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Jordan Binkerd (567 KP) rated The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning (2007) in Movies
Aug 15, 2019
April Scott as Daisy Duke was hot - which is half of the appeal (2 more)
The stunts were decent - which is the other half
Harland Williams is hilarious, and I'll watch basically anything with him in it
Most of the cast - not necessarily that they were bad, but some were a bad fit for the characters (2 more)
The writing sometimes felt like a parody of itself.
The stunts were only decent.... and this is Dukes of Hazzard, where the stunts are the key.
Inconsistent and dumb
Ugh. And I thought the first movie was bad. Basically, this movie wants to be The Dukes of Hazzard meets American Pie but winds up closer to a parody of the classic show crossed with one of American Pie's less competent knockoffs. At times it hits the mark, true, but other times its almost more like a parody of the Dukes than it is the real deal. April Scott was decent in her role as Daisy, and turned out not to be just a mannequin for the shorts and crop-top, but the two leads? Less than stellar. Harland Williams is hilarious, but he's not a good fit for Sherriff Coltrane, who is supposed to be at least a little menacing if memory serves. Chris McDonald has made his career playing the corrupt businessman/politician role, which means he does it well, but his turn as Boss Hogg was just a generic rehash of a dozen other roles. As a final nail in the coffin the TV budget hampered the stunts to the point of not being able to save it. Go watch the show instead.