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Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
Will Smith is the only saving grace for the movie as he does his best to portray Deadshot (0 more)
Every actor (excluding Smith) is awful with their role. Particularly Jared Leto's Joker, who comes off as some weirdo with clown tattoos. (2 more)
Margot Robbie does her best as Harley Quinn, the Joker's no. 2, but in the end, she's over sexualized to the degree of being annoying.
If they didn't give Dr. Harleen Quinzell a back story I would have never known that she was a criminal psychiatrist
Send the Squad home
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
Harley quinn, deadshot (0 more)
I like this movie more than most people.before anyone says anything this film does have issues some that the dvd release remedies. Harley Quinn was the highlight of the movie and I know people gripe about her costume but if you read the new 52 comics her costume is just as revealing. Jared leto as the joker takes some getting used to but I am one that can separate each actor who has played joker and while he was not the greatest joker he was good as the joker. Another highlight that surprised me was will Smith as deadshot I was prepared not to like him as deadshot but he really surprised me. I would have liked to know more about killer croc and captain boomerang but unlike some people I read the comics before I saw the movie which helped with some back stories that were not provided. It almost would have been better to make a couple of movies with some of the more major characters in suicide squad. I also really liked el Diablo as well. Some of the issues were that it felt like back stories were rushed some were left out so if you weren't familiar with the villain you wouldn't completely understand what was driving them. I loved all the Harley Quinn things because I have been a fan of Harley Quinn since she first appeared in the 90s that being said the back story of her and joker would have been better in a harley/ joker movie it's not bad but not the movie it could of been. I really enjoy the movie and can't wait for the next one but hope they take the advice of the fans
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
Cast (3 more)
Visual Effects
Dark/Dry Humour
Perfect Harley Quinn portrayal
Harley/Joker relationship portrayed felt romantic rather than what it is (2 more)
Villain was lacking
Storyline wasn't fleshed out enough
Excellent Movie - Even for a Marvel fan ;)
Let it be said now, I will always love Marvel more than DC because I relate to the characters. I've never particularly been a fan of DC heroes but I've always said they have excellent bad guys. If you're a die-hard fan of the comics this movie probably won't do it for you because there is a lot of interpretation in there. I, however, loved it solely because of the excellent casting. The storyline is a little lacking and I felt the villain in the movie wasn't quite fleshed out enough for it to be a complete movie, if that makes sense. Harley Quinn couldn't have been more perfectly cast (though I might be biased as an Aussie lol), Deadshot had an interesting interpreation from Will Smith and I enjoyed it, Joker was definitely closer to what I've seen in the comics, however I feel his relationship with Harley wasn't shown correctly (it felt more romantic than it should have, he's an awful person and truly treats her like s**t, it's a relationship based on insanity and stockholm syndrome and it didn't feel that way to me) All in all despite a few flaws it was a good movie. I would definitely watch it again.
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
Jared leto as the joker (0 more)
Not enough joker (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I had high Hope's for this film but was left feeling disappointed, for me Harley Quinn was sexed up way to much, would rather had seen her in her full jester look. I will say however that I enjoyed will Smith as deadshot, for once a film with him in it as not the main role or hero is refreshing. I loved the role of diablo and think the actor playing him was great but just like every other film the actor I always like dies. In my opinon Jared Leto's joker was amazing and I think cutting most of his scenes was the worst thing they could have done as now the joker seems a lesser role and makes leto seem like his not up to the role when I feel he played it the best. (Sorry Ledger fans but it is MY OPINON)
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
Jai Courtney, Margot Robbie, Will Smith. Soundtrack. (0 more)
Story can be a bit incoherent in places. (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I'll say from the outset, I'm a lifelong comic book fan. During my teenage years back in the 80's I collected John Ostrander's Suicide Squad title and absolutely loved it. It was always a given for me therefore that I would jump at the prospect of a movie based on my favourite title.

You know the synopsis I'm guessing (if you're reading this review) - government official Amanda Waller assembles a group of the baddest incarcerated criminals to go up against the potential of a metahuman crisis should the 'next' Superman not share our values. This is deemed more relevant following the demise of the man of steel himself at the climax of Dawn Of Justice. Amongst those villains are Deadshot (Will Smith), Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), El Diablo (Jay Hernandez), and Enchantress/Dr June Moone (Carla Delevigne). Heading up the group is Colonel Rick Flagg (Joel Kinnaman), albeit reluctantly.

The story essentially revolves around Enchantress going rogue and converting a subway station in Midway City into a warzone as she resurrects her brother Incubus and the two attempt to destroy the world. The only criticism I have with the movie concerns the simplicity within which Enchantress 'turns' on the group shortly after it is her actions that cause the senate committee to approve the founding of Task Force X only a couple of scenes earlier in the movie. It just feels a bit rushed. It's also interesting to note that the events of the movie would never have taken place had Waller not established her little 'pet project' to begin with!

The dialogue is witty and sharp and the characters are highly likeable (despite them being arch-villains and - in some cases, murderers). Will Smith is the core of the group as Deadshot and his cold-bloodedness as an assassin is softened by the connection he has to his daughter (how the audience is expected no doubt to warm to him?). Joel Kinnaman's Rick Flagg is also key to the story's heart with his flawed relationship with Dr June Moone - Enchantress's alter ego. Margot Robbie is superb as Harley Quinn although at times it seems as if her rear's the star of the show.

What do I need to say about Jared Leto that hasn't been said before? You'll either love or hate his portrayal of Mr.J!
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Crime
Better than Suicide Squad
Did you catch the 2016 DCEU disappointment SUICIDE SQUAD with Will Smith as Deadshot and Jared Leto as the Joker? Many people (myself included) thought that that film was "just fine, nothing special" but were impressed with the way Margot Robbie handled the Harley Quinn character and wished for a standalone film that featured the Harley Quinn character.

Be careful what you wish for.

BIRDS OF PREY (AND THE FANTABULOUS EMANCIPATION OF ONE HARLEY QUINN) is the answer to that wish and while it is slightly better than SUICIDE SQUAD, it still isn't all that....well...Fantabulous... of a film.

BIRDS OF PREY (which I hear is now being relabeled HARLEY QUINN: BIRDS OF PREY) is produced by Margot Robbie's production company and features an all female lead cast (the villain is a male) and a female Writer and a female Director. Consequently, this is a "female empowerment" film where the self-described "tough chicks" band together to defeat the male villain.

I applaud the effort and the idea behind the movie, but as a film, this one didn't quite work for me.

I start with the main focus of this film - Harley Quinn. This is just not a character, I discovered, that I want to spend an entire film with. She is, at it turns out, a very good SUPPORTING character, but not one that is interesting enough (at least for me) to carry a whole movie. I will give Margot Robbie credit...her interpretation of the character is interesting and that performance kept me focused throughout.

The other Birds of Prey are just as interesting. For the first time in I can't tell you, Rosie Perez did not annoy me in her role. She played earnest, frustrated Police Officer Renee Montoya and I found myself rooting for her when she was on the screen. Same goes for Jurnee Smollett-Bell's interpretation of Black Canary a character I knew very little about and was intrigued (though her "Super Power" was suddenly sprung on the audience with very little foreshadowing - foreshadowing that could have helped). And, finally, Mary Elizabeth Winstead almost steals the film as the revenge-seeking Huntress, a character I really enjoyed and hope I see again (though, I'm learning my lesson - let it be as a supporting character in another film and not her own, standalone film).

So, this film has 4 interesting characters at the top, but the issue is that they don't come together as a team until VERY late in the film (in a finale showdown that was the highlight of the film for me), so I really couldn't tell if there was any chemistry between these characters/actresses. I think there MIGHT have been, but no real sample size to tell.

Fairing less well as a character was Ewan McGregor's one-note take on super-narcissistic Roman Sionis/Black Mask. The character was pretty much in front of you at the start of the film and was still the same one-note character at the end. Also not "doing it for me" was Ella Jay Basco as Cassandra Cain, the street kid that becomes the focal point of the bad guys in the film (and the character the Birds of Prey must band together to save). I didn't much care for this character - or the performance - so I had no real emotional investment in whether or not the Birds of Prey could save her.

The Direction by Cathy Yan is professional and competent and the final showdown does show signs of originality and brilliance. I'll give her credit, she caught my attention with the last 1/2 hour of this film - much more so than she did with the first 79 minutes.

A better effort at this type of anti-hero comic book adventure (certainly better than SUICIDE SQUAD) but the DCEU still has not stuck the landing on this.

I encourage them to keep trying.

Letter Grade: B

7 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Feb 13, 2020

I absolutely detested Suicide Squad and was pleasantly surprised by how this turned out. Shame that not many people have been to see it 😬


Kevin Phillipson (9961 KP) Feb 14, 2020

I've seen it twice

Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn (2 more)
Will Smith is Actually a Great Deadshot
The Two Seconds Batman is Involved
Weak Story (3 more)
Terrible Villain
PG-13 was an Underwhelming Choice
Most of the Characters are Forgettable
A Half-Assed Suicide (Squad) Attempt
After the success of Deadpool six months prior, an R-Rated anti-hero action movie that pushed the envelope, Suicide Squad just felt weak. The movie about DC's most famous rogues should have took a chance on an R rating as well. There's just something not quite right with these characters participating in a (mostly) family friendly romp. They fight black, faceless zombies, sort-of curse, and sometimes make lame jokes along the way. Along with that, there's too many characters crammed into the movie without any previous introduction or characterization. At the very least, Harley and the Joker should have been in an entire Batman movie before the Suicide Squad movie happened, if not Deadshot as well. Instead we get a miniature helping of Batman versus these foes in the early minutes of the movie, and then this ragtag group of baddies is thrown together to fight an evil bigger than themselves without much in the way of good storytelling. It's sad, really, because these characters are compelling in their own right. If DC really wants to have a cohesive movie universe, they need to slow down and build the movie versions of these characters before slapping them all together and expecting people to care. That, or at least give these awesome anti-heroes an equally awesome antagonist to square off with; the Enchantress is just lame.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Suicide Squad (2016) in Movies

Sep 1, 2019 (Updated Sep 2, 2019)  
Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad (2016)
2016 | Action
I, like many of you, really like comic books. So in this day and age, where films like Elektra, The Spirit, Catwoman, Daredevil etc, are just a horrible joyless memory, it takes something truly special to make you nearly hate comic book movies forevermore.

Suicide Squad is that something truly special.

After being saddened by the underwhelming Batman vs Superman, I had my hopes set high for SS. The trailers looked fantastic. I couldn't wait to see characters such as Katana, Enchantress, Harley Quinn, Deadshot etc, finally have their moment in the spotlight. I couldn't wait to see what Jared Leto brought to the table as The Joker. I was ready to be shown that BvS was a one off misstep, and that the DCEU properties were ready to take their place amongst comic book film royalty.
I'm almost cross at myself for being so very silly.

Where to begin - I guess characters.
I have no problem with Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn. I thought she was fine. The script is terrible in places but that's not her fault.
Another character that suffers from the script is Deadshot. Again, I have no problem with Will Smith (except that the movie threatens to become the Will Smith show on occasion), but the script turns him into a tool to spout one liners and name check the movies title.
Enchantress is just a weird gyrating CGI embarrassment that is given little room to do anything else.
Everyone else is a waste - Katana, Killer Croc, Diablo - all so boring.
Same goes for Boomerang (although I get the feeling that Jai Courtney genuinely tried his best with what he was given)

And then there's The Joker. I can't honestly tell whether I liked him or not - he was hardly in it! Although his brief appearance was more interesting than the rest of the film for sure.

The whole film is set to a soundtrack of 'cool' rock songs that I would have put on a mixtape when I was 12, and they're relentless. It feels like every two minutes another song is obnoxiously blasted into my poor eyes and ears.

The film feels like one huge trailer. It's edited and chopped up jarringly, and it's a film that evidently has suffered from re shoots and studio meddling.
I refuse to believe that the same man who directed the damn good 'Fury' is solely responsible for this car crash.

Hopefully, James Gunn can keep the suits at bay and deliver a home run with the next attempt...