special.

Conflict: 0

Entertainment Value: 0

Memorability: 5
It is memorable but only in a sense of how bad it is. It’s one of those movies you could watch with friends and pick a part while drinking or smoking, whatever your poison is. It’s bad, sure, but in an unforgettable type of way.

Pace: 1
Hard as a rock to decipher or get through. There is never really a story so it’s hard to manage a pace against something that doesn’t exist. For what it’s worth, it is consistent. Consistently bad.

Plot: 0
I feel like I’ve heard six-year-olds tell better stories than this. At no point does the way this story unfold makes sense. There’s not set up, not character development, no motivations. It’s just…bad.

Resolution: 4

Overall: 17
For what it’s worth, I gave Battlefield Earth the same exact score and that movie had a massive budget with A-list actors. Fantastic Four is a nightmare but I can say I’ve seen worse. If you’re a fan of movies, I say watch it! Never hurts to check a turd off your list every once in awhile.